We're All Job Doomers Now

I’m starting to think you’ve never even been in a business class. Maybe you should get a job selling used software to double diggit housewives with Onceler.

THAT is where you ran into a problem. Liberals are not allowed to think for themselves. You should know that by now.

I disagree. there are a couple of HUGE potential emerging markets about to explode. Bio/medical tech and alt energy tech. Either one has the potent to put us into a new golden age like the 90's

You guys have to stop being so gloomy all the time. We are in a cyclical market downturn and nothing more. There is ALWAYS opportunity for hard workers in this country.

No seriously Chap, do you have any concept that the world doesn’t revolve around guys like you and top? We know you’re sitting pretty.
This isn’t about you
Could this have anything to do with the new workers coming from colleges during the past month?
how gay is lorax,
yes we have serious problems chap and I have never said things were great over the last year. But you don't know shit about horrible and it might get there. 200,000 to 300,000 job loses per month and 8 to 9% unemployment will suck, growing at 1% does not suck. Obama better start to increase domestic oil production at the same time as hyperdriving alternatives like solar/biofuels and hybrids or you might see real bad numbers. We can't keep shipping billions of dollars a month for oil and not have it hurt the economy.
how gay is lorax,
yes we have serious problems chap and I have never said things were great over the last year. But you don't know shit about horrible and it might get there. 200,000 to 300,000 job loses per month and 8 to 9% unemployment will suck, growing at 1% does not suck. Obama better start to increase domestic oil production at the same time as hyperdriving alternatives like solar/biofuels and hybrids or you might see real bad numbers. We can't keep shipping billions of dollars a month for oil and not have it hurt the economy.

Top, who’s gay, who likes to be tied up, who’s fat, who’s married, who’s single, who’s screwing the neighbor has JACK SHIT to do with this, or any other economics thread.
Yeah, if it’s the first time we’ve had a graduating class entering the job market in 22 years.

Not necessarily true. Because if you look at the job market in the 1990's, most college grads were able to find jobs prior to graduation due to a tight labor makret. Obviously that is not the environment the current grads are entering. It all depends on what the labor market looks like at the time of graduation.

Again, this may or may not be the primary factor (or a factor at all) in the rise. I just tossed it out as something to keep in mind prior to hitting the panic button. The 10% increase is certainly a red flag and will cause great interest in next months report.
No seriously Chap, do you have any concept that the world doesn’t revolve around guys like you and top? We know you’re sitting pretty.
This isn’t about you

i didnt say it was.. but as an example take Trinity Industries Inc. (TRN). An old rail company thats migrating into manufacturing of wind. They are eyeing Michigan as a place for there manufacturing since there is alot of old factory buildings and plenty of factory workers in the region.

I realize that its hard to see thru the intimidate day to day struggles but you guys have to go 10,000 feet up in the air for a moment and think longer term.
economics is over your head dhula

Tops, you still have not been able to make the distinction between investing & economics. Virtually ever "prediction" you have made over the past year has turned out wrong; you were dismissive of the credit crunch & housing crisis when I brought it up a year ago, and said it was an "isolated" segment of the economy.

Um, that happens every year.

Does not explain the biggest jump in 22 years.

The job market is not the same every year. If you have a tight labor market, there will be minimal impact. If the labor market is loose... it could cause a spike. Key word... could.
...I further like to amuse myself by snickering over the fact that Toppy will have no idea who the title of this post is paraphrasing.

Jobless rates jumps to 5.5 percent - biggest rise since `86
Posted: 2008-06-06 09:17:59
WASHINGTON (AP) - The nation's unemployment rate jumped to 5.5 percent in May - the biggest monthly rise since 1986 - as nervous employers cut 49,000 jobs.

The latest snapshot of business conditions showed a deeply troubled economy, with dwindling job opportunities in a time of continuing hardship in the housing, credit and financial sectors.

"It was ugly," said Richard Yamarone, economist at Argus Research.

With employers worried about a sharp slowdown and their own prospects, they clamped down on hiring in May, said Friday's report from the Labor Department. The unemployment rate soared from 5 percent in April to 5.5 percent in May. That was the biggest one-month jump in the rate since February 1986. The increase left the jobless rate at its highest since October 2004.

The big jump in the unemployment rate surprised economists who were forecasting a tick-up to 5.1 percent. Payroll losses, however, weren't as deep as the 60,000 that analysts were bracing for. Still, job losses in both March and April turned out to be larger than the government previously reported. Employers now have cut payrolls for five straight months.

The 5.5 percent rate is relatively moderate judged by historical standards. Yet, there was no question that employers last month sharply cut jobs in manufacturing, construction, retailing and professional and businesses services. Those losses swamped gains elsewhere, including in the education and health fields, government and leisure and hospitality.

The government said the number of unemployed people grew by 861,000 in May - rising to 8.5 million. The over-the-month jump in unemployment reflected more workers losing their jobs as well as an increase in those coming into the job market - especially younger people - to look for work, the Bureau of Labor Statistics said.

A year ago, the number of unemployed stood at 6.9 million and the jobless rate was 4.5 percent.

A trio of crises - housing, credit and financial - have rocked the economy. That's caused economic growth to slow to a crawl as businesses and consumers have tightened their belts. Spiraling energy costs are another negative force.

The country's economic problems are a top concern for voters - and thus for President Bush, lawmakers on Capitol Hill and those vying to win the White House this fall.

And, there's been a lot of talk about whether the economy is on the brink of, or fallen into, its first recession since 2001. That determination, made by a panel of academics, is usually made well after the fact.

"For the average American there is not debate that the eocnomy is in a recession," said Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's Economy.com. "That's because their net worth is lower, their purchasing power is lower and it is tough to find a job. If you lose a job, it is tough to get back in," he said.

So far this year, the government said, job losses have totaled 324,000.

I can still recall Bush voters telling me years ago, that Bush's irresponsible tax cuts for the rich would lead to a massive boom in job growth.

People who voted for Bush and cheerled his economic policies should never be offered jobs in anything remotely connected to banking, finance, or accounting.
how gay is lorax,
yes we have serious problems chap and I have never said things were great over the last year. But you don't know shit about horrible and it might get there. 200,000 to 300,000 job loses per month and 8 to 9% unemployment will suck, growing at 1% does not suck. Obama better start to increase domestic oil production at the same time as hyperdriving alternatives like solar/biofuels and hybrids or you might see real bad numbers. We can't keep shipping billions of dollars a month for oil and not have it hurt the economy.

Off topic... what is it with so many liberals on this board using "your gay" as an "insult"???

Just curious.... because I didn't realize so many open-minded liberals would be closet gay bashers.

Oncerlo what an insult comparable to gay, calling you gay is an insult to gays.
Your a liar and a douchebag, (that's better).
Look at the investment calls I made based on the economy you tool and tell me where I went wrong. You aren't man enough to post investment calls if you even invest.
I'm up over $100,000 over this time last year, are you?
It's a juvinille guy joke to call someone gay, when I say it I mean more feminine than homosexual as I'm not a homophobe. I like lorax and cypress.