Video: School Children sing Hymn to Barack H. Obama

It is not nice to pray to Satan.

And yes nuts abound in both parties.

But this aside should school children be taught to respect the office of president?

Praying FOR Bush was vastly different that praying TO Obama....but I wouldn't call Obama Satan....

Even pinheads should understand the difference...
Praying FOR Bush was vastly different that praying TO Obama....but I wouldn't call Obama Satan....

Even pinheads should understand the difference...

Since you are one, explain the difference to the rest of us.:cof1:
We've had debates in the past on this board over the Pledge of Allegiance and whether that was appropriate in class. I can't imagine folks who think the Pledge shouldn't be said in class would support this type of backing for a President.

On the flip side as one who has no problem with the Pledge being said in class I had to ask myself how do I feel about this? My response would be I don't have a problem with something like the Pledge which is about our nation as a whole and not one individual. To focus something like this on the President as an individual isn't right.
We had to sing a song in grade school for the new priest. It was out of respect for him and his office. It did not change me in any way that I know of. I remember thinking it was dumb and boring to have to sing for him.
Interesting, if I were to play devil's advocate - oh I will - I have to say knowing lots of teachers today that children are just plain monsters and their parents equally crazy so if good values come from a song, or positive thoughts of others come from a song, so be it.

Can one imagine the conservative republican's alternative song: I'll start it, help me finish.

Rob and steal S and L it's the American way
Ronald Reagan
Who needs help now too bad
Eric Cantor
Bomb and kill bomb and kill it's the right thing to do
Dick Cheney
Shock and awe awe and shock sorry you are dead
Ronald Rumsfeld
Trickle down Trickle down
Homeless homeless out of work too bad
any republican
Wiping coffee off my monitor! thanks for the laugh
We had to sing a song in grade school for the new priest. It was out of respect for him and his office. It did not change me in any way that I know of. I remember thinking it was dumb and boring to have to sing for him.
Yes but as it was for a priest, my bet is it was a PRIVATE Catholic School. Kool and the Gang, sing for whoever you want, parents pay to send those kids to the school so if they want them singing praises to a pedophile, more power to em. IF this is a public school, there is no place to teach kids to sing praises to any living person. The guy has been in office less than a year. Unless I missed it, he doesn't walk on water and this is just plain creepy. Shit if I sent my kids to a progressive private school I would have some words with teachers that taught this sort of adoration for a president. This goes beyone respect for the office and delves into the Messianic. The guy is president, not the Messiah. Anyone know what school this is from?
Yes but as it was for a priest, my bet is it was a PRIVATE Catholic School. Kool and the Gang, sing for whoever you want, parents pay to send those kids to the school so if they want them singing praises to a pedophile, more power to em. IF this is a public school, there is no place to teach kids to sing praises to any living person. The guy has been in office less than a year. Unless I missed it, he doesn't walk on water and this is just plain creepy. Shit if I sent my kids to a progressive private school I would have some words with teachers that taught this sort of adoration for a president. This goes beyone respect for the office and delves into the Messianic. The guy is president, not the Messiah. Anyone know what school this is from?
B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ.
Yes but as it was for a priest, my bet is it was a PRIVATE Catholic School. Kool and the Gang, sing for whoever you want, parents pay to send those kids to the school so if they want them singing praises to a pedophile, more power to em. IF this is a public school, there is no place to teach kids to sing praises to any living person. The guy has been in office less than a year. Unless I missed it, he doesn't walk on water and this is just plain creepy. Shit if I sent my kids to a progressive private school I would have some words with teachers that taught this sort of adoration for a president. This goes beyone respect for the office and delves into the Messianic. The guy is president, not the Messiah. Anyone know what school this is from?

accordign to the person who posted it on youtube:

B. Bernice Young Elementary School in Burlington, NJ
Yes but as it was for a priest, my bet is it was a PRIVATE Catholic School. Kool and the Gang, sing for whoever you want, parents pay to send those kids to the school so if they want them singing praises to a pedophile, more power to em. IF this is a public school, there is no place to teach kids to sing praises to any living person. The guy has been in office less than a year. Unless I missed it, he doesn't walk on water and this is just plain creepy. Shit if I sent my kids to a progressive private school I would have some words with teachers that taught this sort of adoration for a president. This goes beyone respect for the office and delves into the Messianic. The guy is president, not the Messiah. Anyone know what school this is from?
It was a bad call on the teacher's part.

It is over the top, but my point is that the kids don't remember, it affects the parents far more than it does the children.

The only way teachers get disciplined is if parents complain, I wonder if they did?

I wouldn't, one song, but if I saw a repeat of the pattern, I would definitely have to ask her about her teaching style and what message she is trying to convey to my child.
It was a bad call on the teacher's part.

It is over the top, but my point is that the kids don't remember, it affects the parents far more than it does the children.

The only way teachers get disciplined is if parents complain, I wonder if they did?

I wouldn't, one song, but if I saw a repeat of the pattern, I would definitely have to ask her about her teaching style and what message she is trying to convey to my child.
One song would be enough that if the teacher didn't get fired from the school my children attend I would "fire" the school by removing my children.

"Four legs good! Two legs bad!"
It was a bad call on the teacher's part.

It is over the top, but my point is that the kids don't remember, it affects the parents far more than it does the children.

The only way teachers get disciplined is if parents complain, I wonder if they did?

I wouldn't, one song, but if I saw a repeat of the pattern, I would definitely have to ask her about her teaching style and what message she is trying to convey to my child.

Bullshit kids don't remember! Kids remember in finite detail and well into their adult years. There are things that are indelible in most human minds that date back to before you could coherently talk.

This is a bullshit excuse because you drink the Obama koolaide.
One song would be enough that if the teacher didn't get fired from the school my children attend I would "fire" the school by removing my children.

"Four legs good! Two legs bad!"
Wow, where are you going to indoctrinate your children then, better be at home!
Obviously Usedtoboilmyend has a childhood secret festering inside.:eek:
They remember things that impact them. They don't remember stupid stuff like this. They might remember it, it is a catchy tune, but not to the point that some believe they will, it won't turn them into Obamabots! Now, if she was wiping them on the hands with a ruler, that would be different. This isn't going to make the children think Obama is a god.

Aren't we allowed to praise people anymore? Admire them for their accomplishments, or does praise mean "worship" as some here seem to believe. The fact they are calling this a hymn, shows me that they believe the teacher is invoking a god in this song.

Is that what you people truly believe?

I just see it as honoring his accomplishments. I wouldn't blow a fuse over this.
They remember things that impact them. They don't remember stupid stuff like this. They might remember it, it is a catchy tune, but not to the point that some believe they will, it won't turn them into Obamabots! Now, if she was wiping them on the hands with a ruler, that would be different. This isn't going to make the children think Obama is a god.

Aren't we allowed to praise people anymore? Admire them for their accomplishments, or does praise mean "worship" as some here seem to believe. The fact they are calling this a hymn, shows me that they believe the teacher is invoking a god in this song.

Is that what you people truly believe?

I just see it as honoring his accomplishments. I wouldn't blow a fuse over this.

somehow i doubt you would support this if a teacher had her kids sing bush praises like this.....

it is like a hymn, they took words virtually directly from a song about christ.....

that this type of praise is what hitler and jung il used to indoctrinate the youth is telling....
somehow i doubt you would support this if a teacher had her kids sing bush praises like this.....

it is like a hymn, they took words virtually directly from a song about christ.....

that this type of praise is what hitler and jung il used to indoctrinate the youth is telling....

A teacher wouldn't have been able to teach kids to sing Bush's praises. Even a baby knows Bush is an asshole.
