What are your favorite three....

I asked for policies because I think as Americans we should be talking about policies and if those policies are good to run our country by. If you throw out some terrible policies do you think that is enough. Communism has policies if her policies were communistic would that be OK with you?

You cannot prove that because virtually no one tracks their criminal behavior as a group.
Texas is one of the few exceptions however. From the Texas Department of Public Safety website

The bottom line is EVERY crime committed in the United States by an illegal alien is a preventable crime.

YOU may think the right to kill your baby is a sacred right but it is a "right" not guaranteed by the constitution. If you want it to be guaranteed by the constitution then by all means get a constitutional amendment passed guaranteeing that "sacred right". Meanwhile get involved in your state to get a law passed that legalizes it in your state. Your vote counts for more in your state than it does nationally. If this issue is so extremely important the female population will increase in states where it remains legal to kill your baby and the population female population will decrease in states that value the right to live. Right now however California and New York two pro abortion states are losing population to Texas. A state that restricts abortion.

One last question about abortion. Would you restrict abortion at some point in a pregnancy or would you allow it until the moment of birth?
The part about allowing it until the moment of birth is a disgusting lie!

Sometimes, a delivery doctor must make a choice between the delivery of the child or the mother. Current laws will make that choice for the child even if it’s unlikely to survive anyway.
The part about allowing it until the moment of birth is a disgusting lie!
There are 8 states and DC that have no restrictions on abortions.

Sometimes, a delivery doctor must make a choice between the delivery of the child or the mother. Current laws will make that choice for the child even if it’s unlikely to survive anyway.
Most states have the exceptions for the health of the mother and rape and incest. Trump is for those restrictions and during the 1st trimester. He has said multiple times he would not sign a ban on abortion.
Prosecuting felons
She had an active part in letting felons out of jail in MN, and at least one went on to commit murder
Legalizing Abortion
She can not legalize abortion
Funding Ukraine
Sadly both parties will throw money at Ukraine
Supporting Israel
Nobody supports Israel more than Trump. Clue in Guano, please.
Middle Class Tax Cut
Trump already did a tax cut that impacted the middle class.

That's five, the OP asked for three.
She had an active part in letting felons out of jail in MN, and at least one went on to commit murder

She can not legalize abortion

Sadly both parties will throw money at Ukraine

Nobody supports Israel more than Trump. Clue in Guano, please.

Trump already did a tax cut that impacted the middle class.

That's five, the OP asked for three.
How do you spend a trillion on one give away plan and not tax the middle class?
There are 8 states and DC that have no restrictions on abortions.

Most states have the exceptions for the health of the mother and rape and incest. Trump is for those restrictions and during the 1st trimester. He has said multiple times he would not sign a ban on abortion.
The issue in some states (Texas and Arkansas) is that the existence of the exception is so hard to prove Doctors are afraid to use it.

8 states, and DC trust women and their doctors to make adult decisions about their bodies.
The part about allowing it until the moment of birth is a disgusting lie!

Sometimes, a delivery doctor must make a choice between the delivery of the child or the mother. Current laws will make that choice for the child even if it’s unlikely to survive anyway.
Not true...
Depends Frankie.

That is so cute. I bet the other inmates think you are very clever.

You should ask them. I'll unlock the computer room so you can respond do you remember where it is? I hate it when you keep asking directions in the Alzheimer ward.
If you read what I write and the way I express myself...and still think that I suffer from Alzheimer...

...then you are even more stupid than I think you are. And I think you are VERY stupid.

Now...go back to yanking what you were yanking and let the adults talk.
That is so cute. I bet the other inmates think you are very clever.

If you read what I write and the way I express myself...and still think that I suffer from Alzheimer...

...then you are even more stupid than I think you are. And I think you are VERY stupid.

Now...go back to yanking what you were yanking and let the adults talk.
That Depends frankie
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