We can’t have a president under indictment!


Describes nearly all of your posts perfectly.

Falsifying business doc's being elevated to a felony for underlying crimes is one of the bread and butter crimes of that office.

Bragg told you that. Bragg is a serial liar. Bragg is also a dishonest partisan hack. Brag is so bereft of knowledge regarding the law, that he arrogantly believed that he didn't even have to argue what the underlying laws were or provide evidence of how they were broken.

Good advice for you; it is better to be silent and thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

The only thing unique is that the underlying crime done by Trump is a first as no other Presidential candidate has done them.

Really? What were they again? No one on the planet except uneducated MSNBC viewers seem to know what they were. Do share!

Just as Trump being charged for stealing gov't docs is a first in the same way. Lots of other people charged for obstruction and classified doc's but no former POTUS as none have done that.

You mean Trump is being charged for a lesser offense that that which Biden committed? After all, Biden had documents for decades in multiple unsecured locations, showed them to his ghost writer and stole them while a Senator and VP.

I am amused by the laughably stupid double standard leftist hacks present when they pound their tiny, uneducated, hypocritical, dishonest little fists on the table while defining what lying hypocrite actually means. :palm:
Harris is worse. She is more conservative than Biden.


No one in history has ever been charged with the crime that Trump was convicted of.

I'm sure democrats lynched some black man in Alabama during the 1920's on the same charge - with an identical "court."

What the democrats are doing to Trump isn't new - we just thought we were past this. But as long as there are democrats, there will be lynchings.
Nothing you say refutes what Robert Hurr said,cribbed right out of his report...

Hurrs report actually states that Biden committed crimes. NO matter how you deflect, flail, pound your tiny little insignificant fists on the table, Biden committed a worse crime by stealing the documents ad a Senator and a Veep, keeping them for decades and exposing them to his ghost writer for 8 million reasons.

"We conclude that the evidence does not establish Mr. Biden's guilt beyond a reasonable doubt," the report says. "Prosecution of Mr. Biden is also unwarranted based on our consideration of the aggravating and mitigating factors."

Those being, of course, the claim that he is a confused dotering old man that would be viewed sympathetically by a jury. Aren't we supposed to let juries decide that? Or the DOJ?

The crime:

"Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen," the report said.

The special counsel said Mr. Biden's conduct "present[ed] serious risks to national security, given the vulnerability of extraordinarily sensitive information to loss or compromise to America's adversaries…But addressing those risks when pursuing criminal charges, the only means available to this office, is not the proper remedy here."

Then how is it the proper remedy in Trumps case??
Speaking of little bitches -

Bite me, trumptard troll.

Where's AProudlefty? Hello? AProudlefty??? Lurch in trolling, attacking forum members and hurling personal insults!

Oh wait, I keep forgetting that Aproudlefty is a dishonest, trolling, lying leftist hypocrite.
Its not magic, its the law. When idiots cant understand something, they call it magic.

What happened in the banana republic of new york has nothing to do with law.

If you had even the slightest knowledge of law, you would know this.

We are witness to another stunning moment of GOP hypocrisy.

Nothing defines irony more than leftist Democrat voting hypocrites calling others hypocrites. Of course, stupid people don't know they are stupid.
Did he refuse to return them when the documents were discovered?

How is that a defense for committing a crime? Explain.

What actually happened is that after he attacked his political opponent for a crime, he realized he had committed, he decided he better come clean.
If you weren't a dishonest leftist, you wouldn't be desperately flailing, lying and looking like an uneducated partisan hack.

If only you had some EVIDENCE.

If only you had a brain. :laugh:

Show us?

Show us anyone who was charged 3 years past the statute of limitations - clearly violating due process? We have seen the dishonest "charge stacking" by sleazy prosecutors who inflate charges, usually to coerce a confession. Sadly - the corruption of jurisprudence makes this far too common.

But then there is the novel approach of escalating the already invalid charge to a felony based on other charges, never illustrated in black letter law. That has never been done before in a civilized nation. But new york isn't civilized - it's a banana republic ruled by a Junta.

Feel free to show us another case where a misdemeanor is elevated BUT THE SECONDARY UNDERLYING CRIME isn't mentioned or proven?

Go for it!