Video: School Children sing Hymn to Barack H. Obama

somehow i doubt you would support this if a teacher had her kids sing bush praises like this.....

it is like a hymn, they took words virtually directly from a song about christ.....

that this type of praise is what hitler and jung il used to indoctrinate the youth is telling....
I am sure some teacher, somewhere did. I wouldn't have agreed with the sentiment, he is a dullard and not many virtues to point out to children, but he was President and that does deserve some respect to a point.

It was a catchy tune, one that the teacher was familiar with, like I said, not a good call, because it did get some of you hyperventilating!

I (we) was (were) just amazed when George Bush was allowed to go into the classroom, by his handlers, that he was able to understand what was going on. You noticed they never has him go into a middle school or high school class and rarely above grade four!
A teacher wouldn't have been able to teach kids to sing Bush's praises. Even a baby knows Bush is an asshole.

I am sure some teacher, somewhere did. I wouldn't have agreed with the sentiment, he is a dullard and not many virtues to point out to children, but he was President and that does deserve some respect to a point.

It was a catchy tune, one that the teacher was familiar with, like I said, not a good call, because it did get some of you hyperventilating!

I (we) was (were) just amazed when George Bush was allowed to go into the classroom, by his handlers, that he was able to understand what was going on. You noticed they never has him go into a middle school or high school class and rarely above grade four!

wake think it happened.....yeah...sure

and do you even realize that dems have been criticizing this.....this is not a partisan issue, this is an issue about singing praises to ONE man....this country is not about one person and copying texts from religious hymns, the tune almost sounded like a patriotic tune......give me a break froggie
These are good kids. They all deserve an A for the year in every class, just on patriotism alone. They'll go far, while the bratty child-like conservatives sit in the back and whine about what fund their rich mommy and daddy will pull if they don't get their way.
These are good kids. They all deserve an A for the year in every class, just on patriotism alone. They'll go far, while the bratty child-like conservatives sit in the back and whine about what fund their rich mommy and daddy will pull if they don't get their way.

dude....don't bust your DNC troll....

you're a hypocrite, if the teacher gave the kids songs about bush, you would talk about killing them or putting their heads on pikes
Rob and steal S and L it's the American way
Ronald Reagan
Who needs help now too bad
Eric Cantor
Bomb and kill bomb and kill it's the right thing to do
Dick Cheney
Shock and awe awe and shock sorry you are dead
Ronald Rumsfeld
Trickle down Trickle down
Homeless homeless out of work too bad
any republican

Huh. I know I've seen this somewhere else...
YouTube - School kids taught to praise Obama

MMM... mmmm... Mmmmm... Barack Hussein Obama!

(And if you begin to teach them young...)

That teacher was an idiot....possible she had some sort of score to settle, because she retired right after this.

This is ONE incident in that area, let alone that State, let alone this country. But it's going to be just another brick in the wall against Obama that the birthers and teabaggers and all who sail with them are building...and they'll bullhorn it to make is seem like the rule and NOT the exception.
Am I having a deja vu, or is this the second time around for this?
If at first you don't succeed,................
Let me ask, which of the RW gurus is trying to revive it through dupes.

The only dupe is you...this is a brand new worship song to your leader.
I am sure some teacher, somewhere did. I wouldn't have agreed with the sentiment, he is a dullard and not many virtues to point out to children, but he was President and that does deserve some respect to a point.

It was a catchy tune, one that the teacher was familiar with, like I said, not a good call, because it did get some of you hyperventilating!

I (we) was (were) just amazed when George Bush was allowed to go into the classroom, by his handlers, that he was able to understand what was going on. You noticed they never has him go into a middle school or high school class and rarely above grade four!

You calling anyone a "dullard" is a joke frog! You are as stupid as they come. George Bush is certainly more intelligent, more kind, more humble, and certainly more gracious then you or your dear leader are or likely ever will be.
You calling anyone a "dullard" is a joke frog! You are as stupid as they come. George Bush is certainly more intelligent, more kind, more humble, and certainly more gracious then you or your dear leader are or likely ever will be.

[ame=""]YouTube - George Bush's stupid quotes[/ame]
It was a bad call on the teacher's part.

It is over the top, but my point is that the kids don't remember, it affects the parents far more than it does the children.

The only way teachers get disciplined is if parents complain, I wonder if they did?

I wouldn't, one song, but if I saw a repeat of the pattern, I would definitely have to ask her about her teaching style and what message she is trying to convey to my child.

Wow, I didn't know stuff that happens to kids doesn't affect their views and attitudes later in life. Good to know that.
from an email

Tune: ‘Jesus loves the little children’

Baracky’s bailouts keep a’comin’
Billions and Billions every day
A trillion here…a trillion there
For our buddies He will share
As you pay more taxes every day!

'Don’t you worry none ‘bout ACORN'
Baracky sez that ‘They’re okay’
‘They did some crooked things’
‘But in Chicago we fix things‘,
More bailout money’s on the way!

'You don’t need to get a job'
'Work makes you sweaty anyway'
Barack’ll level out the field
As your freedoms are repealed
'We’ll all be broke soon any way…

‘So what if Iran’s got a nuke plant’
‘Israel has no rights, anyway’
‘And they really shouldn’t fight’
Baracky says ‘That’s not right’
‘Iran’s gift’ll be coming any day!’

We’ll fix Health Care any day now
Quality don’t matter any way..
He’ll say which Doc you see..
And ...‘No surgery on that Knee’
Canes are cheaper, any way…

Good old Barack Hussein
Prattling on and on every day
We don’t need no missle shield
Our freedoms we will yield
Remember :the check is on the way!
You are complaining because they sang a song to Obama that was to the tune used for a Hymn?

I dont understand?