US Economy lost 84,000 jobs in August 2008

your usually going to see 7 or 8% unemployment in a serious recession and job losses well over 100,000 a month for several months.
Get back to me when you see that, we still have decent growth right now. These morons have predicted recession for 12 straight qtrs and have been wrong 12 times.

Growth is too simple a metric to be useful anymore. People going into debt to buy things only benefits corporations. And when corporations put as many americans out of work as possible to get slave labor elsewhere, it is doubly useless. You are 3X useless.
There is your main mistake, you think the rules our economy is based on has not changed and the old standards still apply.

We are in a global economy, china is the rising star, energy is a major issue without large cheap supplies of which we go down the tubes, The defecit is finally becoming a genuine burden, cost of the war,ageing population and medical costs, we are now a 2/3 based consumer economy, etc.

you never moved into the 21'st century dude.

Of course they still apply, so does the deficet your work under by skipping college. Energy is extreemly important, Obama is sitting on Billions of barrells and letting the Sierra Club dictate thanks but no thanks.
Says the ged educated pessimist.

The up and coming star businessman of my community pessimest you mean ?

Actually that part of my success sucks. I do not like center stage.

And btw I finally figured out that success meant making more money than my wife could spend. Wife gone success came.
having success in the greatest wealthiest country ever and waiting for the sky to fall.
LOFL your 67 going on Mcains age.
I am planning on if the sky falls. If all my businesses goes bust I will still have enough negotiable gold to live out my life.

Besides the sky does not fall evenly on everyone. Even in the great depression.