What about freedom FROM religion?

People are getting tired of religious privilege.

So doubt it's a coincidence as there are no coincidences when SCOTUS Rehnquist grants standing to Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate fiefdom drug trafficking enforcement thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights arsonists baptize thine eyes of 2 Washington, D.C. born USA citizens as fabricated Islam in their malice aforethought Freudian slip "What is 9/11 ?" & having 2 World Trade Towers baptized as Islam too...
Good. We are in agreement there.

Warmists opine that climate change caused by human activity is occurring. In no way do I consider that a religion.

What is "the trans movement?" Whatever it is...I seriously doubt it is a religion. If you mean people who think some people can choose to transition from one sex to another...it definitely is not a religion.

Whatever it is, it is not a religion.

Frank, you're wrong on two points.

1) A belief system held by many people without proof but only on faith is a religion. That's the warmists, they have no proof because they say...just as you just did...that it's man made. It's the Sun idiot.

2) The trans movement. Are you really claiming ignorance here?
Frank, you're wrong on two points.

I suspect I am not, but I'll hear you out, Guille.

1) A belief system held by many people without proof but only on faith is a religion.

I suppose a case could be made for that, but if assumed to be correct, almost everything would be a religion except mathematics. Something as elemental as supposing that the sun will rise tomorrow morning (the Earth will continue its spin)...is taken on faith. Star systems are destroyed all the time...and ours might easily be within hours. There is no real proof that what we suppose to be our universe (time and space) exist. It might be an illusion (a persistent illusion, as Einstein suggested) with the only thing actually existing is the medium in which the illusion exists.

Anyway, if you want to insist that "a belief system held by many people without proof but only on faith is a religion"...then for the purposes of what we are discussing, I will agree.

To what end?

That's the warmists, they have no proof because they say...just as you just did...that it's man made. It's the Sun idiot.

Insofar as it is offered as an opinion (which is all I see)...it is an opinion I suggest is as worthy as its alternative...which apparently is your religion. Same way as I treat what most people consider religion. If a person opines that a single entity (a GOD) is responsible for what we humans call "the universe"...fine with me. Equally fine with me are the people who opine that no such single entity exists. I am happy with my "beats the shit out of me which is correct."

2) The trans movement. Are you really claiming ignorance here?

I am "claiming" that there are so many thoughts about what "the trans movement" is...that I am not sure what YOU are using it to mean. What are you asking?
you just did...that it's man made. It's the Sun idiot.
Nope. The religious belief is that there is any "it", that there is any "warming" in the first place. Warmizombies hold a profound religious belief that the Earth's average global temperature is somehow steadily increasing. If you ask a warmizombie to show you this steady increase in the Earth's average global temperature, you get an immediate reversal in semantics. They point to the sun and say "don't tell me the sun isn't warming the Earth'".

The belief that the Earth's average global temperature is changing beyond that explained by changes in the Earth's distance from the sun and by fluctuations in the sun's output, is entirely religious in nature.

Of course, there are those who believe profoundly that the Earth's average global temperature is constantly being measured by their church, and that their clergy somehow KNOW the Earth's average global temperature exactly, or at least to within a very accurate margin of error, which they never insist be mentioned. These people were targeted by the church because of their extreme gullibility. They actually believe profoundly in The Data, that it actually exists and is real. Of course, if you ever want to enjoy a hearty laugh at a warmizombie's expense, just demand to see this The Data and watch him emulate a Christian who has just been asked to show the Christian God in the sense that he will go to great lengths to explain why that cannot be done. Unlike the Christian, however, the warmizombie will never acknowledge that his belief is a matter of faith. He will instead simply blame you for being to lazy to pore over the entirety of the internet to find what he refuses to copy-paste right into the thread.
Frank, you're wrong on two points.

1) A belief system held by many people without proof but only on faith is a religion. That's the warmists, they have no proof because they say...just as you just did...that it's man made. It's the Sun idiot.

2) The trans movement. Are you really claiming ignorance here?

1. Pedo Don fans believe. "Warmists" have NASA. https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ which is solid evidence. The anti-"warmists" have Pedo Don, a known lying, adulterous draft-dodging pedophile. Trumpism is a religion.

2. Agreed a lot has been made about 2% of the population but 2% of 330M is 6.6M Americans. They have rights too. Minors are a bigger problem. While I support drugs and therapy, I don't support irreversible procedures since they are kids with undeveloped minds.
I suppose a case could be made for that, but if assumed to be correct, almost everything would be a religion except mathematics.
Incorrect. You know that Guille was just writing a quick post without intending to write an exhaustive definition.

A religion is any belief, or set of beliefs, that guide/influence one's social, political and/or personal life for which there is no rational basis. Analytically, one begins with the question "why should any rational adult believe that?" Normally, the glaring indicator of religion is the requirement to believe first, without question, THEN the dogma will be further explained. If there is no science, math, logic or common/repeatable human observation to support the belief(s) then you have religion.

Walk through a few examples with me:

Why should any rational adult believe in the Christian God?
Answer: not because of science or math, but because of faith.

