What is the difference between satanism, communism and confederacy?

Void argument. What scholars? Can you possibly be more vague with your reference?

Who writes history books, dictionaries? Who teaches schools and college courses? Scholars sport. For someone who seems to believe he is an expert in the English language I'm surprised you would have to ask that.
They are three different things.

Communism is the theft of wealth by the government and redistributing a portion of it to people dependent on that government. It is Marxism. The Church of Karl Marx is a fundamentalist style religion. It has killed millions.

Confederacies are collections of states, whether those 'states' may be actual States, counties, cities, or any other governmental level. They operate under a constitution, also known as the articles of confederacy. That said, the South, in the 'Civil' war (I call it the War of Secession), was making the case that the United States violated the 4th amendment by seizing private property without compensation (their slaves). Actually, it was a valid argument. That's exactly what Lincoln was trying to do. Of course, it also meant supporting slavery to begin with, which is wrong, but the United States had no authority to just set them free without compensation.

Satanism are the policies and teachings of Satan. Those policies essentially teach in no choice, that Satan will 'save' everyone by force. This would prevent any growth by us, and we would never learn to make choices for ourselves.

Communism essentially is the implementation of Satan's policies. It takes away choice. It forces people to live without choice and promises a Utopia. This is exactly in line with Satan's teachings.
Confederacies, on the other hand, are about choice. States voluntarily join confederacies. The United States and the Confederacy of the South are no exceptions. If Satanism is anywhere, it is the policies of the slave owners, which take away choice by their slaves and force them to be dependent on the owner. This is the same as communism as well, just on a smaller scale.

So there are similarities, but they ARE three separate things. Not all confederacies are evil. Indeed, they are about choice. They in and of themselves are not Satanism.

Thank you for this response.
They all look pretty much the same to me. Different styles and different temperaments but when you see all three in action it is like they use the same operating system. Any thoughts on this observation?

Just to be clear I do not support any three of these ideologies and would be happy to see them struck out of existence with an iron backhand. Freedom!

Satanism is a group of ideological and philosophical beliefs based on Satan. Contemporary religious practice of Satanism began with the founding of the Church of Satan in 1966, although a few historical precedents exist. Prior to the public practice, Satanism existed primarily as an accusation by various Christian groups toward perceived ideological opponents, rather than a self-identity.


communism | Definition, Facts, & History | Britannica.com

Communism is a political and economic system that seeks to create a classless society in which the major means of production, such as mines and factories, are owned and controlled by the public.


a league or alliance, especially of confederate states.
"the Italian confederacy known as the Lombard League"
federation · confederation · alliance · league · association · coalition · combine · consortium · conglomerate · cooperative · partnership · syndicate · compact · band · [more]
(the Confederacy)
another term for Confederate States of America.
an alliance of people or groups formed for an illicit purpose.
"the Yakuza is a secret confederacy of criminal fraternities"

Who writes history books, dictionaries? Who teaches schools and college courses? Scholars sport. For someone who seems to believe he is an expert in the English language I'm surprised you would have to ask that.

Void argument. History books are written by many people, not all of the scholars. Same with dictionaries. I have personally taught in college, but I am not a scholar. I am a scientists, engineer, and businessman. This isn't a language question. You are just making a void argument.
Void argument. History books are written by many people, not all of the scholars. Same with dictionaries. I have personally taught in college, but I am not a scholar. I am a scientists, engineer, and businessman. This isn't a language question. You are just making a void argument.

Ah. So you turn to insults to cover your void argument problem?

Another loser. Covering one fallacy with another. Done here. You apparently want to drop context.

No just a graphic of how I view your position. If you want to take it as an insult so be it. I believe you are insulting this nation by using a term that is associated with the Southern states that fought a war in support of slavery to describe it.
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No just a graphic of how I view your position.
Liar. It was an insult and you know it.
If you want to take it as an insult so be it.
That's what you intended it to be.
I believe you are insulting this nation by using a term that is associated with the Southern states that fought a war in support of slavery to describe it.
You don't get to speak for the nation. You only get to speak for yourself. Just because YOU don't get what the word 'confederacy' means, it's not my problem.

It's yours.

