Tucker Carlson Warned of a ‘Diesel Disaster’ That Never Happened

The U.S. Shale Boom Is Officially Over

Ever since trump destroyed the market, investors have been demanding capital disbursements. But the prices have gone up enough that it is possible to both invest, and make disbursements at the same time.
Ever since trump destroyed the market, investors have been demanding capital disbursements. But the prices have gone up enough that it is possible to both invest, and make disbursements at the same time.

They are choosing to not, because they dont trust the nations leadership that keeps trying to hurt them. Getting record production next year is not likely, and even if we did we dont have enough refinery capacity, and the chances that this gets fixed run near zero.
Surprisingly Tucker was working Friday....he spent a good amount of time on the oil and oil product problem.

As an Aside Tuckers $3 Florida abode was supposed to be his official main home but he has been saying recently that he is living full time at his Maine vacation home. He and Fox news built at studio there roughly 50/50. He does Tucker Carlson Tonight there and guests come in to record Tucker Carlson Today there as well, at least three a week. He sold his DC where they were made the subject of Revolution Direct Action.
They are choosing to not, because they dont trust the nations leadership

So investors around the world do not trust all the nations leaderships? Really?

There was a lot of money destroyed by trump, and investors want to see profits so they can believe the profits are real.

Getting record production next year is not likely

Then you are risking nothing by promising to support Democrats if we get record production before the 2024 election.

and even if we did we dont have enough refinery capacity, and the chances that this gets fixed run near zero.

American capacity is rising a bit, but the rest of the world has so much over capacity that it is difficult to get anyone investing in capacity. It is difficult to shutdown capacity when there is so much government money to keep it open.
Ever since trump destroyed the market, investors have been demanding capital disbursements. But the prices have gone up enough that it is possible to both invest, and make disbursements at the same time.

how did trump destroy the market? tell me a joke, clown.
By allowing oil prices to go negative. After that, all investors demanded to see capital disbursements. That has caused a major problem in the oil production.

so he made oil cheaper?

is that what you mean by destroying the market?

you're a bad person.
so he made oil cheaper?

is that what you mean by destroying the market?

you're a bad person.

He made oil a negative price. No one is going to invest money to produce oil that they then have to pay money to get rid of. I certainly will not; does that make me a bad person? No, that makes me a sane person.

trump destroyed the stability of the oil market, which is never coming back.
He made oil a negative price. No one is going to invest money to produce oil that they then have to pay money to get rid of. I certainly will not; does that make me a bad person? No, that makes me a sane person.

trump destroyed the stability of the oil market, which is never coming back.

Your Trump fantasies are Sam Harris worthy.
He made oil a negative price. No one is going to invest money to produce oil that they then have to pay money to get rid of. I certainly will not; does that make me a bad person? No, that makes me a sane person.

trump destroyed the stability of the oil market, which is never coming back.

oil was never a negative price.

don't be stupid.

did you ever get paid to fill up your car?
walt would rather have people freeze and starve.

thats what population reducers are doing right now.


they're basically mass murdering nazis.
It's amazing how fast the Lefties here are willing to pillory a Conservative for a wrong prediction, but fervently support fellow Leftists for decades of wrong predictions on things like say Gorebal Warming (aka Climate Change)...
Tucker Carlson's demographic is such that
his warnings about anything
can't possibly reach anybody capable of doing anything about it.

Thus, we needn't worry about whether his comments have any credibility or not.
It's amazing how fast the Lefties here are willing to pillory a Conservative for a wrong prediction, but fervently support fellow Leftists for decades of wrong predictions on things like say Gorebal Warming (aka Climate Change)...

That makes sense to you? That is playing around by subject change and not being responsive to the thead or subject matter.