Why should any rational adult believe that the Earth's average global temperature is steadily increasing?
Answer: not because of science or math, but because of one's OBEDIENCE to one's thought-masters

Why should any rational adult believe that no substance or gas can somehow cause the earth to spontaneously increase in temperature?
Answer: Physics, Chemistry
Rational basis for belief
show us on this doll where religion has hurt you......

Trump Evangelical fans
"Warmists" obey NASA. https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/[/URL][/B] which is an overtly manipulative government bureaucracy that preys on the exceedingly gullible
Too funny. NASA is a government bureaucracy. Why do you OBEY them and let them do your thinking for you?

Wait, don't tell me that you somehow believe that NASA is actually the private sector engineering firms with whom they contract? Are you gullibly conflating a mindless government bureaucracy with companies employing brilliant scientists and mathematicians?

You are, aren't you? Too funny.
1. Pedo Don fans believe. "Warmists" have NASA. https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ which is solid evidence. The anti-"warmists" have Pedo Don, a known lying, adulterous draft-dodging pedophile. Trumpism is a religion.

2. Agreed a lot has been made about 2% of the population but 2% of 330M is 6.6M Americans. They have rights too. Minors are a bigger problem. While I support drugs and therapy, I don't support irreversible procedures since they are kids with undeveloped minds.

Trump ass-kissers are going to claim NASA is Deep State.

But NASA scientists and engineers are paid to get it right. And that has been proven time after time after time, from Apollo, to Viking landers, to Mars rovers, to the Hubble and Web space telescopes
Trump ass-kissers are going to claim NASA is Deep State.

But NASA scientists and engineers are paid to get it right. And that has been proven time after time after time, from Apollo, to Viking landers, to Mars rovers, to the Hubble and Web space telescopes

Agreed. Notice how the nutjobs quote "MSM" sources that support their ideology and spurn them as Jewish propaganda when the stories do not conform to their ideology. The fact they do the same to the US military, intelligence and science agencies is not surprising.
Trump ass-kissers are going to claim NASA is Deep State.
Gullible leftists who let NASA control their thinking will display NASA for the deep state organization that they have made it.

But NASA scientists and engineers are paid to get it right.
Too funny. Only stupid, undereducated and gullible leftists believe that any science or engineering occurs at NASA, which is just a government organization like HUD or the VA.

So, do you let HUD tell you what to believe as well, or are they a competing religion?

NASA did not build any Apollo rocket. NASA managed the contracts for others to build them. You nonetheless allow your gross misunderstanding of how the government works to worship one particular branch. Too funny.
Gullible leftists who let NASA control their thinking will display NASA for the deep state organization that they have made it.

Too funny. Only stupid, undereducated and gullible leftists believe that any science or engineering occurs at NASA, which is just a government organization like HUD or the VA.

So, do you let HUD tell you what to believe as well, or are they a competing religion?

NASA did not build any Apollo rocket. NASA managed the contracts for others to build them. You nonetheless allow your gross misunderstanding of how the government works to worship one particular branch. Too funny.

NASA scientists and engineers are involved in the planning, engineering, vision, and science of every mission, even when contractors are hired for the assembly and execution of the mission.

The fact that NASA finds, contracts, and hires extremely competent contractors is an indication the process is corruption free, highly competent, and does not have a nefarious Deep State agenda.

You on the other hand have exactly zero training, competence, or expertise in climate Science.
NASA scientists and engineers are involved in the planning, engineering, vision, and science of every mission, even when contractors are hired for the assembly and execution of the mission.

The fact that NASA finds, contracts, and hires extremely competent contractors is an indication the process is corruption free, highly competent, and does not have a nefarious Deep State agenda.

You on the other hand have exactly zero training, competence, or expertise in climate Science.
Agreed to all but I strongly doubt low IQ Trumpers and the mentally ill like Sybil will understand, much less accept, the facts you presented.

Sybil can't even admit that he has three socks: Into the Night, gfm7175 and IBDaMann. Is he lying or simply insane? I believe the latter is true.
1. Pedo Don fans believe.
You missspelled 'Biden' again.
"Warmists" have NASA. https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ which is solid evidence.
Random numbers are not evidence. It is not possible to measure the temperature of the Earth.
The anti-"warmists" have Pedo Don, a known lying, adulterous draft-dodging pedophile.
You keep misspelling 'Biden'.
Trumpism is a religion.
Again, you misspelled Biden.
2. Agreed a lot has been made about 2% of the population but 2% of 330M is 6.6M Americans. They have rights too. Minors are a bigger problem. While I support drugs and therapy, I don't support irreversible procedures since they are kids with undeveloped minds.
Random words and phrases. No apparent coherency.
Too funny. NASA is a government bureaucracy. Why do you OBEY them and let them do your thinking for you?
Because Dutch has no mind of his own. He can't think for himself.

All he knows how to do is quote random numbers as 'proof', throw insults and spew psychoquackery, accuse most everyone of being a sock, and constantly talk about his made up character 'Sybil'.
Trump ass-kissers are going to claim NASA is Deep State.

But NASA scientists and engineers are paid to get it right. And that has been proven time after time after time, from Apollo, to Viking landers, to Mars rovers, to the Hubble and Web space telescopes

NASA didn't built a single one of these vehicles.
NONE of these vehicles is a measure of temperature.