Trumppers at the Capitol trying to overthrow our government.

bullshit. Some of us were warning all of you idiots on both sides of the aisle that if y'all kept escalating everything, it was going to come to ahead. none of you fuckers listened. It went on through clintons terms. GWs terms, Obamas terms, and now it's ending here. you reap what you sow. you look like a shocked little child wondering 'how did this happen'. shut up and acknowledge what y'all fostered over 30 years ago

I escalated nothing.

And again - warned about what?

We live in the most free country the world has ever known. I kind of laugh watching people who "just can't take it anymore." Take what? Plenty of opportunity?
I escalated nothing.

And again - warned about what?

We live in the most free country the world has ever known. I kind of laugh watching people who "just can't take it anymore." Take what? Plenty of opportunity?

willfully ignorant. this is your fault as well. you were warned, but you didn't want to listen to 'lolbertarians', YOU WANTED THIS in the hopes that you could get government agents to do your dirty work..............lets watch your handiwork and see if you were right.
I hope that they can indict Trump and Giuliani for inciting a riot, and also bring a civils suit against these two for the cost of the damages done.
Um, no. This is Trump supporters.

hahahaha!!!!!!!!! then you guys should heartily approve of the you guys have allllllllllll year with antifa.
I'm seeing more video. These are agitaers within dressed up in weird costume, allllll black garb, animal horns on heads. :laugh:
Give up.
you are reaping what you've sown over the last 30 years. acknowledge that you wanted this. you're just angry that you are finding out you can't boss everyone around.

I want people who support this anti-American insiditation to be rooted out and arrested.
hahahaha!!!!!!!!! then you guys should heartily approve of the you guys have allllllllllll year with antifa.
I'm seeing more video. These are agitaers within dressed up in weird costume, allllll black garb, animal horns on heads. :laugh:
Give up.

I never approved of antifa, and I certainly didn't approve of lawlessness.
I hope that they can indict Trump and Giuliani for inciting a riot, and also bring a civils suit against these two for the cost of the damages done.

Trump, probably not. I don't know what Rudy said.

Here's the upside of the maskless idiots: all that super duper DHS facial recognition is going to be put to use. It won't be today or even next week, but the legal system is going to catch up to each of those idiots.

One woman has been shot. No word on who or by whom. Trump now has American blood on his hands.
willfully ignorant. this is your fault as well. you were warned, but you didn't want to listen to 'lolbertarians', YOU WANTED THIS in the hopes that you could get government agents to do your dirty work..............lets watch your handiwork and see if you were right.

All Libertarians are like house cats; completely dependent on others but fully convinced of their own independence...oh and they also lick their own asses.
All Libertarians are like house cats; completely dependent on others but fully convinced of their own independence...oh and they also lick their own asses.

how very mature of you, juvenile jackass. this violence and escalation is your fault. you were warned, but you think you're holier than thou and untouchable. get ready, it's coming