Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

hell is coming. you pissed off a bunch of gun owning right winger

Fuck those losers, my boys in the hood have just as many guns as you fact...more gun owners live in cities and urban areas than in the little podunk shitburgs you troglodytes are from.

So maybe you should be worried because if WE decided to arm up, you'd lose again...just like you lost in the Civil War.

Sherman 2.0, bitch.
it would have happened before trump got elected. you really are clueless about human nature, aren't you? is that because you're a spineless pussy?

Nah...if the Bundy Clan were reduced to a smoking hole in the ground, no right-wingers would have messed with the government like this.

Human nature? Well, human nature produced two Democratic Senators in Georgia last night.

All your human nature has done is reduced you to an impotent fascist on an anonymous forum.

What a fucking lonely loser.
Fuck those losers, my boys in the hood have just as many guns as you fact...more gun owners live in cities and urban areas than in the little podunk shitburgs you troglodytes are from.
yeah, i'm sure there are MILLIONS of gun owners in NYC that are part of your own proud boys group, you fucking idiot.

So maybe you should be worried because if WE decided to arm up, you'd lose again...just like you lost in the Civil War.

Sherman 2.0, bitch.

this is why i'm not worried about you. while you're off fighting the 'confederates 2.0', i'm gonna be sitting back and waiting on who's left, then pick you sorry bastards off one at a time from 500 yards away.
Nah...if the Bundy Clan were reduced to a smoking hole in the ground, no right-wingers would have messed with the government like this.

Human nature? Well, human nature produced two Democratic Senators in Georgia last night.

All your human nature has done is reduced you to an impotent fascist on an anonymous forum.

What a fucking lonely loser.

this proves that you know absolutely nothing about human nature............come back when you've been educated.........if you survive
I never thought I would see the day.

I have said for decades that the Republican Party is the developed world's only major Fascist Party, and it only takes leaders like Trump to harness their hostility to democracy and representative government.
Are you still sure there won't be a civil war?

You told me that many months ago.

Let's face it, you're not very bright.

Positive. A little civil insurrection is not a civil war. A riot is not a civil war. A lot of riots in different cities is not a civil war. If it is a civil war then the 1960s were a civil war and this isn't even close to what was happening in the 60s.
yeah, i'm sure there are MILLIONS of gun owners in NYC that are part of your own proud boys group, you fucking idiot.

Ah, so you're admitting that the Proud Boys are domestic terrorists and fascists, then? Cool.

this is why i'm not worried about you. while you're off fighting the 'confederates 2.0', i'm gonna be sitting back and waiting on who's left, then pick you sorry bastards off one at a time from 500 yards away.

So that is definitely a threat of violence, not hypothetical, and I'm reporting it and sending it over to the FBI.

You're welcome.
Your provocation worked. Surprised?
You can't sow "summer of love" violence allowed everywhere else for YOUR pet causes for a year, and then not expect to reap a "winter of discontent."

“Anti-racism“ is not a “pet cause.“ It’s a moral ideal.

What is toothless fucking hillbillies are doing in DC right now is just plain old insurrection and sedition.

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this proves that you know absolutely nothing about human nature............come back when you've been educated.........if you survive

I'm not going to take lessons about human nature from a single, lonely, unbalanced, violent, mentally impaired person like you.

DEFINITELY not someone who exaggerates their military service as an overglorified air traffic controller
Proof !?
BLM did bad too, and were also pampered.


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The asshole spoke and twice said we all know the election was stolen from him and fraudulent, but they should go home. When Trump spoke earlier he told them to go to the capitol and he would lead them. Then he went home.
That was not the speech that was needed.
The asshole spoke and twice said we all know the election was stolen from him and fraudulent, but they should go home. When Trump spoke earlier he told them to go to the capitol and he would lead them. Then he went home.
That was not the speech that was needed.

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