We can’t have a president under indictment!

Google is your friend, moron.

Why don't you just tell us what felonies he was accused up instead of flailing, deflecting and acting like a dotard?

Then perhaps we can debate about what an unthinking, uneducated and delusional fool you are.
Why do Republicans spend every moment of their godless lives sucking Trump's pinky dick? We will have an election. If Trump loses, his brain dead voters will attempt another coup. Are you going to participate this time or just lie from your keyboard again?

I wonder why Biden voters spend every moment of their lives with their heads rammed up Biden's asshole.

Let me summarize the leftist arguments: TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!! It's simple minded. Dumb. Lacks any logic and makes you look stupid and petty.
Oh you mean how the crooks in NY magically transformed a misdemeanor into 34 indictments. What a system just truly awe inspiring corruption.
Meh. Trump supporters claim everything is rigged and evil and corrupt when it doesn't favor Trump. It's literally brainless noise at this point. The American justice system, although flawed, is still among the best in the world.
Why don't you just tell us what felonies he was accused up instead of flailing, deflecting and acting like a dotard?

Then perhaps we can debate about what an unthinking, uneducated and delusional fool you are.
You and I and the rest of the forum have been over this hundreds of times. We can't help that you're a fucking idiot.
Falsifying business documents (34 counts)

Those are not felonies. The evidence presented at trial totally blew that theory out of the water when the accountant testified Trump had nothing to do with the entries. The statute of limitations on those misdemeanors had also run out.

You're not very educated when it comes to law.

He is charged with mishandling and stealing classified documents.

Yes, he is, but he had a right to determine what documents were personal and was in talks to make that final determination until Garland sent in the swat team. Another unprecedented abuse of political power never attempted in our history. yet Biden was found to have criminally kept classified documents.

Biden, on the other hand, was actually guilty of stealing classified documents he had no right to and yet, goes uncharged. Is that because Democrats think they are above the law? Or that Garland and his DOJ are nothing more than partisan political hacks and hatchet men?
So? Biden mishandled and stole classified documents... He's also likely falsified far more business documents than Trump ever has.

Not to mention, kept them is unsecured multiple locations unlike Trumps secure secret service gated property.

Democrats must think they are above the law. Weird.
Should not have been charged,

Why? Just because you think he should be our dictator? He committed crimes; he was charged with those crimes...and he absolutely should have been charged. He was, in fact, found guilty by the jury!

not wasn't as you twisted what I said.
What are you talking about, TA?

I wrote:
Well, there are people who know more about the law than either of us who think he should NOT have been charged.
And you quoted that and responded
I'd say the exact same thing about Trump too.
The US has committed so many criminal acts around the world that having a convicted felon as president is quite acceptable.

I mean, does anybody actually equate America with justice and the rule of law ?

Ignore the thread trolling, terrorist hugging mental case. He obviously has severe mental issues. :laugh:
Why are democrats too afraid to let the two old guys run against each other? The panic is getting real

Had democrats not engaged in this war on free and fair elections, it's unlikely that Trump would be the GOP nominee, much less win the election.

The attack on democracy by the democrats is what put Trump back in the white house. And they think the smart move now is to double down.
Biden gave them back as soon as it was discovered and invited the FBI into his house to investigate and return them.

How is that a defense for felonious theft and disclosure of classified documents? What third world law are you bloviating about?

Another moronic defense and argument; that is, that if one ILLEGALLY keeps, retains and discloses classified documents, but later realizes they are charging their political opponents of an even lesser offense, and if they admit they have them, it's okay.

Only someone lacking a high school education could make such a delusional, laughably stupid argument.

You are one of those suckers then.

The vast majority of that money will go to pay Trump's legal bills and for his Jet and for Melania's stylists and personal care.

I hope they raise double and triple that and keep sucking magat money into that black hole, while completely starving the campaign, and especially the, at risk down ballot magat candidates of funds.

They already had to shut down all their street level operations due to lack of funds, which is fantastic.

Please donate more and more and more.

Why is it that when you post, most of what you post are really laughably stupid lies?
Doesn't matter. He should have been charged. He had those documents for years. He knowingly took them. He admitted to showing them to persons not authorized to see them. He stored them at his house and elsewhere in unsecure and unauthorized locations.

Do you really think he should be let off because when he was caught after doing all that he cooperated? Trump cooperated and look what it got him.

Your excuse for Biden is absolute bullshit.
He had them for decades. Not as a President with PRA protections, but as a Senator and a VP in multiple unsecured locations.
I am astounded at how you can think that, TOP.
The evidence presented before the court was apparently overwhelming.

It was only overwhelming to uneducated dotards who know nothing about the law, evidence and Constitutional protections.

It's one thing to say that you don't care if it's true.
I can understand that.
I don't care about a lot of things that give people who are different from me the vapors.

No one actually cares what you think NiftyNitWit.

To say that all of that verifiable documentation wasn't real is really pushing it.
It's more credible to say that you just don't care.

There was ZERO verifiable documentation that showed that Trump caused any records to be manipulated or changed.

If you weren't an avid MSNBC viewer who parrots the nonsense they spew, you would be better informed.
Falsifying business documents (34 counts)

Right up there with 721 counts of FELONY jaywalking by Banana Republic Biden.

It's amusing that you think the brutal rape and murder of Lady Justice with this fraud will help you in November. YOU and the other radical Stalinists were already going to vote for whoever that party has on the ticket. Facts and reality have no meaning to you - only party.

But for those who are not insane Marxist sycophants, the outright lynching of the political opposition has a far different impact. Particularly in the black community where they now see Trump treated with the same contempt for the rule of law that democrats had for blacks in the south.

He is charged with mishandling and stealing classified documents.

Whereas Biden was deemed above the law - despite clear guilt.