Unions' Creepy Push Against Secret Ballot



Unions' Creepy Push Against Secret Ballot
By Froma Harrop

The first campaign promise Barack Obama should break is to push through the Employee Free Choice Act. That harmless sounding piece of legislation would let union organizers do an end run around secret-ballot elections: Companies would have to recognize a union if most workers signed cards in support of it.

We're not children here. We know how those majorities can be reached. There's repeated harassment, bullying and more inventive tactics, such as getting workers drunk, then sliding sign-up cards under their noses. Meanwhile, any strong-armed tactics by employers can be dealt with.

Unclear is why unions even want to go there. Their decline is one reason for the falling fortunes of American workers, particularly those without college educations. Unions have an interesting product to sell. Surely, they can persuade workers to support them in the privacy of a voting booth. That's how Obama and the enhanced Democratic majority in Congress got where they are.

Former Democratic presidential nominee George McGovern, a pro-labor liberal, has come out against the so-called card-check provision. He calls it "disturbing and undemocratic."

This may sound obvious, but friends of labor should want what's good for laborers. Some of the best companies to work for -- Whole Foods, for example -- are not unionized. Such employers offer superior pay and benefits precisely to keep their workers happy and not eager to organize. They worry that unions would reduce their flexibility in managing labor.

What's wrong with letting companies that do not want to be unionized compete for the workers' affections? If the employees don't get an acceptable deal, then they will join a union. The notion that they wouldn't vote their interests in a secret ballot makes zero sense.

Your writer has belonged to several unions -- the Teamsters and two Newspaper Guild chapters. To her, the unions have giveth, and they have taketh. Thanks to them, her pay was often better than it would have been otherwise. But at times, the union work rules hindered career advancement. And let's face it: A good part of union dues goes to the administrators' own compensation and junkets.

Some of my union officials had watched too many B-movies. That would explain the occasionally dismissive or threatening lines with which they addressed the rank and file. A threat was once directed at me on the first day of the job. Actually, it was more of a pre-emptive warning, lest I "ever, ever" go over the shop steward's head -- something that had never, never occurred to me. (You can guess which union that was.)

The point is that while unions are often good for employees, they're not always. We shouldn't start with the assumption that a unionized workplace is better than a non-unionized one. The secret ballot lets workers make that judgment without an organizer (or company official) breathing down their necks.

The argument for private voting is evident, which may be why supporters of the Employee Free Choice Act spend so much time vilifying its opponents -- the Chamber of Commerce, Wal-Mart, even McGovern -- rather than explaining its merits.

With Democrats ascendant in Washington, labor leaders will have ample opportunity to fight the Chamber. And I hope they unionize the daylights out of Wal-Mart the fair, old-fashioned way. But they should leave the brave McGovern alone.

Whatever a new President Obama and his supercharged Democratic majorities owe labor can be paid in other ways. The ridiculously named Employee Free Choice Act really is disturbing and undemocratic -- and can be easily caricatured as such by the Republican opposition. It is also bad PR for unions. If they have so much to offer, why are they afraid of a secret ballot?
It's already nasty enough, we need that secret ballot at the end. Some people are very much intimidated into filling out cards, then they vote against it at the ballot box. It's happened twice here.
I posted something about this several months ago. I agree, this is an attempt to intimidate workers. The secret ballots should be retained.
What crap. The NLRB election process has been completely corrupted by ridiculous rulings by the management friendly board. Pretending that these "secret ballot" elections are neutral and a means to gauge true support for a union is fantasy.
What crap. The NLRB election process has been completely corrupted by ridiculous rulings by the management friendly board. Pretending that these "secret ballot" elections are neutral and a means to gauge true support for a union is fantasy.

With a secret ballot the worker can vote the way he chooses without fear of harrassment.

How does that help management?
If there will no longer be secret ballots, then the measure eliminates secret ballots.

But tell me what it actually is. I am willing to listen to what you think it will do and what it is intended to do.
Presenting the issue as "eliminating the secret ballot" is a fraud to begin with. I refuse to engage in a discussion based on that erroneous premise.

I read an interview with one of the union leaders - forget which one- that was really interesting to me, because you don't get the other side of this in the msm, and certainly not here where damo the union hater always has some story of some evil union person who threatened to torture some poor guy's children in front of him and laugh while they screamed, if he dared to vote for the union.

According to this guy, it's not the secret ballot that they are against, but rather, all of the tactics used by companies in the run-up to that ballot. all very heavy handed, including a lot of pressure from the person who can deny you a promotion, raise, etc, and in private, one on one. that was just part of it.

and having done some work several years ago against walmarts anti-union tactics, these things definitely happen, so it made sense.
Well make your case then.

I have neither the time nor the inclination. Suffice it to say that the NLRB election process has become sufficiently corrupted that it is amazing that any new unions are ever formed in the face of opposition by management. Between employer coercion, retaliation against proponents of the union, propaganda campaigns, threats of termination or plant closings, captive audience presentations, one-on-one meetings with employees on work time and myriad other practices, not to mention lengthy and drawn out election appeals, refusals to bargain and other post-election shenanigans, the NLRB election process is a complete fraud.
Both sides have some pretty lousy tactics. I have seen companies do some despicable things to keep unions out, and I have seen unions do some despicable things to show their power.

The worker is rarely served by either.

But I would be interested to hear why the secret ballot is a bad thing.
I have neither the time nor the inclination. Suffice it to say that the NLRB election process has become sufficiently corrupted that it is amazing that any new unions are ever formed in the face of opposition by management. Between employer coercion, retaliation against proponents of the union, propaganda campaigns, threats of termination or plant closings, captive audience presentations, one-on-one meetings with employees on work time and myriad other practices, not to mention lengthy and drawn out election appeals, refusals to bargain and other post-election shenanigans, the NLRB election process is a complete fraud.

Well its nice of you to help us understand why we are supposedly wrong.

Lots of accusations and no facts. Can you at least take the time and muster the energy to post a link or two?
The current union process is ridiculously complicated and provides way too much opportunity for the employer to threaten and intimidate the worker. What is wrong with nomination by petition again? Should we abolish petitions?

Anyway, this just makes it easier. Employers can go home, distribute the cards amongst their fellow employees, and come back the next day unionized, without the employer spending 45 days bullying and intimidating the employees by telling them lies like "We'll ship your job overseas" or "The union won't reward work it doesn't care it just wants everyone to get an equal pay raise like socialists". You'll always make more money than you would without the union even if you were the best worker in the entire company.

It's time to do with away with the Taft-Hartley union creation procedure.
Both sides have some pretty lousy tactics. I have seen companies do some despicable things to keep unions out, and I have seen unions do some despicable things to show their power.

The worker is rarely served by either.

But I would be interested to hear why the secret ballot is a bad thing.

It's not the secret ballot, it's the election process.
One compromise I've heard about is holding the secret election almost immediately so that the employer doesn't get time to use his bullying tactics. But creation by petition is just an easy process, and not because of these lies the US chamber of commerce tells you in the commercials that you will be "bullied" into raising your standard of living.
One compromise I've heard about is holding the secret election almost immediately so that the employer doesn't get time to use his bullying tactics. But creation by petition is just an easy process, and not because of these lies the US chamber of commerce tells you in the commercials that you will be "bullied" into raising your standard of living.

So the unions have time to organize, but the company has no time to offer any alternatives? Yep, thats fair.
So eliminating the secret ballot would help... what exactly?
It would help the thugs on the union side.

It would be better to fix the problems with the secret ballot than it would be have to endure these idiots. They actually went to people's houses, knocked on their doors. It's more than creepy.