We can’t have a president under indictment!

Meh. Trump supporters claim everything is rigged and evil and corrupt when it doesn't favor Trump. It's literally brainless noise at this point. The American justice system, although flawed, is still among the best in the world.
Brainless noise is an apt description.
Right up there with 721 counts of FELONY jaywalking by Banana Republic Biden.

It's amusing that you think the brutal rape and murder of Lady Justice with this fraud will help you in November. YOU and the other radical Stalinists were already going to vote for whoever that party has on the ticket. Facts and reality have no meaning to you - only party.

But for those who are not insane Marxist sycophants, the outright lynching of the political opposition has a far different impact. Particularly in the black community where they now see Trump treated with the same contempt for the rule of law that democrats had for blacks in the south.

Whereas Biden was deemed above the law - despite clear guilt.
Man, you just have to stop saying “rape” when it comes to Trump. It was merely sexual assault, which makes it OK
I'm sure democrats lynched some black man in Alabama during the 1920's on the same charge - with an identical "court."

What the democrats are doing to Trump isn't new - we just thought we were past this. But as long as there are democrats, there will be lynchings.
What was the makeup of the jury?
Why do you imagine for even a moment that I'd buy that refried bullshit?
Is this you...?

Yep the SCOTUS should immediately take this case on appeal.
It does not work that way. He has 30 days to file a notice to appeal. It has to go through the New York appeals system. Then the NY Appellate Court has to hear it. The Supremes do not hear state cases that has not reached the highest court in the state. It will not likely escape the NY legal system before the election.
The fact is, he doesn’t know shit about the people on the jury.
Nobody does. They are keeping as quiet as possible. They have a pretty good idea of what would happen to them and their families of they were identified . The one who was on Truth Social was accepted by the prosecution.