What is the difference between satanism, communism and confederacy?

They all look pretty much the same to me. Different styles and different temperaments but when you see all three in action it is like they use the same operating system. Any thoughts on this observation?

Just to be clear I do not support any three of these ideologies and would be happy to see them struck out of existence with an iron backhand. Freedom!

The difference? A "Special Council" insurance plan? :thinking: Better living through modern technology?
You are trying to play word games.
Not at all. I am simply saying that the United States itself is a confederacy.
When people refer to the Confederacy they generally are referring to the Confederacy of the southern states during the civil war. In fact history records it as "The War Between the States,” was fought between the United States of America and the Confederate States of America." And to this day this country is called the United States of America.
History records a lot of things with arbitrary labels. I call it the War of Secession. It certainly wasn't a civil war, this nation has never had a civil war. A civil war is where two or more factions are trying to gain power through warfare. The South wanted to leave, not take over the United States.
So even though you are technically correct you are wrong as to popular usage.
Nah. You are just using the textbook definition of 'the confederacy' from K-12. It's wrong.

Confederacies existed long before 'The Confederacy' and will exist long after.
What offends you about this comparison? All three ideologies are very similar in both operation and execution and get similar results. You must be a Democrat to disregard what I say and tell me that I said the opposite. I'm not arguing with insults. If you want to discuss the differences or similarities in great detail and thoughtful precision I will spend that time to sort that out.

They are three different things.

Communism is the theft of wealth by the government and redistributing a portion of it to people dependent on that government. It is Marxism. The Church of Karl Marx is a fundamentalist style religion. It has killed millions.

Confederacies are collections of states, whether those 'states' may be actual States, counties, cities, or any other governmental level. They operate under a constitution, also known as the articles of confederacy. That said, the South, in the 'Civil' war (I call it the War of Secession), was making the case that the United States violated the 4th amendment by seizing private property without compensation (their slaves). Actually, it was a valid argument. That's exactly what Lincoln was trying to do. Of course, it also meant supporting slavery to begin with, which is wrong, but the United States had no authority to just set them free without compensation.

Satanism are the policies and teachings of Satan. Those policies essentially teach in no choice, that Satan will 'save' everyone by force. This would prevent any growth by us, and we would never learn to make choices for ourselves.

Communism essentially is the implementation of Satan's policies. It takes away choice. It forces people to live without choice and promises a Utopia. This is exactly in line with Satan's teachings.
Confederacies, on the other hand, are about choice. States voluntarily join confederacies. The United States and the Confederacy of the South are no exceptions. If Satanism is anywhere, it is the policies of the slave owners, which take away choice by their slaves and force them to be dependent on the owner. This is the same as communism as well, just on a smaller scale.

So there are similarities, but they ARE three separate things. Not all confederacies are evil. Indeed, they are about choice. They in and of themselves are not Satanism.
Not at all. I am simply saying that the United States itself is a confederacy.

History records a lot of things with arbitrary labels. I call it the War of Secession. It certainly wasn't a civil war, this nation has never had a civil war. A civil war is where two or more factions are trying to gain power through warfare. The South wanted to leave, not take over the United States.

Nah. You are just using the textbook definition of 'the confederacy' from K-12. It's wrong.

Confederacies existed long before 'The Confederacy' and will exist long after.

So all these scholars from the 1800's to today are wrong but you know better than all of them combined. Perfect example of delusions of grandure. :laugh:
I don't patriate isms but if there were anybody that I would say is a good example of lifestyle to follow I would say Donald Trump before the year 2000.
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