What can be done to prevent Islamic Jihadism in America

Start with not giving them the tools they need, make it as hard as possible for them to get the tools.

Then education, education, education. The best weapon against hate is education.

so we should make it illegal for suspected muslims to own guns, pipes, small metal objects, fertilizer, and various other sundries that could be used as dangerous objects?
so we should make it illegal for suspected muslims to own guns, pipes, small metal objects, fertilizer, and various other sundries that could be used as dangerous objects?

Their logic is astounding.

1) muslimes are fine and no threat so we should them come here unabated
2) muslimes are such a threat we need to keep them from getting guns so they don't kill us
I am not a bloody liberal. My great-grandfather was the last Liberal in my family, yobbo. I never 'play the race card' - I describe obvious Nazis as racist, racist.

your continual association of the state of Israel and nazi-ism is nothing short of demented. I got nothing else to say about that. Lord, have mercy.
Here's our logic.

1) Muslims are fine and should not be restricted from coming here based on their religion.
2) Muslim terrorists are a threat so we need to keep an eye on the ones who are found to be suspicious based on their actions.

I don't want to ban them based on their religion. I want to ban them based on where they are coming from. No immigration from Middle East
The gun nutters are pissing in their house
As usual afraid as fuck to fight back

How are you fighting back?.....News Flash..............straddling the fence rubbing your nuts off and posting you hate waycists is not fighting back dude.
so we should make it illegal for suspected muslims to own guns, pipes, small metal objects, fertilizer, and various other sundries that could be used as dangerous objects?

How many have the holy buggers murdered in Muslim countries? Seems to me the rightist nutters should never be allowed the right to bear arms, for a start.
How many have the holy buggers murdered in Muslim countries? Seems to me the rightist nutters should never be allowed the right to bear arms, for a start.

Just because the only fighting the Welsh ever did, was what their English Masters made them, doesn't mean that the US has to be scared, like you are.
I think we should start with what we know will NOT work against Islamic extremists based on the last seven years of failure.

(1) Blaming America while giving speeches in Muslim nations.
(2) Blaming attacks on embassy's killing the personel in them on a video.
(3) Blaming guns
(4) Blaming Christians
(5) Pulling our troops out of Iraq based on a lie.
(6) Pretending the that last seven years of failed policy is Republicans fault.
(7) Limited bombing of them
(8) Claiming that acts of terror aren't actually terror, but cases of workplace violence.
(9) Not wanting to call it a war on terror
(10) Not wanting to blame Islam.
(11) Actually secure our borders and stop letting illegals flood our borders and overwhelm our social welfare systems.

So I would say this; if we reverse what has made the last seven years of policy failures, we just might fix the problem.
Stop pissing your depends frighty
