What defines a Christian?

So why so many errors and contradictions?

You forget that there were over 26 authors of the books of the bible, so there were different perspectives. But all had the same inspiration from the Spirit of God. He uses flawed, feeble human beings for His Glory. And sinful man is incapable of wrapping his finite mind around it.
You forget that there were over 26 authors of the books of the bible, so there were different perspectives. But all had the same inspiration from the Spirit of God. He uses flawed, feeble human beings for His Glory. And sinful man is incapable of wrapping his finite mind around it.

Hammer and sickle is the Soviet flag.

There were far more than 26 authors.
Christians changed the meaning.. The messiah the Jews expected would rebuild the Temple, drive out the Romans and restore and unite the 12 tribes.

What you refer to is the Antichrist, or the rider of the White Horse as John described him in Revelation.
What you refer to is the Antichrist, or the rider of the White Horse as John described him in Revelation.

Religious Beliefs: Divine Revelations or Mental Disorder?
One man’s ‘crazy talk’ is another’s manifestation of the divine.



You forget that there were over 26 authors of the books of the bible, so there were different perspectives. But all had the same inspiration from the Spirit of God. He uses flawed, feeble human beings for His Glory. And sinful man is incapable of wrapping his finite mind around it.

My God... there were far more than 26 authors.

The rider of the white horse is Jesus.

Nope. The Rider of the white horse carries a bow with no arrows. He brings about a world peace, but you overlook the red, black, and pale horsemen. That is not Christ. He returns with His Sword and His armies to slaughter the world's armies at Armageddon.
The problem with the misinformed Jew is they long for a MILITANT Messiah who will bring about a "peace" with the Arabs. Messianic Jews and Christians know that the Messiah had to suffer and die for the sins of mankind before establishing His Kingdom.
Nope. The Rider of the white horse carries a bow with no arrows. He brings about a world peace, but you overlook the red, black, and pale horsemen. That is not Christ. He returns with His Sword and His armies to slaughter the world's armies at Armageddon.

He conquers with the "sword" which is the "truth".. Its spiritual not a real battle.
The problem with the misinformed Jew is they long for a MILITANT Messiah who will bring about a "peace" with the Arabs. Messianic Jews and Christians know that the Messiah had to suffer and die for the sins of mankind before establishing His Kingdom.

Messianic Jews lol, funded by the Baptist goyim, they are considered dead to the Jewish community they are now goyim. A Jew will be accepted by the Jewish community if he says he is an atheist, not so if he becomes a goyim
Messianic Jews lol, funded by the Baptist goyim, they are considered dead to the Jewish community they are now goyim. A Jew will be accepted by the Jewish community if he says he is an atheist, not so if he becomes a goyim

You do realize, Yeshua, who is of the tribe of Judah, fulfilled ALL 39 OT prophecies concerning His first advent. Since you are considered a Sadducee, He had the perfect terminology for you. Viper and Hypocrite!
OK, then 'splain this. When at some point a charismatic leader arises (remember the "little horn" in King Nebuchadnezzar's dream?) and brings about this Earthly utopia you pine for, will you follow him? And of this RFID technology that would be ordered for ALL citizens of the world, would you take it?
Actually, it will be a real battle. Once the third temple is built and the church raptured, there will be seven years of literal hell on earth.

Bad theology.

Revelation says there is NO Temple..

The Tribulation was over when Masada fell.. Consider for a moment that Jesus said all you have to do to escape the tribulation is flee to the mountains.