What do you think, Liberals?

The evidence is there, sad sac. I posted some observations about your side, and all I asked for was a little honesty. Of course, you and I both know that's now impossible, as the truth makes you squirm. We believe you perverts support Sharia Law, and we've seen NOTHING to tell us otherwise. All we have to go on are the subtle instances that lead us to believe that you creeps are trying to hide something sinister.

Now, care to take another shot, or are you going to just sit there and drool over images of the dude?

Originally Posted by Granule
First of all, there is no proof, that I can find, that shows outright liberal support of Sharia Law. .

God damn, you are stupid son. Read your own words.

Over and Out.
Originally Posted by Granule
First of all, there is no proof, that I can find, that shows outright liberal support of Sharia Law. .

God damn, you are stupid son. Read your own words.

Over and Out.
Even the Left isn't stupid enough to come out and say "Yes, we want Sharia Law to replace the Constitution". It's the subtle indicators that give the red flags. I've already clarified this, Rune. Are you having trouble comprehending the truth?
Even the Left isn't stupid enough to come out and say "Yes, we want Sharia Law to replace the Constitution". It's the subtle indicators that give the red flags. I've already clarified this, Rune. Are you having trouble comprehending the truth?

Clarify all you want shithead.
The only difference between us with regards to Sharia law is that you are terrified of it and I am not, because I am not an idiot.
Clarify all you want shithead.
The only difference between us with regards to Sharia law is that you are terrified of it and I am not, because I am not an idiot.
Will do, pervert.

You're not afraid of Sharia Law because you embrace it.
First of all, there is no proof, that I can find, that shows outright liberal support of Sharia Law. They're simply not that stupid. There is, however, evidence of liberal actions that strengthen the argument that they do support Sharia Law. We'll continue with the link, that I started with at the outset, and that Y-O-U ignored. Make a response to that link, and then we will go over some other information.

That's right...there is NO PROOF.

This despite the author of the link you posted claiming:

Contradiction #3: Pro-Homosexual vs. Pro-Muslim

Muslims want to kill homosexuals.

While I am sure there are a few DEVIANT Muslimes who would like to murder, the ordinary Muslim has no desire to commit murder.

Yet, Liberals promote the Homosexual agenda and Shariah Law.

As you just stated, there's NO PROOF to back this little nugget of insanity...it was merely the ramblings of the paranoid mind of the author.

If the Muslims take over the United States, they will start by expunging the land of Homosexuals and Liberals. (Please see my conclusion to explain why Liberals really hold to these two contradictory positions.)

If the Muslims take over?


If monkeys could fly out of my butt I'd be a millionaire, unfortunately neither of those things is going to happen anytime soon.

As to the "conclusion mentioned above, I can't find his conclusion so I can't read his explanation...

NOPE...you've got nothing more than the paranoid OPINION of one man with no proof to back his crazy theories.
The evidence is there, sad sac. We believe you perverts support Sharia Law, and we've seen NOTHING to tell us otherwise. All we have to go on are the subtle instances that lead us to believe that you creeps are trying to hide something sinister.

The evidence is there? You just can't post it because you can't find it...

Of course you believe Liberals support Sharia Law...you hate Liberals that much.

The problem is no one gives two rat farts what you BELIEVE...we want FACTS...EVIDENCE...PROOF...which so far you have FAILED to provide.

And there you go again...you BELIEVE Liberals are up to something sinister...you just have NO PROOF.
The evidence is there? You just can't post it because you can't find it...

Of course you believe Liberals support Sharia Law...you hate Liberals that much.

The problem is no one gives two rat farts what you BELIEVE...we want FACTS...EVIDENCE...PROOF...which so far you have FAILED to provide.

And there you go again...you BELIEVE Liberals are up to something sinister...you just have NO PROOF.
Address the link, Zappa. I'm not doing your work for you. Just click on the link below, read through it, and explain how Liberals are not promoting Sharia Law.

Address the link, Zappa. I'm not doing your work for you. Just click on the link below, read through it, and explain how Liberals are not promoting Sharia Law.


Here's what I found at:


Not Found, Error 404

The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it with the information below.
The evidence is there? You just can't post it because you can't find it...

Of course you believe Liberals support Sharia Law...you hate Liberals that much.

The problem is no one gives two rat farts what you BELIEVE...we want FACTS...EVIDENCE...PROOF...which so far you have FAILED to provide.

And there you go again...you BELIEVE Liberals are up to something sinister...you just have NO PROOF.

Here's what I found at:


Not Found, Error 404

The page you are looking for no longer exists. Perhaps you can return back to the site's homepage and see if you can find what you are looking for. Or, you can try finding it with the information below.
This is a better link:


Aaaaand This:


Is a perfect example of that testing the waters bullshit that I’ve been talking about. Notice how the libs sensed their mistake and quickly backed off their original denial.

Because all the DNC really wanted was this:

Last edited:

Man...there sure was a lot of stupid posted on this forum during my absence.

This group was not sponsored by, endorsed by, nor financed by the DNC. They merely met in Charlotte during the convention. All of which was discussed on this forum six months ago. Why do you idiots keep dredging up old shit?

btw...were you incensed when the Republicans welcomed Muslims at their convention?

Man...there sure was a lot of stupid posted on this forum during my absence.
Impossible. The overall IQ of this place dropped 60 points ever since you came back.

This group was not sponsored by, endorsed by, nor financed by the DNC. They merely met in Charlotte during the convention. All of which was discussed on this forum six months ago. Why do you idiots keep dredging up old shit?
Because six months doesn't change the truth. You moonbats would've been all over the crazies had you thought that wouldn't have hurt Hussein's chances for re election.

btw...were you incensed when the Republicans welcomed Muslims at their convention?

We don't support Sharia Law. You perverts, do.
Because six months doesn't change the truth. You moonbats would've been all over the crazies had you thought that wouldn't have hurt Hussein's chances for re election.

Correct, and six months ago it was still fact that the group you linked to was not endorsed, sponsored by or financed by the DNC despite your attempts to link them.

We don't support Sharia Law. You perverts, do.

Riiiiiiiiight...you just can't prove it with anything resembling facts.