What can be done to prevent Islamic Jihadism in America

When Muslims kill thousands per year I'll worry
Right now NRA jihadist are way more prolific killers

Lol. You're using a hate site for your source.

Hey allah fuktard....case you don't know....the majority of Ameicans hate muslims...nothing wrong with 'Righteous Hatred' in fact it is a good thing.

You will soon remember these times as good times....when the great backlash actually begins...you allah fikwads will beg to be put into camps to protect yo selves from whats coming.
you racists who hate this country because of the government the founders gave us are far more evil than isis.

you blow up babies in government buildings

you are more hated than anyone you want us to hate you evil fucking scum
you racists who hate this country because of the government the founders gave us are far more evil than isis.

you blow up babies in government buildings

you are more hated than anyone you want us to hate you evil fucking scum

bwaaaaaaaa you will never get out of the rabbit hole lil boy.
Lol. You're using a hate site for your source.

Hey allah fuktard....case you don't know....the majority of Ameicans hate muslims...nothing wrong with 'Righteous Hatred' in fact it is a good thing.

You will soon remember these times as good times....when the great backlash actually begins...you allah fikwads will beg to be put into camps to protect yo selves from whats coming.

Where in any of our founding documents does it say this country was established for WASPs?

Take your time, I'll wait.
I remember after 9/11 the government asking people for ideas on how to fight the islamic terrorists....perhaps they need some more ideas now.

First of all there was suspicion regarding the home where the jihadists in San Bernadino were staying..............but it was not reported because...ya know as this was kalifornicate....the peeps did not want to be accused of waycism ya know...cant have dat.................http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2015...ch-redlands-home-tied-to-suspect-syed-farook/

Place a moratorium on Muslim immigration till the moderates improve on policing their fellow religionists; failing that, tell them we'll do it for them.


The research originally was published in the summer 2011 edition of Middle East Quarterly (MEQ) under the title Shari’a and Violence in American Mosques. The Middle East Quarterly is an academic, peer-reviewed journal which specializes on Middle East regional issues. Due to the ground-breaking nature of the study, which brings a rigorous empirical methodology to the question of home-grown jihadists, MEQ granted permission to Perspectives on Terrorism to publish a more extensive analysis of the study’s conception, methodology, and results. The new publication includes additional material, charts and graphs.

The abstract for the study summarizes the research findings:

A random survey of 100 representative mosques in the U.S. was conducted to measure the correlation between Sharia adherence and dogma calling for violence against non-believers.

Of the 100 mosques surveyed,
51% had texts on site rated as severely advocating violence;

30% had texts rated as moderately advocating violence;

19% had no violent texts at all.

Mosques that presented as Sharia adherent were more likely to feature violence-positive texts on site than were their non-Sharia-adherent counterparts.

The leadership at Sharia-adherent mosques was more likely to recommend that a worshipper study violence-positive texts than leadership at non-Sharia-adherent mosques.

In 84.5% of the mosques, the imam recommended studying violence-positive texts.
58% of the mosques invited guest imams known to promote violent jihad.

The leadership of mosques that featured violence-positive literature was more likely to invite guest imams who were known to promote violent jihad than was the leadership of mosques that did not feature violence-positive literature on mosque
but racists are fine to you huh/

NO we will not destroy he constitution because the right in this country are fucking sociopathic simpletons
Additionally we need to be careful not to fall into their trap, they are trying to provoke us into a bad decision that will give them more power. Xenophobic behavior and action against the non-violent Muslims will give them credence to the argument that the West hates all Muslims and that it is All of Us against All of Them.

I think we should stop trying to psychoanalyze them when they practically shout out their motives at the top of their lungs. They want you to become Muslim or die, in nutshell. Some give the third option of living as a second class citizen, provided you feel 'sufficiently subdued' to your Muslim over lords.
I remember after 9/11 the government asking people for ideas on how to fight the islamic terrorists....perhaps they need some more ideas now.

First of all there was suspicion regarding the home where the jihadists in San Bernadino were staying..............but it was not reported because...ya know as this was kalifornicate....the peeps did not want to be accused of waycism ya know...cant have dat.................http://losangeles.cbslocal.com/2015...ch-redlands-home-tied-to-suspect-syed-farook/

How do you stop it as long as Al Qaeda or ISIS can fly to Mexico City and walk across the border? Thanks liberals...
How do you stop it as long as Al Qaeda or ISIS can fly to Mexico City and walk across the border? Thanks liberals...

Why is this liberals' fault? Did Reagan, Bush 41 or Bush 43 stop the illegal immigrants from coming into the USA?
As usual, is anyone serious about it besides Trump?

I don't think Trump is serious, I think he is playing the odds and appealing to the initial primary voters. He is then going to have to find a way back to the middle to get the general vote, if he is the GOP candidate. It didn't work too well in the last two presidential election for the GOP.

When you are building walls, restricting people's rights, acting in ways that is big government, you lose the libertarians and the independents.
I don't think Trump is serious, I think he is playing the odds and appealing to the initial primary voters. He is then going to have to find a way back to the middle to get the general vote, if he is the GOP candidate. It didn't work too well in the last two presidential election for the GOP.

When you are building walls, restricting people's rights, acting in ways that is big government, you lose the libertarians and the independents.

What people's 'rights'? Foreigners have no rights. We decide if we want them here or not, this is our country.

And who is serious about it? Please don't say Hillary.