We're All Job Doomers Now

sigh yes, I keep forgetting we use fiction for it not real figures.

As always, this is your normal ignorant response when I point out your error.


To get actual numbers, you would need to talk to every US household. That is impossible to do on a monthly basis. Which is why every country uses a survey to calculate their rates.

Either educate yourself on the topic or try to remain silent.... your speaking on the topic simply gives justification to toppys GED comments (on this topic)
do we figure our unemployment rate the same way that European countries do ?

Also who on here has ever been called in the unemployment survey ?
And this is evidence of what?

I've never been called for a Presidential Poll, does that mean they don't exist or are, like Zogby, always inaccurate?
Yeah, if it’s the first time we’ve had a graduating class entering the job market in 22 years.

Sorry if I wasn't clear. Is this a month where there is a historical jump in unemployment? That was what I was asking.
Doesn’t posting to this thread making you feel feminine? So, what are you wearing? I have on a fabulous bright red summer blouse, with just a tiny bit of a peep of cleavage (still well within office bounds) a beige skirt, and well, if I described my shoes you would just keel with envy. Michael Kors, strappy, high heel, open-toed sandal in a sumptuous patent-leathered, deep tan color.
I have on a black t-shirt with the visage of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on it, entitled "I have a Dream", on the back it has the speech itself. I'm wearing denim shorts and a pair of Nikes.
well on the ones that compared ours to european unemployment rates, do they figure theirs the same way or are we compaing apples to oranges. I have no idea but suspect different methods are used.

Every major country uses a survey. But no, they are not necessarily calculated in the same manner. Some countries count everyone that is unemployed whether they are actually looking to go to work or not. So people should be careful when attempting to compare countries.

Most major industrialized countries calculate it the same way we do. Because it doesn't make any sense to include those who are not looking to go to work.
Whatever pain, crisis, loss of jobs, or failing mortgages America suffers, we deserve every bit of it and FAR more.


Call it blowback.
So you are a believer in immediate Karma?
Whatever pain, crisis, loss of jobs, or failing mortgages America suffers, we deserve every bit of it and FAR more.

Call it blowback.

Thanks for such outstanding analysis. Please pass your sentiments along to those looking for work or having trouble keeping up with energy and food prices. Make sure they know they deserved it.
I agreed with the above right up until you said biofuels were not the answer. That is a pretty large blanket. Some biofuels are not the answer. We definitely should not be using grain to produce fuel. We should focus on cellulosic production and on algae.

Yes, I said algae. Just learned about that one last week.

The reason I say that biofuels is not the answer is two-fold.

First of all, using land to grow fuel crops instead of food crops is counter productive in the long run. Our population is growing at an astounding rate (by "our" I mean both in the US and in the world) The likelihood of us needing LESS food is remote at best. Plus, most fertizers used today are petroleum based.

The second reason is that the damages done by burning fuels is well documented. Biofuels will have different waste products, but not necessarily waste products that are significantly safer. Even if they are significantly safer, biofuels will not have the EROEI (Energy Return On Energy Invested) that oil does. This means to maintain current levels of energy useage will require more biofuel than was required in oil.

And it is not just gasoline that is effected. Almost everything we come in contact with has a significant amount of oil in it (either used directly or invested in it). The computer you use to read this required 10 times its weight in oil to manufature. Every bit of plastic is petroleum based. There is no equivilent biofuel that will produce plastics on any sort of large scale.
we are already committed to mandated increases in biofuels by billions of gallons each year for the next several years, so it will take a few % of our energy production. Hopefully we will add huge increases in Solar production and wind as well.
The idea that we deserve whatever bad befalls us is ridiculous on two counts.

First of all, it completely negates any good things that have been done by this nation and its people.

Second of all, it punishes those who did the least wrong for the sins of those who are not going to feel the crunch nearly as bad.

Third, it implies a "fairness" in the universe. I am guessing that you don't believe that.
blackpanther is in a bad mood today, he's coming down off the Euphoria that Obama will be the next president.
The reason I say that biofuels is not the answer is two-fold.

First of all, using land to grow fuel crops instead of food crops is counter productive in the long run. Our population is growing at an astounding rate (by "our" I mean both in the US and in the world) The likelihood of us needing LESS food is remote at best. Plus, most fertizers used today are petroleum based.

The second reason is that the damages done by burning fuels is well documented. Biofuels will have different waste products, but not necessarily waste products that are significantly safer. Even if they are significantly safer, biofuels will not have the EROEI (Energy Return On Energy Invested) that oil does. This means to maintain current levels of energy useage will require more biofuel than was required in oil.

And it is not just gasoline that is effected. Almost everything we come in contact with has a significant amount of oil in it (either used directly or invested in it). The computer you use to read this required 10 times its weight in oil to manufature. Every bit of plastic is petroleum based. There is no equivilent biofuel that will produce plastics on any sort of large scale.

Yes, using crop land to produce biofuels is idiotic. On that we agree. 15% of our current crops are used for biofuel. One reason for high grain costs.

But using land that cannot be used for crops is certainly an option. As I mentioned... algae is a good example. It can be grown to produce a synthetic oil. It also has good side effects.

1) Algae sucks carbon out of the air.

2) After producing the oil (that can go into biodiesel) the remainder is a high protein food source for livestock.

So not only do you reduce carbon, you get a synthetic oil and a protein/food source for livestock (which reduces their demand on other food sources).

As for your final paragraph... no we do not have the technology to reduce every need for oil at this time. No one is suggesting that we do.
we are already committed to mandated increases in biofuels by billions of gallons each year for the next several years, so it will take a few % of our energy production. Hopefully we will add huge increases in Solar production and wind as well.

Those mandates should be shifted to NON-grain based production. Using our food for fuel is idiotic at best.
blackpanther is in a bad mood today, he's coming down off the Euphoria that Obama will be the next president.

Well, unfortunately the pictures are real. I think we should see them on television every night of this war. It would have ended several years ago.
IM on board wind, sun, and water.. The other shit is gimmicky. Bio fuels affects our other necessities, fuel cells may cause cancer.. Go with the basics.
blackpanther is in a bad mood today, he's coming down off the Euphoria that Obama will be the next president.

That's real fucking funny.

This nation has mass-murdered and mutilated countless innocent people, Americans don't give a fuck .. but I'm coming down off Obama.

Perhaps you're right .. maybe I shouldn't post today because I'm so full of goddamn rage and anger I wish every motherfucking son-of-a-bitch who supported this maniacal regime to be dead.

I know America doesn't give a fuck about dead Iraqis .. but goddamn, what about the tens of thousands of American men and women who have died and been blown the fuck apart with limbs and brains missing .. for nothing.

Goddamn we are a sick fucking people.