We can’t have a president under indictment!

That isn't what the jury found. They found that Trump was involved in a plot to pay off women so his marriage transgressions would not reach the public.

If true, there is nothing illegal about it.

That connects them to the election. The bus audio was dying down. He figured he could not remind the voters what a jerk he is.

So, the lynching was not based on any sort of violation of law, but purely to imprison a political opponent to keep them from obtaining or resuming office.

You agree this was a show trial directly out of a third world dictatorship.

No one in America is ignorant of this fact.

No one.
If true, there is nothing illegal about it.

So, the lynching was not based on any sort of violation of law, but purely to imprison a political opponent to keep them from obtaining or resuming office.

You agree this was a show trial directly out of a third world dictatorship.

No one in America is ignorant of this fact.

No one.
If you do it the way Trump did, its illegal in NY.

Its like this... Contracting with someone to do a job is generally not illegal, contracting with someone to kill a rival is.
Merchan did not accuse Trump of anything.


Are you suggesting what Trump did was not corrupt?

Hillary Clinton engaged in far more egregious campaign violations - yet was only fined. The banana republic of new york - where the activities occurred, oddly declined to pursue any prosecution of a party member.

What occurred in this third world shit hole has no relation to law. The verdict was decided by the Soros team before Bragg presented it to the corrupt GJ.

The Soros team appointed one of their own, Juan Merchan as presiding cunt, to ensure that there would be no chance of legitimacy in the show trial. And of course there was none - this was a political farce of the the ruling Biden regime prosecuting his political rival and candidate for the Presidency.

This violates every tenet of American Jurisprudence and the basic foundation of a civil society. You don't care - you want to "get" Orange Man Bad. This undermines the very core of equal justice under the law - you don't give a fuck, you want your party to rule.

It isn't that you are ignorant to the utter and complete destruction of the rule of law and the collapse into a lawless society - it is that you cheer it because you lust for absolute power by your party - just as those who have promoted dictatorships in the past have.

Supporters of Mao, Stalin, Hitler, Castro, et al, all marched the same road you goosestep on now.
If you do it the way Trump did, its illegal in NY.

You mean if you pose a credible threat to the pResidency of Joe Biden?

Yes, we are aware. Banana republics operate this way across the globe. Kim Jong Un, Nicolas Maduro, Joe Biden - all the same methods.

Its like this... Contracting with someone to do a job is generally not illegal, contracting with someone to kill a rival is.

Biden contracted to put his rival in prison - and you cheer him for it.
He had them for decades. Not as a President with PRA protections, but as a Senator and a VP in multiple unsecured locations.
Exactly. Biden also admitted he showed some of them to his ghost writer and others.

Open admission under oath that he illegally stole classified documents, showed them to unauthorized persons, and kept them in an unauthorized and unsecure area. Clearly a complete violation of federal security clearance and classified document laws.
Exactly. Biden also admitted he showed some of them to his ghost writer and others.

Open admission under oath that he illegally stole classified documents, showed them to unauthorized persons, and kept them in an unauthorized and unsecure area. Clearly a complete violation of federal security clearance and classified document laws.
Stop the lying Terry.

A Trump and Barr picked Special Counsel investigated this and said very clearly he could not find ANY laws broken by Biden that he could charge.

So your opinion is meaningless here.

...Nevertheless, we do not believe this evidence is sufficient, as jurors would likely find reasonable doubt for one or more of several reasons. Both when he served as vice president and when the Afghanistan documents were found in Mr. Biden's Delaware garage in 2022, his possession of them in his Delaware home was not a basis for prosecution because as vice president and president, he had authority to keep classified documents in his home. ...

...In addition to this shortage of evidence, there are other innocent explanations for the documents that we cannot refute...

...We conclude the evidence is not sufficient to convict, and we decline to recommend prosecution of Mr. Biden...

Stop the lying Terry.

A Trump and Barr picked Special Counsel investigated this and said very clearly he could not find ANY laws broken by Biden that he could charge.

So your opinion is meaningless here.
It isn't my "opinion." Those are facts. Biden broke every law on handling classified documents.
Kerry B.



What if...A lawyer in a Wyoming town won the district attorney office by promising voters that he would go after President Biden.Then, after Biden announces he will run for reelection, the attorney requests a meeting with the Trump team.Then, 2 weeks later, the attorney charges President Biden with 34 counts of falsifying business records from 6 years ago.Then, given the statute of limitations has already expired and falsifying business records is a misdemeanor in Wyoming, the district attorney does something that has never been done before in US legal history and ties the 34 counts of falsifying business records to 34 federal felony counts with intent to commit another crime, but does not articulate what the other crime is.Then, he works to get a judge that has apparent bias against Biden, and he pushes to keep the trial and select the jury in the Wyoming town where 87% of people voted Republican.Finally, the attorney in Wyoming pushes to begin the trial on Biden 6 months before the next election and 8 years after the alleged crime took place and to gag Biden from speaking publicly about the case.

