Uh-oh, Reedy Creek will outlast DeSantis!

You're a sad man Salty!

An eBay user learned the hard way that fortune (and spelling) can be fickle when he decided to auction a rare bottle of Allsopp’s Arctic Ale, brewed in 1852 and perfectly preserved. The museum-quality artifact of historical hooch should have fetched a small fortune from enthusiasts—if only the seller had spelled the name correctly. Accidentally labeled as “Allsop’s” (missing the second ’p’) in the auction title, the item did not appear when buyers searched for the beer by its proper name, resulting in a mere two bids and a lackluster sale at $304 ($5 more than the original $299 asking price). Eight weeks later, the lucky buyer listed the same bottle on eBay, though spelled correctly this time. After receiving 157 bids, the bottle sold for $503,300. These fake words actually ended up in the dictionary.

Cost of blunder: $502,996

I looked this up because I found it hard to believe that bidders wouldn't look at the description because a word in the title was misspelled. The story was correct except for the outcome.

Validity of the Winning Bid

When you see such a large dollar amount for the winning bid, you have to question the validity of the bids. Looking at the bid history, we see one of the early bidders maximum bid reach $2,200.00. We also see two 1000 plus feedback buyers at $11,111.00 and $78,100.00. After that, we see several "Not a registered user" pushing the bidding over $500,000. This casts doubt on the winning bid being genuine.

After some more research, I found an article on Antique Week about this auction. It looks like the winning bid was a "joke bid" according to the winning bidder. He has no intention of paying the seller. As for the seller, he is storing it in a safe deposit box while he decides what to do next.

You have to feel sorry for the original seller. The bottle has been in his family for over 50 years before he decided to sell it. After all the publicity about the auctions, he has received many nasty emails calling him an idiot. The anonymity of the internet certainly allows people to be heartless.
The bottle is clearly worth several thousand dollars. Whether it is worth $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 or more is anybody's guess.


Here's a link to the article on Antique Week. http://www.antiqueweek.com/ArchiveArticle.asp?newsid=550
I agree. Of course, most MAGA morons prefer Putin over Biden.

DeathSentence is indeed shortsighted. I hope you're wrong about being a lock for governor. He definitely won't win on the national level with his horrid Covid response coupled with his overt racist/anti gay legislation.

The numbers indicate DeSantis has a lock on winning reelection. Agreed the MAGA traitors and terrorists favor Putin over any American Democrat President because they know Trump likes Putin.
Hello archives,

Exactly, 100% political move, and I’d also add that he did it to draw attention off of his gerrymandering, now giving Florida, which enrollment wise is pretty much an even State, a 20-8 district advantage to the GOP while also eliminating two predominantly Black districts

Excellent point.

It's exponential Trumpism.

Trump used it to distract from scandal.

DeSantis is using it to distract from partisan districting, essentially a quasi-legal theft of party power.
I looked this up because I found it hard to believe that bidders wouldn't look at the description because a word in the title was misspelled. The story was correct except for the outcome.

Validity of the Winning Bid

When you see such a large dollar amount for the winning bid, you have to question the validity of the bids. Looking at the bid history, we see one of the early bidders maximum bid reach $2,200.00. We also see two 1000 plus feedback buyers at $11,111.00 and $78,100.00. After that, we see several "Not a registered user" pushing the bidding over $500,000. This casts doubt on the winning bid being genuine.

After some more research, I found an article on Antique Week about this auction. It looks like the winning bid was a "joke bid" according to the winning bidder. He has no intention of paying the seller. As for the seller, he is storing it in a safe deposit box while he decides what to do next.

You have to feel sorry for the original seller. The bottle has been in his family for over 50 years before he decided to sell it. After all the publicity about the auctions, he has received many nasty emails calling him an idiot. The anonymity of the internet certainly allows people to be heartless.
The bottle is clearly worth several thousand dollars. Whether it is worth $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 or more is anybody's guess.


Here's a link to the article on Antique Week. http://www.antiqueweek.com/ArchiveArticle.asp?newsid=550

Good work, Christie. Like you, I find such stories worth checking out. While there are, indeed, good bargains to be found on Ebay because the seller is an idiot, most are only a difference a few hundred dollars, not tens of thousands.
Hello Jarod,

They will simply outlast DeSantis, he is not here forever and will soon pay to have their exemptions reinstated in a quiet way. Republicans will run Florida for a long time to come after the recent redistricting.

That is a flaw of US politics.

Perhaps a better way would be to require the minority party to draw the districts.
Hello Althea,

I agree. Of course, most MAGA morons prefer Putin over Biden.

DeathSentence is indeed shortsighted. I hope you're wrong about being a lock for governor. He definitely won't win on the national level with his horrid Covid response coupled with his overt racist/anti gay legislation.

I wish I could agree. Here's the problem: A pro-COVID policy is an asset in the Republican Party.
Good work, Christie. Like you, I find such stories worth checking out. While there are, indeed, good bargains to be found on Ebay because the seller is an idiot, most are only a difference a few hundred dollars, not tens of thousands.

