What Is A Woman?

Typically, biological women have 2 xx chromosomes and males have an xy.

To simplify, if one is born with a dick, they are not a woman in any biological aspect. That is a fact.

“Typically”. But that’s not your original post, is it? You made that blanket statement. XX. “That’s a fact”, you said.

You dodged the question, however.

What are these?


The next fact was about being born with a dick. Ever hear of ambiguous genitalia?
Exceptions don't negate the rule. Those are oddities not new genders. I'd give this effort of yours B-

Yeah, I didn’t think you could or would.

You see, gender isn’t simply just about XX vs XY. Much more complex than that.

But, simpletons need simple answers. Everything gotta be black or white.
Yeah, I didn’t think you could or would.

You see, gender isn’t simply just about XX vs XY. Much more complex than that.

But, simpletons need simple answers. Everything gotta be black or white.

Again oddities that don't negate the rule. Those are not new genders. If someone is born with only one arm they aren't a new species you gullible idiot.
"Cis" isn't a word.

We may very likely be too fucked up at this point to have any chance of living properly again.

I'm guessing that the least stressed people in America are the ones who've had the good sense to just give up,
and I'm on the precipice of joining them.
^Simpletons need simple choices. Complexity confounds them.

Ah the edge of your intellectual abilities has been reached I see. You can cite all the chromosomal abnormalities you like it doesnt change what a woman is. Just like a human born with one arm isn't a new species someone with a mixed up chromosomal salad isnt a new gender. Now you either have a counter argument to that or you can continue drooling on your keyboard. It's up to you.
Ah the edge of your intellectual abilities has been reached I see. You can cite all the chromosomal abnormalities you like it doesnt change what a woman is. Just like a human born with one arm isn't a new species someone with a mixed up chromosomal salad isnt a new gender. Now you either have a counter argument to that or you can continue drooling on your keyboard. It's up to you.

I gave you different chromasomal combinations. You claim to know, black and white, what a woman is, yet you can’t address those.

Simpletons gonna be simple.
I gave you different chromasomal combinations. You claim to know, black and white, what a woman is, yet you can’t address those.

Simpletons gonna be simple.

I did address them but you don't like the answer. Waaaaaaaaa Whatever they are does not change what a woman is. The exceptions don't negate the rule. Time to put on your big GIRL panties.

BTW which of those mixed up chromosomal salads are you?

Also interex isn't the same as a tranny freak claiming to be a different gender.
"Cisgendered" means one identifies with the gender they were born with. I call that normal.




  • denoting or relating to a person whose gender identity corresponds with the sex registered for them at birth; not transgender.

Um of course that's obvious. "Normal" is a statistical term. On the top of the bell curve.