What would the democrats be screeching?
It isn't my "opinion." Those are facts. Biden broke every law on handling classified documents.
Terry, listen. You do not get to state what the facts are in defiance of what a top Trump and Barr prosecutor said are the facts.

I can say right now it is a fact you just committed a felony saying what you did but it is as worthless as you claiming to know facts that a prosecutor said DO NOT exist.

The Prosecutor was crystal clear, DELIBERATELY with not an iota of ambiguity...

...We conclude the evidence is not sufficient to convict, and we decline to recommend prosecution of Mr. Biden...

Terry saying 'nuh huh, i did my own assessment and the Prosecutor is wrong, is symptomatic of how incredibly stupid you get in your TDS.
Kerry B.



What if...A lawyer in a Wyoming town won the district attorney office by promising voters that he would go after President Biden.Then, after Biden announces he will run for reelection, the attorney requests a meeting with the Trump team.Then, 2 weeks later, the attorney charges President Biden with 34 counts of falsifying business records from 6 years ago.Then, given the statute of limitations has already expired and falsifying business records is a misdemeanor in Wyoming, the district attorney does something that has never been done before in US legal history and ties the 34 counts of falsifying business records to 34 federal felony counts with intent to commit another crime, but does not articulate what the other crime is.Then, he works to get a judge that has apparent bias against Biden, and he pushes to keep the trial and select the jury in the Wyoming town where 87% of people voted Republican.Finally, the attorney in Wyoming pushes to begin the trial on Biden 6 months before the next election and 8 years after the alleged crime took place and to gag Biden from speaking publicly about the case.

What would the democrats be screeching?
He would lose in court, just like all the other bogus Trump and magat prosecutions tried and LOST.

That is what happens when you bring Trumped up charges. YOU LOSE, time, and time, and time again.
Terry, listen. You do not get to state what the facts are in defiance of what a top Trump and Barr prosecutor said are the facts.

I can say right now it is a fact you just committed a felony saying what you did but it is as worthless as you claiming to know facts that a prosecutor said DO NOT exist.

The Prosecutor was crystal clear, DELIBERATELY with not an iota of ambiguity...

Terry saying 'nuh huh, i did my own assessment and the Prosecutor is wrong, is symptomatic of how incredibly stupid you get in your TDS.
Just because some liars... err, lawyers... say something doesn't make it true. Biden has broken a number of laws with mishandling classified documents.

If your or I did what he's done with classified documents, we'd be sitting in prison right now, 100% for sure, no doubt about it.

Even Biden friendly, apologist site, Politico says Biden mishandled classified documents. That Hur didn't charge him is irrelevant to the fact Hur found he had mishandled them.

PBS admits Biden mishandled classified documents and even that he "willfully disclosed" their contents to persons not authorized to look at them.

The plain text of federal law says Biden is culpable for mishandling classified documents

That Biden got off is just one more clear case of Affluenza where he got special and preferential treatment rather than being charged.
Just because some liars... err, lawyers... say something doesn't make it true. Biden has broken a number of laws with mishandling classified documents.

If your or I did what he's done with classified documents, we'd be sitting in prison right now, 100% for sure, no doubt about it.
Just because Terry continues to lie above does not make it true.

An independent Trump, Bill Barr chosen prosecutor who knows the law better than Terry does, and who had all the tools to do a forensic examination of Biden's actions said this...

...We conclude the evidence is not sufficient to convict, and we decline to recommend prosecution of Mr. Biden...

Terry reads that and repeats a lie, that i know better. I know the law better and i know what he did better, and i know what evidence they have better. All because Terry is riddled with TDS.

No Terry you are lying and you do not know better. The Special PRosecutor, who has a much better understanding of the law than you do and who had for more access to the facts and evidence said crystal clear the 'evidence is NOT sufficient to convict'. That has far more value then the lies you tell, Terry.
Just because Terry continues to lie above does not make it true.

An independent Trump, Bill Barr chosen prosecutor who knows the law better than Terry does, and who had all the tools to do a forensic examination of Biden's actions said this...

Terry reads that and repeats a lie, that i know better. I know the law better and i know what he did better, and i know what evidence they have better. All because Terry is riddled with TDS.

No Terry you are lying and you do not know better. The Special PRosecutor, who has a much better understanding of the law than you do and who had for more access to the facts and evidence said crystal clear the 'evidence is NOT sufficient to convict'. That has far more value then the lies you tell, Terry.
Back to your irrelevant appeals to authority fallacies I see.
Back to your irrelevant appeals to authority fallacies I see.
The lead Prosecutor given Special powers to investigate is just the type of AUTHORITY we should take our data from.

Your appeal to your own authority and that you know better and can tell him he is wrong, is laughably stupid.
This is what a criminal enterprise looks like...

Screenshot 2024-06-04 184446.png

Now imagine how many pages it would take to add in the all indicted and not yet convicted criminals.