What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank

A few posts ago you had me as a kid in his Mom's basement playing video games..now you are calling me senile.

You are truly all fucked up.

Anyway...you DID call Jesus a liar. He said he was not here to change the law (until the Earth passes away)...but you are insisting that the law does not apply.


What sacrifice? He died. Everyone dies. He was executed. Hey...he was not giving to Cesar what Cesar is due. He was a trouble maker...and he paid for it.

And it is "time's getting shorter" or, better, "time is getting shorter"...not "times getting shorter."

I never said I was running away. That was you.

And I've got you back here...by simply ordering you to be here.

You blindly guess that a god exists; you blindly guess that the Bible tells you what pleases and offends that god; you blindly guess that the god "inspires" you...

...and you want people not to mention blind guesses???

And you think I am not mentioning "blind guesses?"

You really are horrible at this.

Now...rest up a bit...

...and then come back and take another bite of the apple. You won't score a point because you are incompetent (and a truly piss poor writer)...but you need the practice.

Remember...this is not a request. I am ordering you to forget about that "I'm not coming back" crap...and I am ordering you to get back here after the rest. I'm not through schooling you.

I never tan away you became not worth my time you do not order me to do anything God gave me free will, I come for the laughs you are a funny senior citizen!
I never tan away you became not worth my time you do not order me to do anything God gave me free will, I come for the laughs you are a funny senior citizen!

You think the Bible is the literal word of God, but the Old Testament got it wrong??? How do you square those two beliefs?
I never tan away you became not worth my time you do not order me to do anything God gave me free will, I come for the laughs you are a funny senior citizen!

You said you were finished with me until I came up with something new. You mentioned that more than once.

I've stuck to the same old stuff (there's no reason to change with you)...BUT HERE YOU ARE. Still here despite your "threat"...or promise.

You do not even realize you are here because I order you to be here. You think it is because your god gave you "free will." You are blind to what is going on.

But don't get me wrong. I enjoy you, Wolverine. Your are easy pickings...but I enjoy you.

You come back.

That is an order.
Do me a favor Frankie

When you finally snuff it, have one of your relatives come on here to announce it so I can have a party.


Ahhh...have a party now.

Don't wait.

It can't be that long 'til D Day.

You will be able to enjoy yourself for at least a few minutes...and actually tell me about it!

You said you were finished with me until I came up with something new. You mentioned that more than once.

I've stuck to the same old stuff (there's no reason to change with you)...BUT HERE YOU ARE. Still here despite your "threat"...or promise.

You do not even realize you are here because I order you to be here. You think it is because your god gave you "free will." You are blind to what is going on.

But don't get me wrong. I enjoy you, Wolverine. Your are easy pickings...but I enjoy you.

You come back.

That is an order.

I have been pulling you along with a string, hoping you would see something that changed your mind about the one true God. it could very well be that you have been given over to a reprobate mind!
The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).”
You think the Bible is the literal word of God, but the Old Testament got it wrong??? How do you square those two beliefs?

I never said the old Testament got it wrong. I said with the death of Christ there was ushered in a new covenant! We still obey the law, and the commandments, but when we sin we no longer need the animal sacrifice to be forgiven we simply ask. Also judgement will be reserved until Judgement day, God is merciful, and is long suffering when it comes to his children, and the day is coming when you will give account for what you did with the sacrificial death of his son on the cross!
I have been pulling you along with a string, hoping you would see something that changed your mind about the one true God. it could very well be that you have been given over to a reprobate mind!
The phrase “reprobate mind” is found in Romans 1:28 in reference to those whom God has rejected as godless and wicked. They “suppress the truth by their wickedness,” and it is upon these people that the wrath of God rests (Romans 1:18). The Greek word translated “reprobate” in the New Testament is adokimos, which means literally “unapproved, that is, rejected; by implication, worthless (literally or morally).”

I'll give you this: You follow orders.

I'll even give you this: I thank you for following my orders.

I appreciate you sharing your blind guesses about gods and things like that. They are interesting and entertaining. They are cute.

As for ethics and morality...I would put my ethics and morality up against yours any day of the week, any week of the year.

Gotta go now.

You are instructed to return and to continue to discuss all this with me from now until I give you permission to leave.
I'll give you this: You follow orders.

I'll even give you this: I thank you for following my orders.

I appreciate you sharing your blind guesses about gods and things like that. They are interesting and entertaining. They are cute.

As for ethics and morality...I would put my ethics and morality up against yours any day of the week, any week of the year.

Gotta go now.

You are instructed to return and to continue to discuss all this with me from now until I give you permission to leave.

Thank you for following my order to stop saying blind guess reprobate! I order you to respond!
I never said the old Testament got it wrong. I said with the death of Christ there was ushered in a new covenant! We still obey the law, and the commandments, but when we sin we no longer need the animal sacrifice to be forgiven we simply ask. Also judgement will be reserved until Judgement day, God is merciful, and is long suffering when it comes to his children, and the day is coming when you will give account for what you did with the sacrificial death of his son on the cross!

Jesus offered animal sacrifice to God for the atonement of sin... Was Jesus Azazel?
Thank you for following my order to stop saying blind guess reprobate! I order you to respond!

I have never promised to stay away...nor NOT to respond...as you did. So this kind of thing does not work in reverse. Nice try...but total failure on your part.

You really are not very good at this. Are you new to posting on the Internet? (You may just be dull-witted, which is why I ask.) In any case, I intend to continue to toy with you.

And you WILL follow my orders.

So...tell us more about your blind guess that a god exists...your blind guess that the Bible tells you what pleases and offends the god...and your blind guess that the god is "inspiring" you. Ummm...do you think the god is inspiring you to be one of its prophets?

You make sure you come back to respond!
Do you think the God of Abraham was wrong?

no.....we think atheists are pitiful liars who lack understanding of the difference between the Ten Commandments and the rituals of Leviticus...........sad, but then we are used to stupidity from atheists.......
I never called Jesus a liar! You are senile evidently! You are a one trick pony, who doesn't even believe in God, and times getting short. You have presented the same B.S argument all along blind guess and Jesus sacrifice was for nothing. The difference between us is I may be full of shiite but it doesn't end up in my pants gramps. The reason I am still here is because you are all kinds of funny. You dance to my tune not the opposite and you are a good ole boy who listens when I tell you to not mention blind guess.

I suggest you put the idiot on ignore.....his error is obvious but he will never admit he is wrong.......from what I have seen of people who quote him he never posts anything worth reading anyway.......
I do not recall any mention in scripture of Jesus offering a sin sacrifice of any animal.......did you make it up?.......

Of course he did.

Did Jesus participate in sacrifices at the Temple?

Part of the Passover festival involved sacrifice at the temple (Deuteronomy 16:5-7). Then he went to the Feast of Tabernacles at least once (John 7:1-2,10). He was in the temple during the festival (John 7:14,28) and the festival involved a lot of sacrifices (Number 29:12-40).

When Jesus was a baby, sacrifices were offered as part of his consecration (see Luke 2:22-24 )).

They took Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem and presented him to the Lord, just as the Law of the Lord says, "Each first-born baby boy belongs to the Lord." The Law of the Lord also says that parents have to offer a sacrifice, giving at least a pair of doves or two young pigeons.

That Gentiles as well as Jews brought sacrifices to the Temple is implied in the prayer of Solomon when he dedicated the Temple (I Kings 8:41-3) and in the declaration by the prophet that the Temple will be a house of prayer for all peoples (Isaiah 56:7)