What about freedom FROM religion?

Agreed. Notice how the nutjobs quote "MSM" sources that support their ideology and spurn them as Jewish propaganda when the stories do not conform to their ideology. The fact they do the same to the US military, intelligence and science agencies is not surprising.

Note how you are hallucinating again.
NASA scientists and engineers are involved in the planning, engineering, vision, and science of every mission, even when contractors are hired for the assembly and execution of the mission.
Nope. NASA did not build a single one of these vehicles.
The fact that NASA finds, contracts, and hires extremely competent contractors is an indication the process is corruption free, highly competent, and does not have a nefarious Deep State agenda.
It is not corruption free.
BTW, NONE of this has anything to do with the inability to measure the temperature of the Earth. You are making a straw man fallacy (badly).
You on the other hand have exactly zero training, competence, or expertise in climate Science.
There is no such thing as 'climate science'. Climate is not a branch of science. There are NO theories of science about 'climate'. Science has no theories about a subjective description. Climate has no temperature.
Agreed to all but I strongly doubt low IQ Trumpers and the mentally ill like Sybil will understand, much less accept, the facts you presented.

Sybil can't even admit that he has three socks: Into the Night, gfm7175 and IBDaMann. Is he lying or simply insane? I believe the latter is true.

Sybil has no account here. I don't have any socks, and neither does gfm7175 nor IBDaMann. Hallucination. Inversion fallacy.
Pedo Don fans believe. "Warmists" have NASA. https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ which is solid evidence. The anti-"warmists" have Pedo Don, a known lying, adulterous draft-dodging pedophile. Trumpism is a religion.
...Random numbers are not evidence. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth...

Do you believe Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon July of 1969, Sybil?

NASA didn't built a single one of these vehicles.
NONE of these vehicles is a measure of temperature.

You didn't even go to college.

My brother worked at NASA Jet Propulsion Lab.

NASA scientists and engineers are visionaries who set mission parameters, mission standards, data analysis, science and engineering specs, who concieved and planned missions like Apollo, Viking, Pioneer, Hubble, Cassini. Contractors are hired by NASA, just like every other large public or private entity on the planet when specialty expertise is needed in assembly or execution
So doubt it's a coincidence as there are no coincidences when SCOTUS Rehnquist grants standing to Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists baptize thine eyes of 2 Washington, D.C. born USA citizens as fabricated Islam in their malice aforethought Freudian slip "What is 9/11 ?" & having 2 World Trade Towers baptized as Islam too...

I don't understand this gibberish.
You didn't even go to college.
Reminder: You are the stupid, undereducated moron in this conversation.

Please continue.

[Someone other than I] worked at NASA Jet Propulsion Lab.
You don't get to speak for this other person any more than I do. You can bring this other person here to this forum to speak for himself, but you only get to speak for yourself.

NASA scientists and engineers are visionaries
Too funny! Apparently you ARE too stupid to learn. Now I understand why you don't bother trying to learn to read for comprehension, i.e. it would be a disastrous waste of time.

NASA doesn't engineer anything. They have no visionaries. All of the brilliant ideas on which the act come from the private sector in the form of responses to RFPs.

It's looking like we can't presume you know anything.
You didn't even go to college.
*yawn* This tired old insult again???
My brother worked at NASA Jet Propulsion Lab.
JPL isn't NASA.
NASA scientists and engineers are visionaries who set mission parameters, mission standards, data analysis, science and engineering specs, who concieved and planned missions like Apollo, Viking, Pioneer, Hubble, Cassini.
NASA doesn't build or design vehicles.
Contractors are hired by NASA, just like every other large public or private entity on the planet when specialty expertise is needed in assembly or execution
Nope. It doesn't work that way.
Reminder: You are the stupid, undereducated moron in this conversation.

Please continue.

You don't get to speak for this other person any more than I do. You can bring this other person here to this forum to speak for himself, but you only get to speak for yourself.

Too funny! Apparently you ARE too stupid to learn. Now I understand why you don't bother trying to learn to read for comprehension, i.e. it would be a disastrous waste of time.

NASA doesn't engineer anything. They have no visionaries. All of the brilliant ideas on which the act come from the private sector in the form of responses to RFPs.

It's looking like we can't presume you know anything.

Explain precisely how American private industry strictly on it's own initiative and vision would have taken it upon themselves to organize, plan, and execute an Apollo mission to the Moon, a rover mission to Mars, a New Horizons mission to Pluto.
NASA doesn't engineer anything. They have no visionaries.
NASA doesn't build or design vehicles.

NASA's Ames Research Center, one of ten NASA field centers, is located in California's Silicon Valley. Since 1939, Ames has led NASA in conducting world-class research and development in aeronautics, exploration technology and science aligned with the center's core capabilities.

NASA Jet Propulsion Lab - The laboratory's primary function is the construction and operation of planetary robotic spacecraft, though it also conducts Earth-orbit and astronomy missions. It is also responsible for operating the NASA Deep Space Network.

NASA John Glenn Research Center - Glenn Center excels in researching and developing innovative technologies for both aeronautics and space flight. A multitude of NASA missions have included elements from Glenn, from the Mercury and Gemini projects to the Space Shuttle Program and the International Space Station. The center's core competencies include air-breathing and in-space propulsion and cryogenics, communications, power energy storage and conversion, microgravity sciences, and advanced materials
Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) is a federally funded research and development center in California. The laboratory is now owned and sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and administrated and managed by the California Institute of Technology.


You've been Sybil'd. LOL

Does anyone besides me think Sybil can't leave his "home" without an escort?
