Typical greenie

Here is what stirfry wrote:

"One of our customers is so green she called plywood manufacturers to ask about details of the glue they used in making the plywood. Got be green you know!

So when this lady saw her wood floors delivered and saw all the little boards, she demanded we get extra wood and discard all the small boards since she wanted only long boards. Real green!!"

She asked about the glue. In no way imaginable can it be extrapolated that she made a point of "being green" and was so very proud of "her greenness".

In short, you're an idiot.

Extrapolating from experience with this poster.

He knows she called the manufacturer because she asked him for the number. He knows why because she told him.

In short, you are attempted to live in a vacuum and that no past experience with a poster can be used by yourself to help in understanding what they mean when they post. It doesn't matter that in the past he has posted short and quick stories that were exactly as I state with an example first then a second story. For you, it's Damo "magic"....
If you're going strictly on previous experience with a poster, that's an assumption, and a large one. If that's your standard, you should know more about the poster, and know that he calls green hypocrisy in even the most ludicrous circumstances, as when Gore bought carbon credits from a company he owns.

There is nothing here to indicate the hyperbole with which you applied emotions like pride to the woman's request.
If you're going strictly on previous experience with a poster, that's an assumption, and a large one. If that's your standard, you should know more about the poster, and know that he calls green hypocrisy in even the most ludicrous circumstances, as when Gore bought carbon credits from a company he owns.

There is nothing here to indicate the hyperbole with which you applied emotions like pride to the woman's request.
Again, we'll wait. Let him further his example, as he has done in the past.

I'm amazed at the amount of energy one uses to defend a total stranger, it shows a huge amount of personalizing. What makes this so personal to you?

I'll ask again. Did you get a hardwood floor installed recently or something? Why is this so personal to you?

For me, it was the ad hominem attacks that kept me posting. What was it for you?
"What makes this so personal to you?"

"environmental hypocrisy." Focus on it is ridiculous; this isn't the 1st time that someone is accused of "preaching" simply for making a request that is environmental in nature, or for trying to conserve in some way. Yeah, I know - you backed off of "preach", but it was your 1st reaction, and Chapdog's 1st reaction, and it's all we hear sometimes from the right, when all someone is trying to do is live their life a certain way, or if they even try to raise awareness on the issue.

It's just crap; it's the usual right-wing distraction. See, he's a hypocrite, so the environment doesn't really matter, and conservation doesn't really matter. They're all just hypocrites, so waste as much as you want; rape the earth, like Ann Coulter suggested. It's fine; we don't want to be stupid, limo Hollywood liberals.

And all someone did was ask about glue. That's it.
"What makes this so personal to you?"

"environmental hypocrisy." Focus on it is ridiculous; this isn't the 1st time that someone is accused of "preaching" simply for making a request that is environmental in nature, or for trying to conserve in some way. Yeah, I know - you backed off of "preach", but it was your 1st reaction, and Chapdog's 1st reaction, and it's all we hear sometimes from the right, when all someone is trying to do is live their life a certain way, or if they even try to raise awareness on the issue.

It's just crap; it's the usual right-wing distraction. See, he's a hypocrite, so the environment doesn't really matter, and conservation doesn't really matter. They're all just hypocrites, so waste as much as you want; rape the earth, like Ann Coulter suggested. It's fine; we don't want to be stupid, limo Hollywood liberals.

And all someone did was ask about glue. That's it.
Nobody here said the environment doesn't matter. That is projection. You WANT them to think that so you pretend that it is what they said. It is a classic form of the strawman fallacy.

I haven't read one post that stated that the environment shouldn't matter because of her hypocrisy.
Nobody here said the environment doesn't matter. That is projection. You WANT them to think that so you pretend that it is what they said. It is a classic form of the strawman fallacy.

Nice Psychobabble. That's all morons like stirfry talk about; I never hear him post about our disappearing coral reefs, or lower crop yields, or the growing dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. It's all "nail the hypocrite," and he has lackeys like you who chime in & encourage him, instead of questioning a post like this as to whether there is really any hypocrisy there worth noting.

Frankly, I'm surprised that anyone still talks about their own personal green efforts in public, because this is usually what they get. Someone ready to "nail them" on some other aspect of their life where they aren't perfectly green.

It's all just BS, and you feed into it.
Nice Psychobabble. That's all morons like stirfry talk about; I never hear him post about our disappearing coral reefs, or lower crop yields, or the growing dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico. It's all "nail the hypocrite," and he has lackeys like you who chime in & encourage him, instead of questioning a post like this as to whether there is really any hypocrisy there worth noting.

Frankly, I'm surprised that anyone still talks about their own personal green efforts in public, because this is usually what they get. Someone ready to "nail them" on some other aspect of their life where they aren't perfectly green.

It's all just BS, and you feed into it.
I think all the excuses feed it far more than somebody laughing at some lady who wants to reject small boards.

These types of posts always interests me as I get different ideas on how to be "more green". And whether or not you want to believe it, in CO Rs are "green" as much as Ds are.

