Uh-oh, Reedy Creek will outlast DeSantis!


Folks have no idea what special district means in this case.

Disney would "tax themselves" then subsidize that tax as Reedy Creek ran on a deficit (Disney didn't tax themselves enough). They were literally pulling money out of one pocket and putting it in another. Now they will pay the actual Tax bill on this particular property. You act as if Orange County got money from them for nothing... however they were a special home rule district that taxed themselves at the rate they decided to pay for the services they provided at a level they chose to provide the services. LOL.

Anyway, Disney will pay more in taxes because they will no longer be paying whatever rate they set for themselves and will have to pay the actual tax bill that any other corporation would have to pay for that property.

While this doesn't affect the 578M they get in tax credits for a different property for bringing over new employees to the state (and housing them) it does effectively raise the cost for Disney as they will no longer be able to simply "tax themselves" at a rate lower than they would otherwise pay.

It aint gunna happen, the Gov. was just grandstanding.
If getting rid of Reedy Creek would save Disney millions they would have lobbied and had this done decades ago. I will say only that reality will not match the leftist predictions in this thread and that Disney will pay their debt and pay more in taxes now that they can't just "pay themselves" taxes for services that they will now receive a tax bill for...

Someone should save a link and bring it back up once things settle. We can revisit this. I'll happily say I was wrong if it turns out that Disney is "making out like a bandit" and that the debt is being paid for by the county and not Disney.
