Typical greenie


One of our customers is so green she called plywood manufacturers to ask about details of the glue they used in making the plywood. Got be green you know!

So when this lady saw her wood floors delivered and saw all the little boards, she demanded we get extra wood and discard all the small boards since she wanted only long boards. Real green!!
It always amazes me why people are angry at others for trying to do the right thing even if they arre unable to be perfect in doing so.

There used to be a time when everyone knew the other guy was not perfect and even themselves.

It's beyond ridiculous to claim to be green and then not worry about wasting trees that were cut down and transported to your home to be placed as a floor. It's quite laughable. The near perfect solution would be to use every board and atone for the carbon footprint by praying to GW and sending Al Gore some cash.

Gotta go destroy the environment. See ya
Preaching progressive to the little guy from your mansion.

Talking about clean energy and the world with a fever when u consume 50x the average energy of other humans.

its called being a limousine liberal.... or by its true definition hypocrisy.
I'd hardly call this "typical."

Keep up the patrol on the 24-hour "hypocrisy watch," though. It's really helping the planet. I remember when you really nailed Gore for buying carbon offsets through a company he (gasp!) actually owns. Good work there....
Let me get this straight , she insisted that the product be tossed in the trash can and not used for some other purpose?

I still dont understand why she is percieved as so evil by you guys when you dont complain about the ones who dont try to do anything Green and could care less?
I'd hardly call this "typical."

Keep up the patrol on the 24-hour "hypocrisy watch," though. It's really helping the planet. I remember when you really nailed Gore for buying carbon offsets through a company he (gasp!) actually owns. Good work there....

Here are the rules:

1. It's OK to be a rapacious consumer of everything and anything as long as you don't give a shit about anyone or anything but yourself.

2. However, if you do express concern for the environment you have to live a hunter-gatherer existence.
One of our customers is so green she called plywood manufacturers to ask about details of the glue they used in making the plywood. Got be green you know!

So when this lady saw her wood floors delivered and saw all the little boards, she demanded we get extra wood and discard all the small boards since she wanted only long boards. Real green!!

So in short, you guys effed up her order and now you want to complain about your customer.

Let me get this straight , she insisted that the product be tossed in the trash can and not used for some other purpose?

I still dont understand why she is percieved as so evil by you guys when you dont complain about the ones who dont try to do anything Green and could care less?
Because she is a hypocrite. Green is something you do, not something you talk about. Don't waste the wood.
i dont know whats so hard to understand here.

Dont preach from your soapbox if your just going to act a hypocrite of what your preach.
i dont know whats so hard to understand here.

Dont preach from your soapbox if your just going to act a hypocrite of what your preach.

I didn't see in stirfry's post where she is "preaching" to anyone.

Dung is right; you either don't give a shit & act without any regard whatsoever, or you live in the trees, because if you start asking about a product, or expressing any interest in conservation whatsoever, you're "preaching" and you'd better be prepared to give it all up, you limo liberal hypocrite...
"Don't preach to others about being green if you are unwilling to make the sacrifice yourself."

Again...can someone show me where this woman is "preaching?"

Fuckin' retards...
Sometimes sticking to your principles is inconvenient. Don't preach to others about being green if you are unwilling to make the sacrifice yourself.

So being green involves accepting products you do not want? And really, did this woman preach to anyone about being green?

It's the moron-a-thon again in here.
"Don't preach to others about being green if you are unwilling to make the sacrifice yourself."

Again...can someone show me where this woman is "preaching?"

Fuckin' retards...
Hence the change I made to my post.

The reality is, she made a point of how important being green is to her, then totally displayed the opposite.
Sometimes sticking to your principles is inconvenient. Don't half-*it, be green if you feel it is important.

She obviously didn't want the boards that they delivered. This has nothing to do with being green, this has to do with them delivering a something she didn't want. And DH does bring up a good point, why in the world would contractors throw away perfectly good flooring? What's she going to use it for? They use it every day.

Tinfoil needs to get over himself and learn to deliver what his customers wants.
Hence the change I made to my post.

The reality is, she made a point of how important being green is to her, then totally displayed the opposite.

Again, ridiculous. She was delivered a product she didn't want. The onus of being "green" goes back to the contractors.
yet again we find the liberals taking a literal stance of the specific example instead of embracing the much larger and very real perception: People who want to be green and want to change others to be green.. so long as it doesn't inconvenience them.