It reminds me of the fake bidding for a Princess Diana beanie baby, sellers asking thousands of dollars while most sell in the one or two-figure range. Check it out if you need a laugh. One seller is asking $660K if you buy one, but the price drops to $627K for two, and $594K for three.
It reminds me of the fake bidding for a Princess Diana beanie baby, sellers asking thousands of dollars while most sell in the one or two-figure range. Check it out if you need a laugh. One seller is asking $660K if you buy one, but the price drops to $627K for two, and $594K for three.

While I don't doubt there are people out there with more money than brains, I doubt they're going to drop 2/3s of a million on a beanie baby.

How Much Is the Princess Diana Beanie Baby Worth?
Case in point: On eBay, you can find a princess Beanie Baby listed for $665,000 right next to one with a $15.50 winning bid (as of this writing). Both descriptions say that they’re “super rare” and mention PVC. There’s not really an objective worth at play here.

That’s not to say that they never sell for big money—Princess Diana Beanie Babies have occasionally been confirmed to fetch $1,000 or even $10,000. But most of the time, people aren’t spending an entire fortune on them.

“People buy for nostalgia purposes. That’s why they buy collectibles,” Katz-Schwartz says. And, of course, nostalgia and fads depend on the times. There is a possibility that the Princess Diana Beanie Baby value might go up right around the anniversary of her birth or death, especially since a big birthday, her 60th, is coming up, and the People’s Princess will likely be in the public’s minds and hearts more than usual. But it still probably won’t go up to, say, six figures; it’ll likely just see a bit of a bump as demand and interest increase. But if you’re hoping to try to sell a Princess Diana Beanie Baby, this summer—and next August, the 25th anniversary of her death—will probably be the best times.

I looked this up because I found it hard to believe that bidders wouldn't look at the description because a word in the title was misspelled. The story was correct except for the outcome.

Validity of the Winning Bid

When you see such a large dollar amount for the winning bid, you have to question the validity of the bids. Looking at the bid history, we see one of the early bidders maximum bid reach $2,200.00. We also see two 1000 plus feedback buyers at $11,111.00 and $78,100.00. After that, we see several "Not a registered user" pushing the bidding over $500,000. This casts doubt on the winning bid being genuine.

After some more research, I found an article on Antique Week about this auction. It looks like the winning bid was a "joke bid" according to the winning bidder. He has no intention of paying the seller. As for the seller, he is storing it in a safe deposit box while he decides what to do next.

You have to feel sorry for the original seller. The bottle has been in his family for over 50 years before he decided to sell it. After all the publicity about the auctions, he has received many nasty emails calling him an idiot. The anonymity of the internet certainly allows people to be heartless.
The bottle is clearly worth several thousand dollars. Whether it is worth $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 or more is anybody's guess.


Here's a link to the article on Antique Week. http://www.antiqueweek.com/ArchiveArticle.asp?newsid=550

I guess being American you are unaware of the history behind that bottle. Sir Edward Belcher was sent to look for Lord Franklin's expedition to search for the North West Passage, however he failed losing four of his five ships and being relieved of his command for his trouble. That bottle was only one of two left from that expedition.

Sir Edward Belcher, (born 1799, Halifax, Nova Scotia [now in Canada]—died March 18, 1877, London, Eng.), naval officer who performed many coastal surveys for the British Admiralty.

Born: 1799 Halifax Canada
Died: March 18, 1877 (aged 78) London England

The grandson of a governor of Nova Scotia, Belcher entered the navy in 1812. After serving as a surveyor with an expedition to the Pacific Ocean and the Bering Strait in 1825, he commanded a surveying ship along the north and west coasts of Africa (1830–33). He undertook a voyage to the west coasts of North and South America, the South Pacific, and China (1836–42) and a subsequent voyage to China, Borneo, the Philippine Islands, and Formosa (1843–46).

In 1852 Belcher was given command of an Arctic expedition to search for the explorer Sir John Franklin, who was lost in attempting to find the Northwest Passage. The hardships of the voyage seemed to tax Belcher beyond his abilities: he ordered four ice-bound ships abandoned in May 1854, apparently without justification. Relieved of further command, he described his Arctic venture in The Last of the Arctic Voyages (1855). He was created a Knight Commander of the Bath in 1867 and he became an admiral in 1872.

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They are not gone, but apparently there are no repercussions against the Governor of Florida for punishing a private company that disagrees with him. It makes authoritarians like you like him even more.

if it ever really happens we can have a discussion about it.......meanwhile, troll some more....
NOt in the future. New bonds will be the responsibility of Orange County property owners.

only the type of bond that every municipality can issue, paid for by taxes on all property owners (if the bond issue is approved by voters)...if Disney wants funding for its own projects they will deal with banks like any other business....
They will simply outlast DeSantis, he is not here forever and will soon pay to have their exemptions reinstated in a quiet way. Republicans will run Florida for a long time to come after the recent redistricting.

of course Disney will outlast DeSantis.......and they'll pay their taxes like every other business in Florida.........and Republicans will run Florida.......and Biden will go back to his basement in Delaware.....and Nancy will retire and eat ice cream.........and elementary school kids in Florida will be safe from groomers........and the world will be a better place......just more expensive because of Biden's inflation....
If you think parents should have a say in how kids are educated, then you must also believe teachers should have a say in how kids are raised.

????....why?......they aren't their kids, despite what the pasty faced pedophile said in his speech.....