What about freedom FROM religion?

If this is all true (none of us knows if what posters say is true)...but if it is true, it is very impressive. My guess is that your military time was in the Air Force. I was in (as an enlisted man) from from early 1954 through 1957.

Marine Corps then Navy then Naval Reserve. You were ahead of me by 20 years.

I wanted to stay in the Marine Corps for all 20, but "the needs of the service" prevailed; first a RIF of 400 pilots in 1985 then the Russians wimped out, resulting in a major US military reduction in 1990 and after.
Marine Corps then Navy then Naval Reserve. You were ahead of me by 20 years.

I wanted to stay in the Marine Corps for all 20, but "the needs of the service" prevailed; first a RIF of 400 pilots in 1985 then the Russians wimped out, resulting in a major US military reduction in 1990 and after.

I was a desk jockey...but Gen. Curtis LeMay indicated that we desk jockeys were as essential as anyone else in the outfit. My outfit was SAC...in the 1950's. I was RIFed out in November 1957. Massive reduction in the USAF at that time.

Oh, Sybil! You're so funny.

Sybil isn't here.
Sybil isn't here.
I was a desk jockey...but Gen. Curtis LeMay indicated that we desk jockeys were as essential as anyone else in the outfit. My outfit was SAC...in the 1950's. I was RIFed out in November 1957. Massive reduction in the USAF at that time.
Desk jockeys are, indeed, essential to the service. Thanks for stepping up. :thup:

What drove the 1957 RIF?

General LeMay is an icon in US military aviation history. People like you who actually worked under his command are becoming scarce!
Desk jockeys are, indeed, essential to the service. Thanks for stepping up. :thup:

What drove the 1957 RIF?

Not really sure...and I have been told that it mostly impacted forces in Europe. (I was in England.)

Probably some political implications of the cold war drove it.

Interesting question, though. I may do some research.
I was a desk jockey...but Gen. Curtis LeMay indicated that we desk jockeys were as essential as anyone else in the outfit. My outfit was SAC...in the 1950's. I was RIFed out in November 1957. Massive reduction in the USAF at that time.

But you don't brag about being a trained, Rambo-esque lethal killing machine.

There is ex-military here who spent their career sitting on their ass in an air conditioned room directing air traffic, and who struts around the board bragging about his heroism and lethal training.
But you don't brag about being a trained, Rambo-esque lethal killing machine.

There is ex-military here who spent their career sitting on their ass in an air conditioned room directing air traffic, and who struts around the board bragging about his heroism and lethal training.
...and his desire to murder Americans, both adults and children, like his hero Timothy McVeigh.
That takes real 'heroism' to kill unarmed civilians and children

He's also recruiting patsies to do the dirty work so he won't go to prison. Note that, although he bragged about the coming Civil War in December 2020, he didn't go to 1/6.
He's also recruiting patsies to do the dirty work so he won't go to prison. Note that, although he bragged about the coming Civil War in December 2020, he didn't go to 1/6.

He's been hollering about the imminent civil war as long as he's been on this board, which I am guessing is well over a decade.
He's been hollering about the imminent civil war as long as he's been on this board, which I am guessing is well over a decade.

Agreed. IIRC, back to 2009. He proved himself to be a loudmouthed coward by failing to go to the Insurrection.
Yet you refuse to cite proof..as usual. Why not, Perry? Can't you just Google it like you do all of your other answers? LOL

I cited it. THat was the list of examples where you suggest others are going to murder people or you obsess on who is handling who's penis, etc. Your over-the-top vitriol is how I know you have a deep and simmering anger you barely control.

Yes we know you can't do research. You couldn't hack anything above a bachelors and even then you appear to have failed at that given your general lack of any facility with psychology.

Talk is cheap, Perry. When you can prove what you are saying is true, then you might garner more respect than a lowlife, uneducated wannabe playing doctor online.

You and COgoat have a lot in common; you are both very jealous of those more accomplished than yourself, you both appear to have serious mental issues and you both constantly whine about being a victim of others.
Then why don't you put me on ignore and have a nice fucking day, Sybil?
What are you asking me, Terry? Are you requesting that I not slap you around so publicly? You'd be asking me to give up a lot since I rather enjoy rolling you over and having my way with you.

Shouldn't you be confusing me for someone else right about now? Shouldn't you be getting ready to bend over for TaiChiLiberal fairly soon?