What do these states have in common?

I think Jarod has been handily outclassed by Superfreak on this thread. And THATS saying a lot.
Surf's Up!

In his 'wet dreams'...I grew up in Southern California...I hated SF...and all it stood for! Orange County Rocked for real Surfers...SF was 'Great White' shark bait!;)

That was long before Orange County had money or politics old man!
Remember those nights when the aroma from the pig farm would drift over the beach?
Party pooper...........

That was long before Orange County had money or politics old man!
Remember those nights when the aroma from the pig farm would drift over the beach?

But yeah I remember your little flat on the beach...it was a pig stye...lmao! just remember ya are older than moi!
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Those Hollywood Yachties really don't like the open water.

Kinda like some of the kids on this board...they believe everything their professors tell them!

Got your Pm's..me too dinner is a callin'...give me a call...to make arrangements for a visit...lot's to talk over!
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Ya'll are being to nice
Jarod is a fucking moron, must be a pac 10 lover too.
Democrats hate rich people,
People get rich by going to college,
Jarod is a fudgepacker.:clink:

I love rich people, I consider myself one.
There are uneducated Democrats for sure, and its true that the Democrats practice in deceat, I just find the areas that the Republicans play that game, fear and faith, to be more dispicable than the areas where Democrats play the game, finances and class.

I also find that the Republicans of late, namely Bush and his neo-crew, play the decete game more than any group ever... and they have been most successfull with the uneducated.

Yes, paltry. I expected you would use your educated mind to see that by using the word paltry, as in "paltry few," I meant "trivial," which is definition #3 of the word (Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary). Yes, there are a few who are "duped" by the rhetoric of the republicans but I do believe there are significantly more who are duped by the rhetoric of the far left. Notice I didn't say "democrats" but "far left." As a rule I like democratic policy, I just don't like the far left aspect of it. Just like I am sure we agree on more things that we disagree on, but your elitism and irrational fear of the religious set up these kinds of debates.
There are uneducated Democrats for sure, and its true that the Democrats practice in deceat, I just find the areas that the Republicans play that game, fear and faith, to be more dispicable than the areas where Democrats play the game, finances and class.

I also find that the Republicans of late, namely Bush and his neo-crew, play the decete game more than any group ever... and they have been most successfull with the uneducated.

Wow.... you used deceit twice, spelled it differently both times and yet both were spelled wrong. Gots ta luv u inteelectuals.
It would be equally unfair and idiotic of me to say that because you aren't educated in economics that you are more willing to vote Democrat.

The poor and uneducated are more likely to vote Democratic, and the rich and educated are more likely to vote Democratic.

It's kind of like in England, where the poor people vote Labour, the middle class votes Conservative, and the upper-class votes Liberal Democrat. You'd think that Labour and Liberal would be closest together, but that's not really true. Except, of course, we're confined to two parties, so the votes for Labour and Liberal all go to the same place (and USUALLY the Labour side wins everything, like in Britian).
There are uneducated Democrats for sure, and its true that the Democrats practice in deceat, I just find the areas that the Republicans play that game, fear and faith, to be more dispicable than the areas where Democrats play the game, finances and class.

I also find that the Republicans of late, namely Bush and his neo-crew, play the decete game more than any group ever... and they have been most successfull with the uneducated.

In the last presidential election:

No High School (4% of electorate) -- Bush (49%) ; Kerry (50%)

H.S. Graduate (22% of electorate) -- Bush (52%) ; Kerry (47%)

Some College (32% of electorate) -- Bush (54%) ; Kerry (46%)

College Graduate (26% of electorate) -- Bush (52%) ; Kerry (46%)

Postgrad Study (16% of electorate) -- Bush (44%) ; Kerry (55%)

Where would you draw the line in the above for the "uneducated?"
In the last presidential election:

No High School (4% of electorate) -- Bush (49%) ; Kerry (50%)

H.S. Graduate (22% of electorate) -- Bush (52%) ; Kerry (47%)

Some College (32% of electorate) -- Bush (54%) ; Kerry (46%)

College Graduate (26% of electorate) -- Bush (52%) ; Kerry (46%)

Postgrad Study (16% of electorate) -- Bush (44%) ; Kerry (55%)

Where would you draw the line in the above for the "uneducated?"