Yes, the South fought a war to support slavery. However, their reasoning was to a certain extent valid. It WAS a violation of the 4th amendment. The federal government WAS trying to take their property without compensation. The fact that the property in question was slaves is immaterial to that reasoning.

No, I don't condone slavery. The South lost for that reason, despite the valid reasoning they made. Lincoln rushed the issue. Slavery was already slowly dying out as an institution. Given time, it would have ended anyway without the war. Lincoln felt he had to rush the issue since so many States were seceding from the Union.

However, I also don't condone forcing constitutional amendments by duress either.
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Liar. It was an insult and you know it.

That's what you intended it to be.

You don't get to speak for the nation. You only get to speak for yourself. Just because YOU don't get what the word 'confederacy' means, it's not my problem.

It's yours.

Yes, the South fought a war to support slavery. However, their reasoning was to a certain extent valid. It WAS a violation of the 4th amendment. The federal government WAS trying to take their property without compensation. The fact that the property in question was slaves is immaterial to that reasoning.

No, I don't condone slavery. The South lost for that reason, despite the valid reasoning they made. Lincoln rushed the issue. Slavery was already slowly dying out as an institution. Given time, it would have ended anyway without the war. Lincoln felt he had to rush the issue since so many States were seceding from the Union.

However, I also don't condone forcing constitutional amendments by duress either.

Oh I can't speak for the nation but you can. LOL I'm not speaking for the nation. I'm simply saying what every web site I have been able to find says and they all agree when one searchs for confederacy they all reference the Southern states. So sport you are the one with the defective argument.
Oh I can't speak for the nation but you can. LOL I'm not speaking for the nation. I'm simply saying what every web site I have been able to find says and they all agree when one searchs for confederacy they all reference the Southern states. So sport you are the one with the defective argument.

"The Confederacy", formed in the 1860s, was only one example of many confederacies throughout history (and even today).
"The Confederacy", formed in the 1860s, was only one example of many confederacies throughout history (and even today).

Ok for the last time. Here is the defination of a confederacy


Learn to pronounce


plural noun:*confederacies

a league or alliance, especially of confederate states.

"the Italian confederacy known as the Lombard League"


another term for*Confederate States of America.

noun:*the Confederacy

an alliance of people or groups formed for an illicit purpose.

"the Yakuza is a secret confederacy of criminal fraternities"

So even though confederacies exist in other forms it is most reconized as the CSA.
Ok for the last time. Here is the defination of a confederacy


Learn to pronounce


plural noun:*confederacies

a league or alliance, especially of confederate states.

"the Italian confederacy known as the Lombard League"


another term for*Confederate States of America.

noun:*the Confederacy

an alliance of people or groups formed for an illicit purpose.

"the Yakuza is a secret confederacy of criminal fraternities"

So even though confederacies exist in other forms it is most reconized as the CSA.

CSA never existed,only if it won the war could it become real.
Oh I can't speak for the nation but you can.
I'm not trying to.
LOL I'm not speaking for the nation.
Yes you are, liar.
I'm simply saying what every web site I have been able to find says and they all agree when one searchs for confederacy they all reference the Southern states.
Argument of ignorance. Websites don't define the word 'confederacy'. No website owns that word.
So sport you are the one with the defective argument.
You, you are making an argument of ignorance fallacy. That itself is a defective argument. No fallacy is a valid argument.
Ok for the last time. Here is the defination of a confederacy


Learn to pronounce


plural noun:*confederacies

a league or alliance, especially of confederate states.

"the Italian confederacy known as the Lombard League"


another term for*Confederate States of America.

noun:*the Confederacy

an alliance of people or groups formed for an illicit purpose.

"the Yakuza is a secret confederacy of criminal fraternities"

So even though confederacies exist in other forms it is most reconized as the CSA.

Reasonably accurate. I suggest you look at this definition again. Thank you for denying your own argument.
They all look pretty much the same to me. Different styles and different temperaments but when you see all three in action it is like they use the same operating system. Any thoughts on this observation?

Just to be clear I do not support any three of these ideologies and would be happy to see them struck out of existence with an iron backhand. Freedom!

Satanism isn't a political system. Communism means no government, whereas Confederacy is an alliance of countries.