We can’t have a president under indictment!

I wonder why Biden voters spend every moment of their lives with their heads rammed up Biden's asshole.

Let me summarize the leftist arguments: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!! It's simple minded. Dumb. Lacks any logic and makes you look stupid and petty.
Find me one single Biden devotee. You're an idiot.
I wonder why Biden voters spend every moment of their lives with their heads rammed up Biden's asshole.

Let me summarize the leftist arguments: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!! It's simple minded. Dumb. Lacks any logic and makes you look stupid and petty.
Find me one single Biden devotee. You're an idiot.
That's a lie.

That's a lie.

Coming from Democrats? Absolutely.

Apparently that is no longer true in Manhattan, DC or Fulton county.
Cry me a river, pussy.
Mishandling and stealing classified government documents.

Which was it? Mishandling or stealing?
I already have

Same answer.

No link equals no proof.

Try again.
Cooperation or not is irrelevant to the crime of having taken the documents to begin with, mishandling them after stealing them, allowing unauthorized persons access to them, and then storing them in an unapproved location. All of that is chargable, and normally is with any normal schmuck like me or you.

I remember one case where a sailor took a reactor plant manual (these are classified confidential a low-level classification) home to study so he could get qualified and promoted faster. No bad intentions. He showed the manual to no one. Upon getting caught bringing it back on the ship, he cooperated fully. He was still charged and convicted of mishandling classified documents. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of similar cases where some person mishandled classified documents and was criminally charged.

Biden and Clinton are both chargable for what they did.

Do you want Trump prosecuted for "mishandling and/or stealing" documents?
How is that a defense for committing a crime? Explain.

I asked you a question. Why do you refuse to answer it?
What actually happened is that after he attacked his political opponent for a crime, he realized he had committed, he decided he better come clean.
If you weren't a dishonest leftist, you wouldn't be desperately flailing, lying and looking like an uneducated partisan hack.

I am impressed that you can read minds and determine the motivation behind Biden's actions.
If only you had a brain. :laugh:
And once again, the petty GOP shill resorts to another infantile taunt.
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This is nothing but a "Masked man" fallacy using Liebniz's Law. That is, you have two cases (or more) of mishandling of classified documents under the law. There is no question they were mishandled. You then resort to finding differences in the cases to claim one is chargable as a crime while the other is not. That uses Liebniz's law against the outcomes where you in essence argue because the cases are not identical, they have to be rejected in some cases and allowed in others.

The cases are NOT identical and therefore each must be tried on its own using pertinent evidence and the facts surrounding each case.
In a sense, it is just a trivial objection and hair splitting.

No, it isn't
Obstruction is separate from mishandling the documents themselves. Biden knowingly took them. He did that with intent and knowledge. He then mishandled them by not properly safeguarding them. Further, he admitted to showing them to unauthorized persons. All of that is chargable as crimes under US law on classified documents.

Trump also knowingly took documents with intent and knowledge.

He mishandled them by not properly safeguarding them and then refused to return them when subpoenaed.

Trump showed off the documents to unauthorized persons.
You try to say because Biden gave the documents back willingly there was no harm or foul. There was. Biden is chargable. Pince is chargable. Hillery Clinton is chargable. That they weren't while Trump was, speaks volumes to his being singled out for revenge and political gain by his opponents.

I seriously--very seriously--doubt that ANY of what we see happening to Trump today would have occurred had he not decided to run for a second term.
What we are saying is, since Biden returned the documents when asked, as opposed to Trump who doubled down and refused to return the documents, any punishment must be harsher for Trump.

Biden cooperated when asked. Trump DIDN'T.
Trump has proven he will do anything he can think of to corrupt and cheat the system

Your channeling Biden again. I don't think you can post without lying and looking like a triggered mental case.

It's sad to watch your steady mental decline brought on by severe TDS.
That isn't what the jury found. They found that Trump was involved in a plot to pay off women so his marriage transgressions would not reach the public. That connects them to the election. The bus audio was dying down. He figured he could not remind the voters what a jerk he is.

:lolup: Mentally challenged dumbass doesn't even know what the case was about.
Merchan did not accuse Trump of anything.

True. He insinuated it as he placed his hand down on the scales of justice firmly on the side of Bragg who never had a case to begin with.

Are you suggesting what Trump did was not corrupt?

How was it corrupt? You think NDAs are corrupt? Then you'll need to arrest a lot of members in Congress.

Congress paid out $17 million in settlements.

Do you actually believe that accounting for legal fees as "legal fees" is corrupt? I would love to see a coherent argument that can support such absurd bullshit.
If you do it the way Trump did, its illegal in NY.

Really? How so? Tell us the CORRECT way he should have accounted for LEGAL fees halfwit. :rofl2:

Its like this... Contracting with someone to do a job is generally not illegal, contracting with someone to kill a rival is.

More lunatic assertions not based in reality or the facts. Kill a rival? Now you're not merely flailing but raving like a lunatic. :palm:
Then why did Trump say that?

Say what?


ob·tuse | \ äb-ˈtüs , əb-, -ˈtyüs \

obtuser; obtusest

1 formal : stupid or unintelligent : not able to think clearly or to understand what is obvious or simple

He is too obtuse to take a hint.

an incredibly obtuse person
Stop the lying Terry.

A Trump and Barr picked Special Counsel investigated this and said very clearly he could not find ANY laws broken by Biden that he could charge.

So your opinion is meaningless here.

That's a dumb lie. Hurr's investigation stated that Biden broke our laws by stealing sensitive information he was not entitled to.

It is obvious that you are nothing more than a triggered leftist hack williong to lie, deflect and flail at any opportunity to defend the worst President in the history of the Republic.

But alas, looking stupid seems to be something you enjoy.
Terry, listen. You do not get to state what the facts are in defiance of what a top Trump and Barr prosecutor said are the facts.

I can say right now it is a fact you just committed a felony saying what you did but it is as worthless as you claiming to know facts that a prosecutor said DO NOT exist.

The Prosecutor was crystal clear, DELIBERATELY with not an iota of ambiguity...

Terry saying 'nuh huh, i did my own assessment and the Prosecutor is wrong, is symptomatic of how incredibly stupid you get in your TDS.

Hurr clearly stated Biden broke the law. He had the documents. That's the ONLY evidence required to know it is a fact. All your deflecting, flailing and lying doesn't change the basic fact that for decades, Biden had sensitive documents he took ILLEGALLY and kept in numerous unsecured locations.

Unlike Trump who was acting under the PRA, kept the documents in a very secured gated location surrounded by secret service and who had the FBI inspect the premise and recommend security steps which were then taken.

Lying like you do makes you look petty and stupid.
He would lose in court, just like all the other bogus Trump and magat prosecutions tried and LOST.

That is what happens when you bring Trumped up charges. YOU LOSE, time, and time, and time again.

I am amused that you think Biden is winning. But then, you illustrate someone suffering from a severely retarded IQ.
The lead Prosecutor given Special powers to investigate is just the type of AUTHORITY we should take our data from.

Your appeal to your own authority and that you know better and can tell him he is wrong, is laughably stupid.

The "lead prosecutor" was illegally appointed. The Judge in this case is currently investigating that fact and will probably have a decision in the near future after Trump is re-elected.