We can’t have a president under indictment!

Show us?

Show us anyone who was charged 3 years past the statute of limitations - clearly violating due process? We have seen the dishonest "charge stacking" by sleazy prosecutors who inflate charges, usually to coerce a confession. Sadly - the corruption of jurisprudence makes this far too common.

But then there is the novel approach of escalating the already invalid charge to a felony based on other charges, never illustrated in black letter law. That has never been done before in a civilized nation. But new york isn't civilized - it's a banana republic ruled by a Junta.

Feel free to show us another case where a misdemeanor is elevated BUT THE SECONDARY UNDERLYING CRIME isn't mentioned or proven?

Go for it!
It was not past the statue of limitations.... That is a lie.
Enhancing a crime based on other actions/crimes (not charges) is common.
You and I and the rest of the forum have been over this hundreds of times. We can't help that you're a fucking idiot.

Yet, when asked a question, you haven't defended your lies and continue to flail, deflect and insult. Is it because you know that your comments are patently false and indefensible?
Its not magic, its the law. When idiots cant understand something, they call it magic.

Wrong. It is malfeasance when a jurists acts unconstitutionally and places his heavy hand on the scales of justice.

This case should have been kicked out at the very beginning. But Marchand is a conflicted partisan with obvious TDS.
It was not past the statue of limitations.... That is a lie.

Yes, it was. Every legal expert has stated it has, which is why Bragg had to bootstrap it to some obscure Federal election crime he never felt compelled to prove.

Why all the lies and deflecting?

Enhancing a crime based on other actions/crimes (not charges) is common.

Not in a case like this. If you are going to charge a felony based on a federal election, it is out of the States jurisdiction.

I do wish you knew what you are babbling about.
It was not past the statue of limitations.... That is a lie.

Three YEARS past the statute of limitations.

You lying won't alter that.

Enhancing a crime based on other actions/crimes (not charges) is common.

Show us this "other crime?"

Show us any case where such enhancement is present, but no underlying crime is demonstrated or proven?

Amusing fact, Presiding Cunt Merchan is guilty of what he accuses Trump of.

  • Judge Juan Merchan: Merchan made two small political contributions in 2020, in violation of New York’s Judicial Code of Ethics. One was to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden. The other was to an organization named “Stop Republicans.” The NY Commission on Judicial Conduct issued a warning to Merchan for the violations.}
Hey, there is no law in the banana republic - Merchan serves the Soros organization - that makes him immune.
Look at Florida's 10-20-LIfe law.
Three YEARS past the statute of limitations.

You lying won't alter that.

Show us this "other crime?"

Show us any case where such enhancement is present, but no underlying crime is demonstrated or proven?

Amusing fact, Presiding Cunt Merchan is guilty of what he accuses Trump of.

  • Judge Juan Merchan: Merchan made two small political contributions in 2020, in violation of New York’s Judicial Code of Ethics. One was to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden. The other was to an organization named “Stop Republicans.” The NY Commission on Judicial Conduct issued a warning to Merchan for the violations.}
Hey, there is no law in the banana republic - Merchan serves the Soros organization - that makes him immune.
SOl not three years if its charged as a Felony. It was charged as a felony.

Florida 10-20-Life law.
Three YEARS past the statute of limitations.

You lying won't alter that.

Show us this "other crime?"

Show us any case where such enhancement is present, but no underlying crime is demonstrated or proven?

Amusing fact, Presiding Cunt Merchan is guilty of what he accuses Trump of.

  • Judge Juan Merchan: Merchan made two small political contributions in 2020, in violation of New York’s Judicial Code of Ethics. One was to the presidential campaign of Joe Biden. The other was to an organization named “Stop Republicans.” The NY Commission on Judicial Conduct issued a warning to Merchan for the violations.}
Hey, there is no law in the banana republic - Merchan serves the Soros organization - that makes him immune.
Political donations do not violate the code of ethics.
Look at Florida's 10-20-LIfe law.

SOl not three years if its charged as a Felony. It was charged as a felony.

Florida 10-20-Life law.

Again, what was the felony? Leftist halfwits seem to be the only ones who know what it is but refuse to tell us. Do share!
Political donations do not violate the code of ethics.

Word salad. The case in Manhattan wasn't about Federal election violations. It wasn't about donations. It was about Banana Republic style malfeasance by a conflicted DA and a partisan acting state Supreme Court justice who should have recused himself and allowed a venue change.
Speculative at best.


But I was a serious DeSantis supporter (still am). But the attacks on Trump left me no choice but to support him. Our elections and system of government are under attack - there is no choice other than Trump if the Constitution is to survive. I know a lot of people who feel the same way. If not for the war democrats are waging on free and fair elections to stop Trump, I think there is a good chance DeSantis would be the nominee.

I think they will do everything they can to corrupt and cheat the election. When they lose, they will become extremely violent.

But I was a serious DeSantis supporter (still am). But the attacks on Trump left me no choice but to support him. Our elections and system of government are under attack - there is no choice other than Trump if the Constitution is to survive. I know a lot of people who feel the same way. If not for the war democrats are waging on free and fair elections to stop Trump, I think there is a good chance DeSantis would be the nominee.

I think they will do everything they can to corrupt and cheat the election. When they lose, they will become extremely violent.
Trump has proven he will do anything he can think of to corrupt and cheat the system
Political donations do not violate the code of ethics.
That isn't what the jury found. They found that Trump was involved in a plot to pay off women so his marriage transgressions would not reach the public. That connects them to the election. The bus audio was dying down. He figured he could not remind the voters what a jerk he is.
Political donations do not violate the code of ethics.
Take it up with the NY Bar.

Merchan violated what he accuses Trump of.

Double standard? Well, of course.

Also, figure out how Merchan was able to violate due process by prosecuting a charge that had a 48 month statute of limitations 7 years later?

Oh right - pure corruption - that's how banana republics with no rule of law work.
That isn't what the jury found. They found that Trump was involved in a plot to pay off women so his marriage transgressions would not reach the public. That connects them to the election. The bus audio was dying down. He figured he could not remind the voters what a jerk he is.
I did not say it was... You are correct.
Take it up with the NY Bar.

Merchan violated what he accuses Trump of.

Double standard? Well, of course.

Also, figure out how Merchan was able to violate due process by prosecuting a charge that had a 48 month statute of limitations 7 years later?

Oh right - pure corruption - that's how banana republics with no rule of law work.
Merchan did not accuse Trump of anything.

Are you suggesting what Trump did was not corrupt?