What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank

Are you a parrot, seriously, your argument is flawed and repetitive. You got no substance son!

You are blindly guessing there is a god...

...and you are blindly guessing that the Bible tells you what pleases that god and what offends it...

...and you are blindly guessing that you are inspired by the god you blindly guess exists.

Every word there is the truth.

I understand it hurts to see that, but YOU chose to do this religious nonsense here in public.
You are blindly guessing there is a god...

...and you are blindly guessing that the Bible tells you what pleases that god and what offends it...

...and you are blindly guessing that you are inspired by the god you blindly guess exists.

Every word there is the truth.

I understand it hurts to see that, but YOU chose to do this religious nonsense here in public.

Let me know when you come up with something new you are dismissed for being a parrot who has no idea! And boring me, you lost on every front and now simply baaaaa baaaaaa like your socialist masters tell you to.

Let me know when you come up with something new you are dismissed for being a parrot who has no idea! And boring me, you lost on every front and now simply baaaaa baaaaaa like your socialist masters tell you to.

I have not lost on any item of controversy in this discussion. NOT A ONE.

But people like you like to retreat...and declare victory.

No problem. Everyone watching knows you are running away.

And...youR Jesus was much, much, much, much, much closer to what today is a "socialist" than to what today is a "capitalist."

As soon as you present something new we will converse, until then, know you owe me a couple new shirts, because twice I have spit out coffee laughing at your repetitive B.S and general asshatedness!

I doubt you are doing any laughter.

You really cannot pull that off.

I definitely am laughing...watching you run away.

Just be careful of the door. It might hit you in the ass on your way out.

I have not lost on any item of controversy in this discussion. NOT A ONE.

But people like you like to retreat...and declare victory.

No problem. Everyone watching knows you are running away.

And...youR Jesus was much, much, much, much, much closer to what today is a "socialist" than to what today is a "capitalist."


Keep it up it really is great medicine on a tough day! You have yet to show any intelligence in this discussion, its the same old mantra "blind guess"
I doubt you are doing any laughter.

You really cannot pull that off.

I definitely am laughing...watching you run away.

Just be careful of the door. It might hit you in the ass on your way out.


I doubt you are doing any laughter :laugh::laugh: I run from no man I am justy gonna wait for you to say anything intelligent on the subject cause you batting 0.000
Jesus fulfilled the law!
We see the first pointer of how things have changed dramatically in Matthew 5:17 where Jesus says, “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them.” So all the Old Testament finds its completion and fulfillment in Jesus — and that is a basic truth that a person needs to understand. Everything in the Old Testament was pointing toward Jesus as the Son of God incarnate, dying and rising to save his people. And, therefore, in his person, in his ministry, the whole Old Testament reaches a climax and is dramatically altered.

The Bible spells out many of the specifics of this dramatic alteration. For example, the book of Hebrews is probably the classic place for showing how the old covenant has become obsolete with the coming of the new covenant. Hebrews 8:13 says, “In speaking of a new covenant, he makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.” And, for example, the death of Jesus is the once-for-all sacrifice for sins so that the entire Old Testament sacrificial system of offering animals comes to an end.

Hebrews 7:27 and 9:12 say Jesus is the final Lamb of God. The whole Old Testament sacrificial system is over. It doesn’t apply anymore. Another example from Hebrews is that Jesus himself offers the sacrifice of himself and therefore Jesus is the final Priest. And you don’t need any more priests. And so the entire Old Testament priesthood is removed. It is over. We have one, new, final, eternal High Priest, Jesus Christ.

A third example is that Jesus saw himself as the new temple. “If you destroy this temple, I will build it in three days” (John 2:19). And he meant, I will rise from the dead in three days. So when the temple was destroyed in 70 AD, the place of worship for Christians was not destroyed, because we don’t have a place for worship that is limited geographically. We have Jesus. And any place Jesus is, we can worship.

So all of those specifics are how the old covenant was becoming obsolete. And dramatic changes came about and hundreds of commands in the Old Testament don’t apply to Christians anymore, because this new phase of redemptive history has come.

However, the ten commandments are still in force, even though they are OT. Just saying. I've had atheists try to tell me they aren't valid anymore.
Keep it up it really is great medicine on a tough day! You have yet to show any intelligence in this discussion, its the same old mantra "blind guess"

Yup...blind guesses.

I made a guess. (It wasn't really blind.)

I expected that the "I'm going away" bullshit...was...ummm...BULLSHIT.

So...do you have any other BLIND GUESSES to share with us?
I doubt you are doing any laughter :laugh::laugh: I run from no man I am justy gonna wait for you to say anything intelligent on the subject cause you batting 0.000

You are not going to wait for anything. I own you.

I will bring you back into the conversation whenever I want. You don't have the discipline to stay away.

Anyway...I don't blame you for running.

I've shown that you do lots of blind guessing...and almost no thinking.

And, I have established that JESUS indicated that there is no new covenant...and that he was NOT here to change the law in any way.

So...you are stuck with that.
You are not going to wait for anything. I own you.

I will bring you back into the conversation whenever I want. You don't have the discipline to stay away.

Anyway...I don't blame you for running.

I've shown that you do lots of blind guessing...and almost no thinking.

And, I have established that JESUS indicated that there is no new covenant...and that he was NOT here to change the law in any way.

So...you are stuck with that.

Studying the Bible and ancient history, Dilmun, Ras Shamra adds so much to understanding that Bronze age culture.. I just don't get these literalists who have to change scripture to mean what some modern day prophet tells them it means.
Studying the Bible and ancient history, Dilmun, Ras Shamra adds so much to understanding that Bronze age culture.. I just don't get these literalists who have to change scripture to mean what some modern day prophet tells them it means.

I know what you mean, Kudzu.

But Wolverine is a special case...a joke...a rather sad joke.

I do laugh at him...but I often feel regret for laughing at a fool. I also worry that some of the shit he has to deal with here is going to drive him off the wagon. That I would NOT want to see.

I have no problem with his professed love for his god...but if he is going to peddle the shit he has attempted to peddle here, I just have got to school him.

And "schooling him" is what I have been doing.
I know what you mean, Kudzu.

But Wolverine is a special case...a joke...a rather sad joke.

I do laugh at him...but I often feel regret for laughing at a fool. I also worry that some of the shit he has to deal with here is going to drive him off the wagon. That I would NOT want to see.

I have no problem with his professed love for his god...but if he is going to peddle the shit he has attempted to peddle here, I just have got to school him.

And "schooling him" is what I have been doing.

Did you see my thread on two creation stories? Wolverine would probably think it was written by an atheist.
Lol, yep, cherry picking the OT

No. It isnt. God never changes. So His commandments are eternal.
NOTE: Jewish laws of the the OT were not commandments. They were laws for a certain people for a certain time. The ten commandments are universal and unchanging.
No. It isnt. God never changes. So His commandments are eternal.
NOTE: Jewish laws of the the OT were not commandments. They were laws for a certain people for a certain time. The ten commandments are are universal and unchanging.
Yep, cherry picking.
You are a perfect example of someone who mocks what they lack the ability to understand. I pity you.
Yes, I know, most Christians who don’t know the history of their scriptures make this claim, it’s a cop out. Like their excuse for cherry picking scripture.