WEREWOLF SIGNUP (The REBOOT) Goal: Next Thursday start

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No, I won’t play on here again whether you play or not without your apology, I will always play under a cloud of being a cheater if you don’t withdraw your comments.

I dont care what Grind thinks of you.

So, you are able to call me a cheater based on private messages revelations, but not reveal my accuser. It seems as if you have already violated the private message by detailing the person told you that Darla, Rune, the accuser and myself cheat at werewolf.

He just said that it was "one of your compadres".
Why are assuming that it was the forth person you cheated with; because maybe it was someone who knew you had or that someone else confided in?
I can see this game is going to get off to a smooth start. JPP...where even the sheep have fangs.

When is Grind going to hand out roles?

tonight but we need at least 11 and that's pushing it. if we can't get 11 we really can't play. I am trying to talk to kacper but i get no response.

someone in this thread go find a jpp friend and recruit them like the super christians tried to recruit me when I was 11 years old by tricking me into thinking I had a date with a neighbor girl only to learn I had to accept jesus or else
tonight but we need at least 11 and that's pushing it. if we can't get 11 we really can't play. I am trying to talk to kacper but i get no response.

someone in this thread go find a jpp friend and recruit them like the super christians tried to recruit me when I was 11 years old by tricking me into thinking I had a date with a neighbor girl only to learn I had to accept jesus or else

Here's the list of everyone who's been on in the last 24 hours, who haven't signed up.

a777pilot, aloysious, anatta, archives, Bourbon, callinectes, cawacko, CFM, CharacterAssassin, Controlled Opposition, coolzone, countryboy, Darth Omar, DBCooper, Dirt McGirt, domer76, DonaldvoTrumpovich, Flash, Frank Apisa, Gotcha68, Granule, guno, Havana Moon, HollyAndy, hvilleherb, hypGnosis, iewitness, iolo, Jarod, Kacper, katzgar, kudzu, leaningright, Leonthecat, Micawber, moon, noise, Nomad, Nordberg, OldMercsRule, PoliTalker, PostmodernProphet, Ralph, Sailor, sear, signalmankenneth, Sirthinksalot, SmarterthanYou, Text Drivers are Killers, The Ugly Truth, Thing1, tinfoil, Tranquillus in Exile, Truth Detector, Userwiththename, volsrock, ZappasGuitar, zymurgy
i've asked most people by now. it's an uphill battle. i dont want to spam the shit out of people. many i've already asked twice lol.
He just said that it was "one of your compadres".
Why are assuming that it was the forth person you cheated with; because maybe it was someone who knew you had or that someone else confided in?

She is really taking this hard. I didn’t know she cared so much about what I think. She must think I have a lot of power on JPP
tonight but we need at least 11 and that's pushing it. if we can't get 11 we really can't play. I am trying to talk to kacper but i get no response.

someone in this thread go find a jpp friend and recruit them like the super christians tried to recruit me when I was 11 years old by tricking me into thinking I had a date with a neighbor girl only to learn I had to accept jesus or else
Boy....you're gullible. If they only told you what you can get for $20 and some crystal meth.
To this day I don’t know how I got away with that. You’d think they l’d have lynched me after the second poem. The only thing I can think that saved me was the sick bastards here really wanted to see poor SF have a stroke.

That is the most likely reason. I would have killed ya.
i've asked most people by now. it's an uphill battle. i dont want to spam the shit out of people. many i've already asked twice lol.
I asked the following people if they would play.


The only one who responded was Rana and she said "no".
if we can't get to 13 we are really in a world of hurt

If i can squeeze out 11 I need to think of a way to balance for village, as basically it's like we are starting d2 with wolves having 2 free kills but village only having 1 peek

I am considering one of the following advantages to help balance out the game if we can only have 11:

1) Give seer two peeks on n0 (as normally with 11 left they would have 2 peeks) so it would be like picking up the game on d2

2) Give seer one peek on n0 and a second day peek a couple hours before night on d1

3) Give seer one peek on n0 and I reveal to the village late on d1 who a confirmed villager is (mod peek)

4) something i haven't thought of yet

I asked the following people if they would play.


The only one who responded was Rana and she said "no".

Apparently she is cares more about what I think and say about her than a game she professes to love to play and “be good at”

I find it rather amusing
I take it the last game went so well that you all decided to play another this fast???

Actually the game was going well. Grind decided to add some enhancements that really improved Wolf communication, however there was one little glitch that was unforeseen which blew up the game.
I take it the last game went so well that you all decided to play another this fast???
No....Grind screwed the pooch. He created a chat room for the Wolves. Unfortunately if the wolves copy and pasted a villagers post the villager was notified that they had been quoted. Which pretty much gave away who the wolves were. Whoops!
USF ("The Fire")
Rune (herbmano)
Jade (rookie of the year)
Rana (queen of the board)
tsuke (of "tsukesthoughts")
liberalavenger (the crusher)
mott (superstar)
yayayayayaya (def not yurt)
CaptBilly(The BillDozer)
threedee (starbucks)
ILA (snowflake melter)
Superfreak (Rick James)

Alright we have 11, so game is viable. Still not ideal, but doable.
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