While I may mock the lady for rejecting tiny boards (as I posted I don't know her, mostly it is having fun at a stranger's expense), really I look at myself, use it for introspection and see if I would have reacted differently.

I already posted on that, it was the (paraphrasing) "Honestly, I don't think I would have noticed the small boards and if I did I think it would look more natural with some smaller boards included..." post earlier.

Other than that, I have had fun just extrapolating (long version of assume, here is a definition from the dictionary: verb [I or T] to guess or think about what might happen from information that is already known... notice how I have been admitting to assuming all along directly and without shame?) and extending an argument from that.

Mostly because I like to argue.
Let me get this straight , she insisted that the product be tossed in the trash can and not used for some other purpose?

I still dont understand why she is percieved as so evil by you guys when you dont complain about the ones who dont try to do anything Green and could care less?

Because those who don't make the effort also don't preach to others and consider themselves holier than thou.

An Desh, we can't sell a product to someone else that has been discarded by another customer. If the wood picks up moisture before we can istall it, it could potentially be a liability for our company. So, in short, NO, we can't reuse the wood this lady insists we waste. She's paying for it, but it doesn't take away from the wastefulness and hypocracy f Mrs. Green.
"What makes this so personal to you?"

"environmental hypocrisy." Focus on it is ridiculous; this isn't the 1st time that someone is accused of "preaching" simply for making a request that is environmental in nature, or for trying to conserve in some way. Yeah, I know - you backed off of "preach", but it was your 1st reaction, and Chapdog's 1st reaction, and it's all we hear sometimes from the right, when all someone is trying to do is live their life a certain way, or if they even try to raise awareness on the issue.

It's just crap; it's the usual right-wing distraction. See, he's a hypocrite, so the environment doesn't really matter, and conservation doesn't really matter. They're all just hypocrites, so waste as much as you want; rape the earth, like Ann Coulter suggested. It's fine; we don't want to be stupid, limo Hollywood liberals.

And all someone did was ask about glue. That's it.

LOL wrong! The lady has wasted enough wood to do half of her floor. Learn what the problem is, ya moron. The part about her asking about glue was to establish how much of a greenie she was. Her sin is being wasteful and selfish.
defending what?

I'm just pointing out how a greenie was so selfish she didn't care about her impact on the environment. WTF is there to defend?
Because those who don't make the effort also don't preach to others and consider themselves holier than thou.

An Desh, we can't sell a product to someone else that has been discarded by another customer. If the wood picks up moisture before we can istall it, it could potentially be a liability for our company. So, in short, NO, we can't reuse the wood this lady insists we waste. She's paying for it, but it doesn't take away from the wastefulness and hypocracy f Mrs. Green.

Tinfoil, only you can confirm that the customer was a "greenie" -- was that her reason for checking out the glue in the plywood, for instance?

I wondered while reading this thread what proportion of the order was the "little" wood, how small was it -- short or narrow, or both, and how did that vary from the sample upon which she had based her order?

I'm planning to install hardwood floors in parts of our house relatively soon, and have put in some vinyl tile in the shop recently. I looked at many, many samples online and chose a few to check out at the store. What I saw there was not at all like the depiction online, and I changed my strategy accordingly. Now I use the net to help coordinate my ideas, but for sure I want to see a sample of the real thing before ordering anything! Even then, sometimes the material ordered differs from the sample, and can do so in ways that aren't acceptable.

Is it possible that your customer felt that the materials that were delivered differed too much from the expectations she had when she made her order?
Tinfoil, only you can confirm that the customer was a "greenie" -- was that her reason for checking out the glue in the plywood, for instance?

I wondered while reading this thread what proportion of the order was the "little" wood, how small was it -- short or narrow, or both, and how did that vary from the sample upon which she had based her order?

I'm planning to install hardwood floors in parts of our house relatively soon, and have put in some vinyl tile in the shop recently. I looked at many, many samples online and chose a few to check out at the store. What I saw there was not at all like the depiction online, and I changed my strategy accordingly. Now I use the net to help coordinate my ideas, but for sure I want to see a sample of the real thing before ordering anything! Even then, sometimes the material ordered differs from the sample, and can do so in ways that aren't acceptable.

Is it possible that your customer felt that the materials that were delivered differed too much from the expectations she had when she made her order?

Good questions. Typically, an order of wood floors will contain about a third of the boards that will be less than 2 feet long. This is normal because the lumber mills use every possible piece of wood. The customer chose the wood from a sample board which is not representative of the lengths of wood that come with a typical order. Is cases where a customer wants long boards only, we have to special order the wood and it will cost as much as twice the price.
I know all that Tin, they have to cut out the knots and such. But that has nothing to do with your purpose in this thread.
My purpose was to make fun of the green relgion and point out how some of those persons who are really into it, ie the customer in the story, can be as wasteful if not MORE wasteful than those of us who do not believe CO2 concentration drives climate.