Unions' Creepy Push Against Secret Ballot

What crap. The NLRB election process has been completely corrupted by ridiculous rulings by the management friendly board. Pretending that these "secret ballot" elections are neutral and a means to gauge true support for a union is fantasy.
I felt zero pressure from management as to how my vote would go. Zero. Unlike those on the other side.
I read an interview with one of the union leaders - forget which one- that was really interesting to me, because you don't get the other side of this in the msm, and certainly not here where damo the union hater always has some story of some evil union person who threatened to torture some poor guy's children in front of him and laugh while they screamed, if he dared to vote for the union.

According to this guy, it's not the secret ballot that they are against, but rather, all of the tactics used by companies in the run-up to that ballot. all very heavy handed, including a lot of pressure from the person who can deny you a promotion, raise, etc, and in private, one on one. that was just part of it.

and having done some work several years ago against walmarts anti-union tactics, these things definitely happen, so it made sense.
The first time the Union gave it a go our management actually, illegally, had meetings that suggested to people that not joining the union can make it so we couldn't get some of the new work in as it was being passed from a union shop.

We had to file against the employer for illegally pushing a union. The next time, when they got enough cards for a vote there was zero pressure from the company.
I felt zero pressure from management as to how my vote would go. Zero. Unlike those on the other side.

Danecdote. And probably bullshit (you have the unmistakable attitude of middle management and likely wouldn't be part of the bargaining unit). Or you were already firmly entrenched in the management camp from the get go.
The first time the Union gave it a go our management actually, illegally, had meetings that suggested to people that not joining the union can make it so we couldn't get some of the new work in as it was being passed from a union shop.

We had to file against the employer for illegally pushing a union.


Damo works for the only company in america whose management/ownership bullied its employees into joining the union.

Smell test anyone?

so stupid.
Danecdote. And probably bullshit (you have the unmistakable attitude of middle management and likely wouldn't be part of the bargaining unit). Or you were already firmly entrenched in the management camp from the get go.
You are a moron. I was very much part of it.
So the unions have time to organize, but the company has no time to offer any alternatives? Yep, thats fair.

Well, the issue is whether the employees wish to join a union, not whether the employer wishes to have a unionized work force. How is that not fair?

Damo works for the only company in america whose management/ownership bullied its employees into joining the union.

Smell test anyone?

so stupid.
I am not kidding.

I filed against them first for having the meetings (upper management didn't know) then again for suggesting that new work couldn't be passed between shops that were union to non-union. Both times they were informed to stop.
The first time the Union gave it a go our management actually, illegally, had meetings that suggested to people that not joining the union can make it so we couldn't get some of the new work in as it was being passed from a union shop.

We had to file against the employer for illegally pushing a union. The next time, when they got enough cards for a vote there was zero pressure from the company.

Damocles said:
I felt zero pressure from management as to how my vote would go. Zero. Unlike those on the other side.

ok, so, let's get this straight folks.

damo works for the only company in america who pressured and bullied its employees to join the union.

damo, in a glaring contradiction of this hysterically funny claim, was not pressured by the management who was pressuing its employees, except for damo, into joining the union.

are we clear here?

if you're not laughing? you're his target audience; dumb as a rock.
Well, the issue is whether the employees wish to join a union, not whether the employer wishes to have a unionized work force. How is that not fair?
So the issue should have only one side heard at all? Rubbish.

The vote keeps either side from intimidating you.
ok, so, let's get this straight folks.

damo works for the only company in america who pressured and bullied its employees to join the union.

damo, in a glaring contradiction of this hysterically funny claim, was not pressured by the management who was pressuing its employees, except for damo, into joining the union.

are we clear here?

if you're not laughing? you're his target audience; dumb as a rock.
Read the rest of the post, Darla.

It finished with this line:

The next time, when they got enough cards for a vote there was zero pressure from the company.

I thank you for not taking my remarks out of context.
So the issue should have only one side heard at all? Rubbish.

The vote keeps either side from intimidating you.

The vote ensures that one organization will constantly intimidate and lie to you. A ragtag band of employees can't compete against an organized corporate union-squashing scheme. What the employer thinks is irrelevant. They are NOT a side. There are two sides: employees for and employees against. The employer should have no say.
I am not kidding.

I filed against them first for having the meetings (upper management didn't know) then again for suggesting that new work couldn't be passed between shops that were union to non-union. Both times they were informed to stop.

ohhhh, so now management was pressuing its employees into joinging the union, except for you who felt no pressure from management only from the union, but not "upper-management"

so what all was "upper-managemnent" doin?
Plus, the reality is it was the lower management who were pushing it. Most of them came from the Union shops to begin with. When upper management heard about it, after we filed, they put a stop to it quick.
ohhhh, so now management was pressuing its employees into joinging the union, except for you who felt no pressure from management only from the union, but not "upper-management"

so what all was "upper-managemnent" doin?
One more time. Twice the union has tried to come to our shop.

Only once did we go to a vote, that was after the first time where they failed to collect even 20% cards. We filed against them the first time. The second time there was zero pressure from the company, as it should be.

Read all of the posts and most of your "questions" are already answered. Instead you read only two lines then attempt to jump on it early in a rush to "protect" what you perceive as allies.
Read the rest of the post, Darla.

It finished with this line:

The next time, when they got enough cards for a vote there was zero pressure from the company.

I thank you for not taking my remarks out of context.

you're remarks are a joke. they don't pass the smell test. they're laugh out loud ludicrous.

you're a politically active union-hater hoping to run for office.

but you need a writer. your bullshit is way too transparent.
you're remarks are a joke. they don't pass the smell test. they're laugh out loud ludicrous.

you're a politically active union-hater hoping to run for office.

but you need a writer. your bullshit is way too transparent.
You need to live through it before you understand. Each time they do this it becomes nasty.

The union lies, and about 2/3 of the lower management team were moved here from union shops. They attempted to pressure people into the union the first time they came around.

Whether you think it passes "the smell test", it is what happened.

Your remarks are from a person who has never had to face this kind of idiocy. The pressure they were allowed to put on us from the union side has no equal measure from the non-union side.
Unions have shown some pretty horrible tactics over the years. Employees have been intimidated as often by unions as by employers.

And unions have screwed workers over in attempts to show how strong they are.

In the beginning, unions were a great idea. But there have been plenty of employees that lost their jobs because the union's tactics ended up closing a business.

One big difference, it is in the employer's interest to have a decent working relationship with his employees. But it is certainly NOT in the union's best interest that the employer and employee have a decent working relationship.

I have seen way too many worthless employees kept because they had seniority and the union shop wouldn't let them be fired. The union safety training can be a joke and is also (very often) inaccessible by the employer or by outside companies if the employee goes to another job.
You need to live through it before you understand. Each time they do this it becomes nasty.

The union lies, and about 2/3 of the lower management team were moved here from union shops. They attempted to pressure people into the union the first time they came around.

Whether you think it passes "the smell test", it is what happened.

Your remarks are from a person who has never had to face this kind of idiocy. The pressure they were allowed to put on us from the union side has no equal measure from the non-union side.

Assuming that everything you say is true, your experience is not in accord with the overwhelming majority of employees in a similar situation.