What are your favorite three....

You sure about that 1st part?

There was actually a BIPARTISAN BILL to add many new agents, as well as other measures that the border patrol endorsed. But Trump commanded that Congressional Republicans reject that bill - because he thought it would hurt his election chances.

That's how much he cares about the border.
you mean the bill that would have turned Biden's failed executive order for open borders into federal law?........thank God they rejected that shit.......but we both know a bill to add border patrol would have passed even if you lie and deny it......we ALL know how much our "border czar" cares about the border.........she still thinks the border is secure.....
So you would be against Gov. Walz.... Rat Out Your Neighbor Hotline.

Ukraine needs to end the war. The killing needs to stop. We can argue about how it needs to stop.

Trump has always supported Israel. 73% of Israelis prefer Trump over Kamala
Remember Biden allowed Iran to sell oil and become rich. Iran used that money to fund this war. And Kamala said there was no daylight between her and Joe Biden.
Russia needs to end this war, this killing must stop.
You sure about that 1st part?

There was actually a BIPARTISAN BILL to add many new agents, as well as other measures that the border patrol endorsed. But Trump commanded that Congressional Republicans reject that bill - because he thought it would hurt his election chances.

That's how much he cares about the border.
It was a crap bill designed to give Democrats an excuse. The bottom line is the border was just fine until biden/HARRIS reversed Trump's E.O. on the border. Then the border surge began. Not only millions of illegals came in but so did fentanyl. Yes a FEW moron Republicans thought it was a good ideas there is always a few idiots in Congress.

The House passed HR 1 a border bill and Schumer wouldn't even bring it up for a vote in the Senate.
You sure about that 1st part?

There was actually a BIPARTISAN BILL to add many new agents, as well as other measures that the border patrol endorsed. But Trump commanded that Congressional Republicans reject that bill - because he thought it would hurt his election chances.

That's how much he cares about the border.
Bipartisan, bismartisian...

The bill was largely just one that would have given every criminal illegal entrant in the US a path to amnesty and citizenship. There were small sops to border security as a fig leaf attached to that. It should have been rejected.
You asked for policies, obviously thinking that there weren't any. You actually disagreeing w/ them is unsurprising. I don't expect you to support the policies of a Democrat.
I asked for policies because I think as Americans we should be talking about policies and if those policies are good to run our country by. If you throw out some terrible policies do you think that is enough. Communism has policies if her policies were communistic would that be OK with you?
Did you know that immigrants have much lower levels of criminal behavior than citizens?
You cannot prove that because virtually no one tracks their criminal behavior as a group.
Texas is one of the few exceptions however. From the Texas Department of Public Safety website
Over the course of their entire Texas criminal careers, these 310,000 illegal noncitizens were charged with more than 745,000 criminal offenses which included arrests for 1,598 homicide charges; 92,960 assault charges; 20,863 burglary charges; 90,615 drug charges; 1,611 kidnapping charges; 42,602 theft charges; 63,075 obstructing police charges; 5,319 robbery charges; 9,273 sexual assault charges; 10,442 sexual offense charges; and 11,285 weapon charges. DPS criminal history records reflect those criminal charges have thus far resulted in over 313,000 convictions including 793 homicide convictions; 36,290 assault convictions; 10,496 burglary convictions; 41,953 drug convictions; 491 kidnapping convictions; 18,053 theft convictions; 27,807 obstructing police convictions; 2,850 robbery convictions; 4,673 sexual assault convictions; 5,180 sexual offense convictions; and 4,320 weapon convictions.
The bottom line is EVERY crime committed in the United States by an illegal alien is a preventable crime.
As far as choice, we're talking about an innate right - a sacred right. The fact that Republicans seem to think this "belongs w/ the states" - so that a woman's rights over her own body are subject to the whims of whatever state she lives in - is just a reflection of how tone-deaf the right is to this issue.
YOU may think the right to kill your baby is a sacred right but it is a "right" not guaranteed by the constitution. If you want it to be guaranteed by the constitution then by all means get a constitutional amendment passed guaranteeing that "sacred right". Meanwhile get involved in your state to get a law passed that legalizes it in your state. Your vote counts for more in your state than it does nationally. If this issue is so extremely important the female population will increase in states where it remains legal to kill your baby and the population female population will decrease in states that value the right to live. Right now however California and New York two pro abortion states are losing population to Texas. A state that restricts abortion.

One last question about abortion. Would you restrict abortion at some point in a pregnancy or would you allow it until the moment of birth?