WEREWOLF SIGNUP (The REBOOT) Goal: Next Thursday start

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USF ("The Fire")
Rune (herbmano)
Jade (rookie of the year)
Rana (queen of the board)
tsuke (of "tsukesthoughts")
liberalavenger (the crusher)
mott (superstar)
yayayayayaya (def not yurt)
CaptBilly(The BillDozer)
threedee (starbucks)
ILA (snowflake melter)
Superfreak (Rick James)

Alright we have 11, so game is viable. Still not ideal, but doable.

Should we create those Alts for the game
No....Grind screwed the pooch. He created a chat room for the Wolves. Unfortunately if the wolves copy and pasted a villagers post the villager was notified that they had been quoted. Which pretty much gave away who the wolves were. Whoops!

and all this time I thought that * had a premature ejaculation.
Maybe I'll be a wolf this time. I am a night owl, so it's probably a lot easier in that regard. Only this place is pretty silent at those hours. My normal bedtime, if I had one, would be 3 A.M. Sometimes I don't get to sleep till 8 P.M.
me 2. I don't have a set schedule for sleeping or eating. I just go with the flow and sometimes gaze at a full moon. My favorite time of the month when my precious body fluids are pumping at max strength.
No, I won’t play on here again whether you play or not without your apology, I will always play under a cloud of being a cheater if you don’t withdraw your comments.

I dont care what Grind thinks of you.

So, you are able to call me a cheater based on private messages revelations, but not reveal my accuser. It seems as if you have already violated the private message by detailing the person told you that Darla, Rune, the accuser and myself cheat at werewolf.

Keep in mind Rana, the ONLY reason ILA is bringing this crap up is he's just desperate to divert everyone's attention away from the fact he's a gigantic crybaby who rage quit the last game when it didn't go his way.
me 2. I don't have a set schedule for sleeping or eating. I just go with the flow and sometimes gaze at a full moon. My favorite time of the month when my precious body fluids are pumping at max strength.

I have till June 26th to try, and train myself to sleep at night. Vacation would suck, if I can't get myself to be able to. Parks aren't really open at those hours.
Look at the mysoginy from these liberal men trying to run to Rana’s defense like she can’t fight her own battles

How condescending Zipperhead and Unka are
Keep in mind Rana, the ONLY reason ILA is bringing this crap up is he's just desperate to divert everyone's attention away from the fact he's a gigantic crybaby who rage quit the last game when it didn't go his way.

Not diverting anything fuckstick. I already admitted I was a big douche at the end of that game. Nothing to divert from. Unlike you I take total responsibility for my actions.

Keep flailing though. I am sure you make the cheater feel better
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