Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

Positive. A little civil insurrection is not a civil war. A riot is not a civil war. A lot of riots in different cities is not a civil war. If it is a civil war then the 1960s were a civil war and this isn't even close to what was happening in the 60s.

I'm going to hold you accountable.

Because this isn't the 60s.
A Democrat LBJ Vietnam War vs Democrat Hippies for McGovern.

This can spin out if control fast.

Aren’t they “mostly peaceful”?
Yes, but the safety of our Legislators is still in question, they fear for their lives, they are still under lockdown. They are clearing the inside of the building and then when it is secure, they’ll start on the outside. People will be encouraged to leave or face arrest. There’s a 6pm curfew.
Yes, but the safety of our Legislators is still in question, they fear for their lives, they are still under lockdown. They are clearing the inside of the building and then when it is secure, they’ll start on the outside. People will be encouraged to leave or face arrest. There’s a 6pm curfew.

They should be under some fear. They are common citizens, not royalty. They all have created this mess. It is good for them to know they are not as powerful as they think they are.
They should be under some fear. They are common citizens, not royalty. They all have created this mess. It is good for them to know they are not as powerful as they think they are.

so you support the overthrow of the US federal government?

let's get you on record
This is fascism.

You're so smart sweetheart.

This is Fascism.
Hitler launches the SA
Hitler formed SA in Munich in 1921, drawing membership from violent anti-leftist and anti-democratic former soldiers in order to lend muscle to the young Nazi Party. Recognisable by their brown uniforms, similar to those of Mussolini’s Blackshirts, the SA functioned as a ‘security’ force at Nazi rallies and meetings, using threats and outright violence to secure votes and overcome Hitler’s political enemies.

Roger Moorhouse is an historian of the Third Reich and World War Two, author of The Devils' Alliance, Killing Hitler & Berlin at War. In this fascinating episode, he discusses the worst maritime disaster in history: the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff in 1945.LISTEN NOW

The Beer Hall Putsch
Ernst Röhm became the leader of the SA after taking part in the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, a failed coup against the Weimar government in which Hitler lead 600 Brownshirts into a meeting between the Bavarian Prime Minister and 3,000 businessmen. Röhm had fought in the First World War, reaching the rank of captain, and later joined the Bavarian division of the Freikorps, a virulent right wing nationalist group active during the early years of the Weimar Republic.

The Freikorps, which officially came to an end in 1920, were responsible for the murder of prominent leftists like Rosa Luxemburg. Former members made up a large part of the initial ranks of the SA.
You're so smart sweetheart.

This is Fascism.
Hitler launches the SA
Hitler formed SA in Munich in 1921, drawing membership from violent anti-leftist and anti-democratic former soldiers in order to lend muscle to the young Nazi Party. Recognisable by their brown uniforms, similar to those of Mussolini’s Blackshirts, the SA functioned as a ‘security’ force at Nazi rallies and meetings, using threats and outright violence to secure votes and overcome Hitler’s political enemies.

Roger Moorhouse is an historian of the Third Reich and World War Two, author of The Devils' Alliance, Killing Hitler & Berlin at War. In this fascinating episode, he discusses the worst maritime disaster in history: the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff in 1945.LISTEN NOW

The Beer Hall Putsch
Ernst Röhm became the leader of the SA after taking part in the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, a failed coup against the Weimar government in which Hitler lead 600 Brownshirts into a meeting between the Bavarian Prime Minister and 3,000 businessmen. Röhm had fought in the First World War, reaching the rank of captain, and later joined the Bavarian division of the Freikorps, a virulent right wing nationalist group active during the early years of the Weimar Republic.

The Freikorps, which officially came to an end in 1920, were responsible for the murder of prominent leftists like Rosa Luxemburg. Former members made up a large part of the initial ranks of the SA.

fuck you