WEREWOLF SIGNUP (The REBOOT) Goal: Next Thursday start

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And really it has to do with Yaya. He really is an insufferable prick. For the most part I don’t pay much mind to him on the board. But, the game forces me to read his obsessive, shrill bullshit.

Let me put it this way. I would rather take Rune and Darla out to a nice dinner and apologize for every mean thing I ever said about them than deal with Yayayurt

I just don't understand the bitch fight between the two of you. I really can't tell youse guys posts apart. Very rarely that likewise trolls attack each other. They usually pair up as a wolf pack or bandwagon someone.
Can you explain this to me. Oh, the irony is overwhelming.
Look at the mysoginy from these liberal men trying to run to Rana’s defense like she can’t fight her own battles

How condescending Zipperhead and Unka are

Do you not know how close friends, or groups of similar minded individuals interact with each other, and come to defense of each other? Why do you think me, and Owls kept getting mixed up with the Mason, and Top feud? If you don't have any of those types of friends, surely you have some like minded individuals around. Misogyny? Did anyone say, Make me a sandwich Rana, men are talking? I'm pretty sure if they did I would have told them to go chew on a lepers scrotum.
I just don't understand the bitch fight between the two of you. I really can't tell youse guys posts apart. Very rarely that likewise trolls attack each other. They usually pair up as a wolf pack or bandwagon someone.
Can you explain this to me. Oh, the irony is overwhelming.

It's called Karma and as usual, it's a total BITCH!
Maybe I'll be a wolf this time. I am a night owl, so it's probably a lot easier in that regard. Only this place is pretty silent at those hours. My normal bedtime, if I had one, would be 3 A.M. Sometimes I don't get to sleep till 8 P.M.

Oh no it's much harder to be a wolf as you're seriously outnumbered and very, very easy to make mistakes that will trip you up. Well that and JPP's villagers are tough as nail and taste like vinegar and water.
Do you have a quote of me finding out that USF was a wolf?

So glad you asked fuckstick.

I think USF was one. I just remembered that I did get a quote notification, but, I thought it was directing me to a Lounge thread. When I failed to enter, I assumed Grind had simply shut it down, not wanting to allow a Lounge thread this round. Pretty sure that USF's name was attached to the reminder, now that I think of it.

Ow that must have hurt huh as swipe? Now Jade got it, and being a classy straight up person went right to Grind. You being the fucking loser you are, kept it quiet and were going to use it as an advantage
Oh no it's much harder to be a wolf as you're seriously outnumbered and very, very easy to make mistakes that will trip you up. Well that and JPP's villagers are tough as nail and taste like vinegar and water.

Its easy for YOU to trip up, because you are an ignorant sheep fucker from Ohio.

Some of us do quite well as wolves.

So good that we get 3D to shoot Grind.
So glad you asked fuckstick.

Ow that must have hurt huh as swipe? Now Jade got it, and being a classy straight up person went right to Grind. You being the fucking loser you are, kept it quiet and were going to use it as an advantage

Cool, now re-read the quote again, so that you can explain how I knew that USF was a wolf prior to Grind explaining the glitch.
I quoted you, in Wolf Chat, and unfortunately it went to your "quotes" page.
If you had seen it and thought about it, you would have realized that I was a wolf.

Yeah, I was unaware that Grind had set-up a chat room for you guys. When I clicked on the notification, I just saw the word "lounge," and expected to be dragged into the after-hours lounge thread for the game. When it failed to direct me there, I figured the thread had been deleted.
Yeah, I was unaware that Grind had set-up a chat room for you guys. When I clicked on the notification, I just saw the word "lounge," and expected to be dragged into the after-hours lounge thread for the game. When it failed to direct me there, I figured the thread had been deleted.

Sure ya did liar

It’s ok. It won’t make me think any less of you than I already do. That isn’t possible
I can't believe the site data loss included the 2014 game, so I can't post quotes of IHA and Mott whining like little bitches, because they didn't understand how the majority lynch rule works.
Yeah, I was unaware that Grind had set-up a chat room for you guys. When I clicked on the notification, I just saw the word "lounge," and expected to be dragged into the after-hours lounge thread for the game. When it failed to direct me there, I figured the thread had been deleted.

I don't look to see where I'm quoted either, unless it's a thread that has a good discussion going in it.
I don't look to see where I'm quoted either, unless it's a thread that has a good discussion going in it.

I'm vain like Grind, so I generally make an effort to check. Grind actually will do a search for his name, which is why he complains when we use expressions like "axe to Grind," and "I buy my morning coffee at It's a Grind."
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