US Economy lost 84,000 jobs in August 2008

Thats just the NM heat.... if you had real mountains down there, it would be much cooler for you....
And if you had less real mountains there people would not suffer from oxygen deficiancies in their brains and would not vote republican so much.
I am quite comfortable in my masculinity. So yes. Just because you constantly have sex on the mind, doesn't mean everyone does.

I don’t constantly have sex on my mind. I think about it less than average. Way less than YOU do, since you are a man, so don’t even try that…I will get the stats to make you look like a fool, yet again.
Isn't there someone around here who constantly talks about how wonderful the econmy is doing?

Words like good, bad, wonderful, awful, etc. are all descriptive words than need a base line....wonderful or awful compared to what...they are relative.....

I'm old enough to remember Jimmy Carter and that was the only time in my life that I feared for the future of the country.....20% interest rates and 14 % was freekin' scary....
If you didn't experience it, you can't appreciate it.....

so thats my baseline....I've seen the economy go up and down, into recession and recover from recession, high and low unemployment, higher and lower interest rates, etc....and right now this economy is doing just fine in general

.....bumps here and there, oil price up, oil price down, housing market booming or stagnant...inflation up and inflation down....employment rate above 5% and below 5%.....

Get used to it children, it cycles like that since Rome was built....

but I hope I never see another Jimmy Carter....
thats life.....
yeah these young tools and USGED think 6% unemployment and 3.3% GDP is the end of the world. While not great, it's kindergarden in the arena of bad times.
yeah these young tools and USGED think 6% unemployment and 3.3% GDP is the end of the world. While not great, it's kindergarden in the arena of bad times.
For you as long as people aren't jumping out of windows and sucking on the end of a revolver all is well huh? I love watching the round and round between you and basically everyone else.:corn:
For you as long as people aren't jumping out of windows and sucking on the end of a revolver all is well huh? I love watching the round and round between you and basically everyone else.:corn:

Sadly, thats all some can
Sadly, thats all some can
Why are you commenting? You act like you've said something intelligent. Actually you've revealed that the only other standard you can hold in your mind for comparison is america circa 1970's. Apparently you can only think in 35 yr chunks. That's pretty damn stupid.
For you as long as people aren't jumping out of windows and sucking on the end of a revolver all is well huh? I love watching the round and round between you and basically everyone else.:corn:

yet each one of those tools tell us how great they personally are doing. Are they so smart or are thier sheeple talking points off yet again.:cof1:
your usually going to see 7 or 8% unemployment in a serious recession and job losses well over 100,000 a month for several months.
Get back to me when you see that, we still have decent growth right now. These morons have predicted recession for 12 straight qtrs and have been wrong 12 times.
I just read a blip on a news board somewhere.
Heck no I did not watch the Republican convolution last night. why on earth would I want to do that ?

I wish I hadn't my dinner almost came up on me!

Like the line from Dodgeball, and one of my favorites, " I threw up in my mouth a little!"

your usually going to see 7 or 8% unemployment in a serious recession and job losses well over 100,000 a month for several months.
Get back to me when you see that, we still have decent growth right now. These morons have predicted recession for 12 straight qtrs and have been wrong 12 times.

There is your main mistake, you think the rules our economy is based on has not changed and the old standards still apply.

We are in a global economy, china is the rising star, energy is a major issue without large cheap supplies of which we go down the tubes, The defecit is finally becoming a genuine burden, cost of the war,ageing population and medical costs, we are now a 2/3 based consumer economy, etc.

you never moved into the 21'st century dude.
Because the demtool lemmings play that card no matter what the economy is doing.
It's spurtting along. Nobody said great.
To say it's in the shitter is to admit your total ignorance.

It is doing great in China, GMC is making a profit there, from what I garner!
So, all the unemployed have to do is move, right!
And GMC being first an American company has no loyalty to Americans, why should they, the economy is global now! :clink:
Exactly what actions has he taken that shows that he currently thinks the economy is just swell? In this, communication is a factor. What people say determine what they believe in something that changes like the economy. At one moment I can believe that we are doing pretty good, but that can change with new information. It is silly to say he says the "economy is doing great" when he clearly said it isn't just last night.

I can't trust him on the economy, he, himself said he was ignorant and even with advisers, it isn't something I want to hear from a presidential candidate, especially with so many Americans in a tight spot.
I can't trust him on the economy, he, himself said he was ignorant and even with advisers, it isn't something I want to hear from a presidential candidate, especially with so many Americans in a tight spot.
In reality you would never have voted for McCain regardless of what he said there. (Me too, I have given my reasons). Saying that this is the reason you were not going to vote for him is pretentious at the least.
In reality you would never have voted for McCain regardless of what he said there. (Me too, I have given my reasons). Saying that this is the reason you were not going to vote for him is pretentious at the least.

Said there? he made this statement at the beginning of his campaign, long ago or it seems like long ago! and his acceptance speech was a long, poor, pitiful me speech to garner sympathy, please elect me, please, I was treated very badly at one time in my life and all you one issue voters should vote for me because I am so Patriotic.

I believe you need to reread my statement, you are trying to put words into my mouth...someone pee in your cheerios today?