What is not commonly known about Obama...


Lordy girlfriend, Sean isn’t serving in Iraq. I am an old Queen just like you. Albeit with much more panache and better looks. What would they want me for? A USO revival show? Although I do a screamingly fabulous Marilyn. Stop worrying about that John Kerry stuff and nonsense. Do you think he cares what some repressed message board queen said about him?

Ann is that you? am I still one of your boys?:pke:
And then there were all those times I called Mister Kerry a coward. Now you know the truth. I am the real coward. A fake vet, a boy raised as a girl, and a medal-buying phony. Does it get any lower than me?

There’s always lower girl! Though, you are a pretty sad case, Sean admits it.

There’s always lower girl! Though, you are a pretty sad case, Sean admits it.

Did I hurt your feelings ! I'm so sorry...I did not realize that you had a crush on Lt.Kerry...my bad...I will try to be more sensitive in the future...or not!:rolleyes:
I guess I just hoped one day I would be the man John Kerry was. And the fact that I could never be, that I was a lowly fraud and non-vet, and he was a hero, drove me to say those things about him out of spite. :

Lordy, didn’t we already déjà this vu? Forget about John Kerry. He never even knew you existed. Or cared! We all know you lied about being a vet. Nobody ever thought you were half the man he was. Don't worry about it girl!
Yes you did................!

Lordy, didn’t we already déjà this vu? Forget about John Kerry. He never even knew you existed. Or cared! We all know you lied about being a vet. Nobody ever thought you were half the man he was. Don't worry about it girl!

You are starting to sound like a broken record...ya really need some new material....so how is your love life with el Kerry...did he show you how to fake battle wounds...paper cuts works wonders for those wanting to get back home so they can start a political career!:pke:
..and then I faked battle wounds..This was after I bought my phony medals. I cut myself on the heel of my foot, and then burned my toe with a cigarette, and I was hoping around like a rooster who just got clipped. I told everybody it happened to me in “The Nam”. And then I tried to get on the police force, but they saw right through me. So I had to become a rent-a-cop for a Walmart. But I told everyone I was a copy anyway. And now of course, I play a vet and a cop on the internet. The truth is, I’m a fraud, a fake, and a phony.


You don't say?
No wonder.............

You don't say?

The screen writers guild went on strike...nobody wanted y'all to write for them...thus they would not give you a raise...your quotes are really getting old...like sitcoms died and were replaced with reality TV...get a clue sean a poo!
The worst part was when my wife found out I wasn’t a cop. She ran out of something late at night, and she decided to go to Walmart of all places. She found me there in my rent-a-cop uniform, playing with the other rent-a-cop’s night stick in the parking lot. Oh she went through the roof that night. That was the last poontang I ever got near. Not that I miss it. If you know what I mean Sean? Of course you do. !

Oh I sure do girlfriend!
When CodePINK is in front of Walter-Reed Hospital with signs saying "Maimed for a Lie", how are the wounded soldiers supposed to take that? When CodePINK never says a bad word about the Islamic Terrorists that have no problem killing Iraqis or American soldiers, what are the soldiers suppose to think.? How does it make them feel? When they say that the Commander-in-Chief and the officers have betrayed the soldiers in the hospital, who are they really supporting? When they hold signs saying "We will support the troops when they shoot their officers", what are we supposed to think?


They call Marines "War Criminals". They say that Marines "Target civilians". How are we to believe that they care anything for the troops when everything they do is against the troops?

I don't care WHO holds signs like this. IT does the opposition to the war in Iraq no favors. We ALL get painted with this broad brush and it chases away more "rational" opposition to this Cluster Fuck we call Operation Iraqi Freedom.

How can anyone who truly supports American troops and loves America, want to associate themselves with this type of behavior? It is proof of the loathing that these people have toward the military. But it does clearly state their position and whose side they truly support. I just cannot accept this as a good group to support. They clearly do not represent anything about me. And these are the people that are supporting Obama, not McCain. There is a reason for that.

If you really want to end the war, stop showing the enemy the hate toward the military. A united front against terrorism would be a much better way to show the terrorists that we will not stand for terrorism. We will confront it and do everything we can to stop it. The Liberals/Democrats do not show a united front.

The only time these people say anything against terrorism, it is saying that Americans are the terrorists. I have sited several examples of this in my posts. They call the Marines and Soldiers "terrorists" and "war criminals". This is not support of the troops. They have never referred to Islamic terrorists as terrorists.

