Unions' Creepy Push Against Secret Ballot

People from work could go home, distribute the cards, get them all signed, and then come back to work the next day unionized without the irrelevant management mucking with things.
This again assumes that those in the union are not wont to any disturbing intimidation of their own. The benevolence of unions by those who support them is greatly exaggerated.

I don't want some idiot from my work trying to come by my house to sell me the union, I don't want some idiot from my work trying to come by my house to try to do the opposite either. I don't want my work to intrude on my private life at all.
Ok lets say that some employees at a shop want to unionize. So every employee is given a card that says "Yes, lets unionize" or "No lets not" Why do I need my name on this card. Only 1/3 of the employees need vote yes, the others need not even vote, they just need 1/3 of the employees to check yes and then the whole shop votes on whether they want to be a union shop. Do this anonymously and NO ONE can intimidate anyone. Require names on the votes and then intimidation can come from any side. This seems like a real no brainer to me.
Ok lets say that some employees at a shop want to unionize. So every employee is given a card that says "Yes, lets unionize" or "No lets not" Why do I need my name on this card. Only 1/3 of the employees need vote yes, the others need not even vote, they just need 1/3 of the employees to check yes and then the whole shop votes on whether they want to be a union shop. Do this anonymously and NO ONE can intimidate anyone. Require names on the votes and then intimidation can come from any side. This seems like a real no brainer to me.

Besides the forty-five day free employer intimidation period between then and election. It's an extremely complicated process that makes organizing a union next to impossible.
People from work could go home, distribute the cards, get them all signed, and then come back to work the next day unionized without the irrelevant management mucking with things.

irrelevant management?

Yeah, the workers are the only ones who matter. The rest are irrelevant. lol
There is a reason only 8% of the people who work in states like mine (the vast majority of which are government employees) are not part of unions. And it isn't because they are abused by their employers.

if you're bumping this so that someone other than damo can get the last word, you're wasting your time. damo never shuts up, so you make your case, you know you made him look like a fool (my company bullies workers INTO joining a union, LMAO), and you walk.

Cause he will spend, 5 thousand posts claiming you twisted what he said.
this thread is a great example. if you can stand to follow its progress, Damo first claimed that at his company "managment pressured and intimdated workers into joining a union" making united states corporate history.

When people laughed in his face, he then changed it to "well, uh, uh, it was uh, after all, it was uh, middle management."

two posts later:

"well, it's not like, uh, you know, upper managment knew anything about it this intimdation of workers into unions"

five posts later:

"well, uh, um, after all, it was lower management who intimidated workers into the union"

so we went from management, to middle management, to lower management.

How long before we find out that the fucking supply clerk in the storeroom mentioned to the cafeteria check out girl, whom he is slighly above in the company pecking order, that he was thinking of joining the union, and damo invented the rest of it?
this thread is a great example. if you can stand to follow its progress, Damo first claimed that at his company "managment pressured and intimdated workers into joining a union" making united states corporate history.

When people laughed in his face, he then changed it to "well, uh, uh, it was uh, after all, it was uh, middle management."

two posts later:

"well, it's not like, uh, you know, upper managment knew anything about it this intimdation of workers into unions"

five posts later:

"well, uh, um, after all, it was lower management who intimidated workers into the union"

so we went from management, to middle management, to lower management.

How long before we find out that the fucking supply clerk in the storeroom mentioned to the cafeteria check out girl, whom he is slighly above in the company pecking order, that he was thinking of joining the union, and damo invented the rest of it?
Hello Pot, Kettle here.

I just have to say, you can imagine what you like but what I report is what happened. And it isn't even that rare according to my aforementioned FIL.

Yes I went from just "management" to a more accurate description because I realized that people could take previous statements and misrepresent my meaning.

First I said that we were not pressured at the vote. We weren't. Neither by the Union, nor by the Company. We were pressured, lied to, cajoled, pressured some more, called illegally at my desk, etc. by the union in order to get cards filled out. Then, according to people who came to me, some of the lower management pressured their groups into filling out cards for the union in closed door meetings suggesting we would lose work if we didn't join and they would close our "shop"... When I had my FIL help me file a complaint against that activity, not only did it cease but many were in trouble for stepping into an area they were specifically told not to by the middle and upper management.

My sole and only real point in this thread is that the vote was the only part that was actually done fairly, without pressure, and was the only time the employees felt comfortable with the process that was taking place.

We are trapped in an area we can't talk about what is happening around us (can't talk pro or anti union during the process in the work area), the rest of the building is controlled by the union and open to them to approach us. We couldn't even find peace at home. Until the vote took place there was no solace, it was an incredibly volatile and intensely uncomfortable situation. One we lived with long enough that it became the "norm" and when the vote took place and it was over I was amazed at how much I felt a release from the pressure. I seriously didn't realize how much stress there was involved in the process as it was taking place.