What defines a Christian?

Simple answer, because Jesus is YHWH, He holds His chosen people into account for their unbelief. The prophets have stated ad infinitum how Messiah should come. The hardness of the Jewish heart refuses to accept that.

The prophets said the Messiah would be an anointed warrior king like David. Christians don't have to be ignorant or reject education.
In these fora, I see misconceptions all the time about what makes a "good" Christian. Leftists/Liberals like to equate government welfare largess as fulfilling the idea of "feeding the poor", etc. rather than doing it out of their OWN resources, as it should be. But I submit the BIBLICAL definition of a Christian, as outlined throughout Scripture, is acknowledging there is absolutely zero good in mankind. Romans Chapter 3:9-20 talks about the unrighteousness of man, and that no good can ever earn him Heaven, nor a relationship with God. "What shall we conclude then? Do we have any advantage? Not at all! For we have already made the charge that Jews and Gentiles alike are all under the power of sin. As it is written:

'There is no one righteous, not even one;
there is no one who understands;
there is no one who seeks God.
All have turned away,
they have together become worthless;
there is no one who does good,
not even one.'" (NIV)

So basically, in God's economy because of our sin, we have zero chance at attaining Heaven, even though we might seem "good" or "moral", it is still not enough!
So what EXACTLY is the solution? The Cross! Christ's death on the cross is God's way to establish the relationship between Himself and mankind. This was the full payment for the penalty of our sins; past, present, and future. "As far as the East is from the West, I will remember your sins no more", says the Lord of Hosts. Does this give us license to sin? No, but God's forgiveness does give us true freedom in Him. This is the right definition of a Christian. The works we do come as a result of our salvation and the purpose is to bring others to the Cross.

What a waste of fucking bandwidth.
if they did, wouldn't they become atheists like you did when you rejected your education and chose ignorance....

Nope.. You don't know much about the Bible or how Judaism evolved or about first century history. If you concentrate on the epic myths, you miss the message.
in all the Bibles I've ever seen it was Jesus.......are you using the New Amplified Apostates translation?.....

Read the whole Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53..

The Suffering Servant is not identified as Jesus .. and all thru the OT Israel is the servant of God.. Further, Jesus was NOT despised of men.

Read all of the Servant Song.

The redemption of God’s people is the central theme in the preceding verse (52:12) where the “you” signifies the Jewish people who are sheltered and delivered by God. Moreover, the “afflicted barren woman” in the following chapter is protected and saved by God, and is also universally recognized as the nation of Israel2 (54:1).
lol.....the only message you took from the bible was "there is no god"......

That's your problem.. You think the children's fairly tales are literal history and science and to look at their meaning is to say "there is no God".

Its didactic literature.. a teaching narrative for Bronze Age people.
Read the whole Suffering Servant of Isaiah 53..

The Suffering Servant is not identified as Jesus .. and all thru the OT Israel is the servant of God.. Further, Jesus was NOT despised of men.
sure they crucified him because they loved him so much.....



Unfortunately, modern Rabbis of Judaism believe that the “Suffering Servant” of Isaiah 53 refers perhaps to Israel, or to Isaiah himself, or even Moses or another of the Jewish prophets. But Isaiah is clear - he speaks of the Messiah, as many ancient rabbis concluded.

By all accounts the people loved Jesus and followed him to hear him preach.

The Jews borrowed from Babylon, Egypt and the Ugarit and changed their teachings.. Then Christians changed Jewish teachings and Muslims changed Christian teachings... NONE of it is original. Read the Servant Song.. Israel is the "suffering servant" all thru the OT.
By all accounts the people loved Jesus and followed him to hear him preach.

The Jews borrowed from Babylon, Egypt and the Ugarit and changed their teachings.. Then Christians changed Jewish teachings and Muslims changed Christian teachings... NONE of it is original. Read the Servant Song.. Israel is the "suffering servant" all thru the OT.

Israel was judged repeatedly by God because she would not listen to the Prophets. Jesus is the suffering servant. Crucified to redeem mankind from the penalty of sin.
Israel was judged repeatedly by God because she would not listen to the Prophets. Jesus is the suffering servant. Crucified to redeem mankind from the penalty of sin.

Sorry.. the Servant Song makes it perfectly clear that Israel is the suffering servant. Christians changed it just like Jews changed the myths from Babylon and the North Coast Canaanites.
if they did, wouldn't they become atheists like you did when you rejected your education and chose ignorance....

in all the Bibles I've ever seen it was Jesus.......are you using the New Amplified Apostates translation?.....

No.. KJV

The Servant songs (also called the Servant poems or the Songs of the Suffering Servant) are four songs in the Book of Isaiah in the Hebrew Bible, which include Isaiah 42:1-4; Isaiah 49:1-6; Isaiah 50:4-7; and Isaiah 52:13-53:12.
"The theme of Isaiah is jubilation, a song of celebration at the imminent end of the Babylonian Captivity"...

Take note of the historical context in which God's Suffering Servant appears, particularly because it speaks in the past tense. The Jewish nation has borne unspeakable injustices, under Assyria, Babylonia.