But maybe I am wrong. Show me where CodePINK has called the Islamic terrorists that are killing American troops as terrorists.
Some Beach..................!

Oh I sure do girlfriend!

My parting words to you and your boring diatribes...

'Some Beach'

You are the moron in the sports car at the start and end of video!
"How can anyone who truly supports American troops and loves America, want to associate themselves with this type of behavior?"

I dunno. How can anyone who truly supports American troops send them to their deaths on cherrypicked info, in an unnecessary war, not give them the resources they need in the field, and ask them to serve 3-4 tours, only to abandon them when they return home?
"How can anyone who truly supports American troops and loves America, want to associate themselves with this type of behavior?"

I dunno. How can anyone who truly supports American troops send them to their deaths on cherrypicked info, in an unnecessary war, not give them the resources they need in the field, and ask them to serve 3-4 tours, only to abandon them when they return home?

You might want to ask the Democrat controlled Congress that question, after all, they debated the issue for 14 months and then gave their overwhelming approval. They had the same information as President Bush.

"The community of nations may see more and more of the very kind of threat Iraq poses now: a rogue state with weapons of mass destruction, ready to use them or provide them to terrorists. If we fail to respond today, Saddam and all those who would follow in his footsteps will be emboldened tomorrow."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, 1998

"The hard fact is that so long as Saddam remains in power, he threatens the well-being of his people, the peace of his region, and the security of the world."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"The best way to end that threat once and for all is with a new Iraqi government - a government ready to live in peace with its neighbors, a government that respects the rights of its people. Bringing change in Baghdad will take time and effort. We will strengthen our engagement with the full range of Iraqi opposition forces and work with them effectively and prudently..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"Heavy as they are, the costs of action must be weighed against the price of inaction. If Saddam defies the world and we fail to respond, we will face a far greater threat in the future. Saddam will strike again at his neighbors. He will make war on his own people."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States

"And mark my words, he will develop weapons of mass destruction. He will deploy them, and he will use them."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States speaking about Saddam Hussein

"Earlier today, I ordered America's armed forces to strike military and security targets in Iraq. They are joined by British forces. Their mission is to attack Iraq's nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and its military capacity to threaten its neighbors..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, December 16, 1998

"Because we're acting today, it is less likely that we will face these dangers in the future..."
-- Bill Clinton, President of the United States, December 16, 1998

If you want to argue about equipment, perhaps you should look at the previous administration and how they cut the military. You do not build a military over night. It takes years. President Bush went with the military he had. Who was it that is always trying to cut the military budget.

"They won't be able to continue. They won't be able to do the deployment. They won't have the equipment, they don't have the training and they won't be able to do the work. There's no question in my mind."
-- Rep. John Murtha responding to his efforts to defund the military's mission in Iraq

The Liberal Democrats in Congress. They are the ones that control the money to equip the military and take care of the veterans after they come home. The one thing that the Constitution requires the Federal Government to do is to maintain the military - not provide welfare benefits, free universal healthcare, or whatever free giveaway that is the flavor of the week.

The only people that want to cut the military are Liberals, the very same ones that bitch and complain about the military and those that unselfishly serve. They do not serve to gain respect from Liberals, as they know that Liberals will never respect what they do. Not that this is a secret. Liberals have always made their feelings known on the subject.
Gee, that's funny. I don't see one quote in there calling for the invasion & occupation of Iraq.

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Gee, that's funny. I don't see one quote in there calling for the invasion & occupation of Iraq.

You fucking retarded hack.

The shameful thing is that is the most intelligent thing you could say. As usual when you do not have an argument, you resort to personal attacks, name calling, and profanity. Congratulations, you are a credit to Liberals everywhere.

In 1991, U.N. Security Council Resolution 687 brokered an end to the gulf war and earned a commitment from Mr. Hussein to disarm and allow U.N. inspectors to come in and oversee things. It also demanded that Iraq destroy all its weapons of mass destruction.

"The ceasefire is clearly conditional on Iraq doing certain things. If Iraq is in violation of those terms then the ceasefire is called into question."
-- Adam Roberts, professor of international relations at Oxford University

There is the quote you so desired.

If you want more quotes, I am sure you can find them. Congress spent 14 months debating the issue before authorizing the President to take whatever action he deemed necessary as Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces.
Just a wee bit more on Code Pink...!

Waldo Pepper/Gathering of Eagles speaks: