What is the difference between the old and new covenant ? Frank

Yes, I know, most Christians who don’t know the history of their scriptures make this claim, it’s a cop out. Like their excuse for cherry picking scripture.

Well. I see that it is time for you to go back on my ignore list. I gave you another chance and you totally blew it. You are completely incapable of engaging in honest debate.
Well. I see that it is time for you to go back on my ignore list. I gave you another chance and you totally blew it. You are completely incapable of engaging in honest debate.
No, it’s been proven that is you, not I, you were the one caught in a lie.
No. It isnt. God never changes. So His commandments are eternal.
NOTE: Jewish laws of the the OT were not commandments. They were laws for a certain people for a certain time. The ten commandments are universal and unchanging.

And among those people in that certain time was a man called Jesus of Nazareth.

And Jesus said:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true."

Matthew 5:17ff

The Earth is still here!
Well. I see that it is time for you to go back on my ignore list. I gave you another chance and you totally blew it. You are completely incapable of engaging in honest debate.

YOU will not tolerate "honest debate", Grugore.

YOU never do.
No. It isnt. God never changes. So His commandments are eternal.

One of the more obvious differences betwixt the Old & New Testaments is the fact that Yahweh (Jehovah, if you will) was definitely kick-ass, whereas Yeshua (Jesus, if you will) is alleged to have promoted the turn-the-other-cheek & love-thy-neighbor shtick.

All you Trinitarian types can have some fun with that.
One of the more obvious differences betwixt the Old & New Testaments is the fact that Yahweh (Jehovah, if you will) was definitely kick-ass, whereas Yeshua (Jesus, if you will) is alleged to have promoted the turn-the-other-cheek & love-thy-neighbor shtick.

All you Trinitarian types can have some fun with that.
I wonder if anything changed theologically after Jesus sacrificed himself to save us from our sins?........
Yes, I know, most Christians who don’t know the history of their scriptures make this claim, it’s a cop out. Like their excuse for cherry picking scripture.

You can't get out of the fact you don't understand Christianity that easily.......you've been proving it for a dozen years........
You are not going to wait for anything. I own you.

I will bring you back into the conversation whenever I want. You don't have the discipline to stay away.

Anyway...I don't blame you for running.

I've shown that you do lots of blind guessing...and almost no thinking.

And, I have established that JESUS indicated that there is no new covenant...and that he was NOT here to change the law in any way.

So...you are stuck with that.


The Mosaic contract is no longer in force. It has been replaced for everyone, including Jews, by the new contract. The new contract is a new enterprise. Gentiles were never under the old contract. Now, Jews and Gentiles alike who put their faith in Jesus are under the new contract.

Does that mean we can go around murdering people because we’re not under the Mosaic Law? No. The obligation not to murder is universal and should be in any law. Just as our law does, the Mosaic Law included universal moral principles. So we are obligated to follow those moral rules, not in virtue of them being in the Mosaic law, but because they are universal for all people. The Mosaic law included universal moral rules and rules that were limited to the nation who lived under that contract. We have to distinguish between these as we consider how we relate to the Mosaic covenant now.

Universal moral obligations from the Mosaic Law are repeated in the New Testament. The things that no longer apply to us are not repeated in the New Testament. It’s exactly like being in a separate state.

For example, love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself are in both the Old and New Testaments. This is a summary statement in the New Testament. Part of it was in response to the Jews. It was hard to keep all the laws, so they decided, let's keep the most important one. There were debates between them about which law was the greatest commandment, so they asked Jesus. The purpose of finding the greatest commandment was to focus on keeping that really well and not worry so much about the others.

Jesus says, you don't have to worry about the rest of the commandments if you can fulfill these: Love your God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. Then, the lawyer who raised the question, seeking to justify himself, asks who is his neighbor. Jesus responds with the parable of the Good Samaritan, which points out even your enemies are your neighbor.

Have a good day!

The Mosaic contract is no longer in force. It has been replaced for everyone, including Jews, by the new contract. The new contract is a new enterprise. Gentiles were never under the old contract. Now, Jews and Gentiles alike who put their faith in Jesus are under the new contract.

Does that mean we can go around murdering people because we’re not under the Mosaic Law? No. The obligation not to murder is universal and should be in any law. Just as our law does, the Mosaic Law included universal moral principles. So we are obligated to follow those moral rules, not in virtue of them being in the Mosaic law, but because they are universal for all people. The Mosaic law included universal moral rules and rules that were limited to the nation who lived under that contract. We have to distinguish between these as we consider how we relate to the Mosaic covenant now.

Universal moral obligations from the Mosaic Law are repeated in the New Testament. The things that no longer apply to us are not repeated in the New Testament. It’s exactly like being in a separate state.

For example, love God with all your heart and love your neighbor as yourself are in both the Old and New Testaments. This is a summary statement in the New Testament. Part of it was in response to the Jews. It was hard to keep all the laws, so they decided, let's keep the most important one. There were debates between them about which law was the greatest commandment, so they asked Jesus. The purpose of finding the greatest commandment was to focus on keeping that really well and not worry so much about the others.

Jesus says, you don't have to worry about the rest of the commandments if you can fulfill these: Love your God with your whole heart, soul, mind, and strength; and love your neighbor as yourself. Then, the lawyer who raised the question, seeking to justify himself, asks who is his neighbor. Jesus responds with the parable of the Good Samaritan, which points out even your enemies are your neighbor.

Have a good day!

Here you are...just as I ordered you to be.

Good. I like obedient people.

What Jesus said, Wolverine...and which you cannot deal with adequately, is:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true."

Matthew 5:17ff

The Earth is still here. Not all has come true. (Jesus has not returned...the end has not come.) So...


...not one word of the law; not one letter of the law; not even a small part of a letter of the law...is abolished in any way.

It ALL still applies.

Now...it is okay with me if you want to say that Jesus was kidding (or that Jesus was lying)...but I really do not think you should do that.

See you again soon. (That is an instruction!)
Here you are...just as I ordered you to be.

Good. I like obedient people.

What Jesus said, Wolverine...and which you cannot deal with adequately, is:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true."

Matthew 5:17ff

The Earth is still here. Not all has come true. (Jesus has not returned...the end has not come.) So...


...not one word of the law; not one letter of the law; not even a small part of a letter of the law...is abolished in any way.

It ALL still applies.

Now...it is okay with me if you want to say that Jesus was kidding (or that Jesus was lying)...but I really do not think you should do that.

See you again soon. (That is an instruction!)

Doesn't change the fact that we are no longer under the law, but grace, while we should still obey the commandments, we no longer are required to make animal sacrifices, and punishment is reserved for judgement. I have never needed to obey the laws of the Jewish people, especially since the Pharisees and Sadducee's added to the ridiculous laws to keep people under their thumb. Now come back with your blind guess shtick!

Keep squawking, first you tell me I am running and now when I come back to CONTINUE TO SCHOOL YOU. You act like you control me :laugh:
Doesn't change the fact that we are no longer under the law, but grace, while we should still obey the commandments, we no longer are required to make animal sacrifices, and punishment is reserved for judgement. I have never needed to obey the laws of the Jewish people, especially since the Pharisees and Sadducee's added to the ridiculous laws to keep people under their thumb. Now come back with your blind guess shtick!

Keep squawking, first you tell me I am running and now when I come back to CONTINUE TO SCHOOL YOU. You act like you control me :laugh:

I do control you. I ordered you to come back here...and here you are.

In any case, you still have not handled the issue I raised...and for good reason, because YOU CANNOT.

JESUS said:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true."

Matthew 5:17ff

Either you are saying that JESUS is a liar (or a fuck-up)...or...

...you people are still subject to the Old Testament law.

ADVISE: Keep dodging it. You will only end up deeper down the rabbit hole. I've got more.

ORDERS: You are instructed to give up any thought of running away. You are ordered to return.
I do control you. I ordered you to come back here...and here you are.

In any case, you still have not handled the issue I raised...and for good reason, because YOU CANNOT.

JESUS said:

"Do not think that I have come to abolish the law and the prophets. I have come, not to abolish them, but to fulfill them. Of this much I assure you; UNTIL HEAVEN AND EARTH PASS AWAY, not the smallest letter of the law, not the smallest part of a letter shall be done away with until it all comes true."

Matthew 5:17ff

Either you are saying that JESUS is a liar (or a fuck-up)...or...

...you people are still subject to the Old Testament law.

ADVISE: Keep dodging it. You will only end up deeper down the rabbit hole. I've got more.

ORDERS: You are instructed to give up any thought of running away. You are ordered to return.

I never left jackwagon, I have given you all you require to understand, the fact that you do not is on you! His death on the cross fulfilled the law by abolishing the old covenant sacrifice, with his sacrifice, the perfect lamb of God. It doesn't mean we do not obey the commandments, it means we are under grace and punishment will come at judgement. If you can't gather up the brain cell to understand, it just proves you spent to much time burning brain cells in Moms basement, while playing call of Duty.

Advice: is the word you were looking for, further confirming the Mom, basement assessment!

I wouldn't leave for all the world, your comic relief is outstanding! But at least I got you to quit saying blind guess, I order you to return to it.
Doesn't change the fact that we are no longer under the law, but grace, while we should still obey the commandments, we no longer are required to make animal sacrifices, and punishment is reserved for judgement. I have never needed to obey the laws of the Jewish people, especially since the Pharisees and Sadducee's added to the ridiculous laws to keep people under their thumb. Now come back with your blind guess shtick!

Keep squawking, first you tell me I am running and now when I come back to CONTINUE TO SCHOOL YOU. You act like you control me :laugh:

Jesus was an observant Jew.. Do you know the difference between what Matthew or Paul said and what Jesus did?

With regard to Mosaic law, do you think God got it wrong?
I never left jackwagon, I have given you all you require to understand, the fact that you do not is on you! His death on the cross fulfilled the law by abolishing the old covenant sacrifice, with his sacrifice, the perfect lamb of God. It doesn't mean we do not obey the commandments, it means we are under grace and punishment will come at judgement. If you can't gather up the brain cell to understand, it just proves you spent to much time burning brain cells in Moms basement, while playing call of Duty.

I'm 82 years old, you asshole. When I was a kid most of us played with cardboard boxes we pretended were fortresses. There was no Call of Duty...and no computers or TVs on which to play it.

You obviously are a child.

In any case, interesting that you would call Jesus a liar rather than own up to being wrong. JESUS tells us that nothing about the law changes until the Earth passes away. So, since the Earth is still here, he either lied or you are still subject to the law...IN FULL.

Oh, one other option...that you are completely full of shit.


Advice: is the word you were looking for, further confirming the Mom, basement assessment!

ADVICE absolutely is the word I meant. You are absolutely correct in that. I was wrong...you were right. My apologies.

I wouldn't leave for all the world, your comic relief is outstanding! But at least I got you to quit saying blind guess, I order you to return to it.

Well, you certainly PROCLAIMED you were through with the discussion "unless I came up with something new"...and I am still pointing out the same stuff I've been pointing out all along.

But here you are!

You are here because I am demanding it. You don't have the discipline to keep to your promise. YOU DON'T EVEN COME CLOSE TO HAVING THAT MUCH DISCIPLINE.

I instruct you to come back and respond...even though nothing new has been presented.
I'm 82 years old, you asshole. When I was a kid most of us played with cardboard boxes we pretended were fortresses. There was no Call of Duty...and no computers or TVs on which to play it.

You obviously are a child.

In any case, interesting that you would call Jesus a liar rather than own up to being wrong. JESUS tells us that nothing about the law changes until the Earth passes away. So, since the Earth is still here, he either lied or you are still subject to the law...IN FULL.

Oh, one other option...that you are completely full of shit.


ADVICE absolutely is the word I meant. You are absolutely correct in that. I was wrong...you were right. My apologies.

Well, you certainly PROCLAIMED you were through with the discussion "unless I came up with something new"...and I am still pointing out the same stuff I've been pointing out all along.

But here you are!

You are here because I am demanding it. You don't have the discipline to keep to your promise. YOU DON'T EVEN COME CLOSE TO HAVING THAT MUCH DISCIPLINE.

I instruct you to come back and respond...even though nothing new has been presented.

82? Means you will be dead soon. That is good news. I hope your influenza shot doesn’t work
82? Means you will be dead soon. That is good news. I hope your influenza shot doesn’t work

You are such a fucking scumbag...I am amazed that you can stand yourself.

Anyway...you are the unfortunate one who has to live that life of yours.

Live it as best you can.
I'm 82 years old, you asshole. When I was a kid most of us played with cardboard boxes we pretended were fortresses. There was no Call of Duty...and no computers or TVs on which to play it.

You obviously are a child.

In any case, interesting that you would call Jesus a liar rather than own up to being wrong. JESUS tells us that nothing about the law changes until the Earth passes away. So, since the Earth is still here, he either lied or you are still subject to the law...IN FULL.

Oh, one other option...that you are completely full of shit.


ADVICE absolutely is the word I meant. You are absolutely correct in that. I was wrong...you were right. My apologies.

Well, you certainly PROCLAIMED you were through with the discussion "unless I came up with something new"...and I am still pointing out the same stuff I've been pointing out all along.

But here you are!

You are here because I am demanding it. You don't have the discipline to keep to your promise. YOU DON'T EVEN COME CLOSE TO HAVING THAT MUCH DISCIPLINE.

I instruct you to come back and respond...even though nothing new has been presented.

I never called Jesus a liar! You are senile evidently! You are a one trick pony, who doesn't even believe in God, and times getting short. You have presented the same B.S argument all along blind guess and Jesus sacrifice was for nothing. The difference between us is I may be full of shiite but it doesn't end up in my pants gramps. The reason I am still here is because you are all kinds of funny. You dance to my tune not the opposite and you are a good ole boy who listens when I tell you to not mention blind guess.
I never called Jesus a liar! You are senile evidently! You are a one trick pony, who doesn't even believe in God, and times getting short. You have presented the same B.S argument all along blind guess and Jesus sacrifice was for nothing. The difference between us is I may be full of shiite but it doesn't end up in my pants gramps. The reason I am still here is because you are all kinds of funny. You dance to my tune not the opposite and you are a good ole boy who listens when I tell you to not mention blind guess.

Do you think the God of Abraham was wrong?
I never called Jesus a liar! You are senile evidently!

A few posts ago you had me as a kid in his Mom's basement playing video games..now you are calling me senile.

You are truly all fucked up.

Anyway...you DID call Jesus a liar. He said he was not here to change the law (until the Earth passes away)...but you are insisting that the law does not apply.


You are a one trick pony, who doesn't even believe in God, and times getting short. You have presented the same B.S argument all along blind guess and Jesus sacrifice was for nothing.

What sacrifice? He died. Everyone dies. He was executed. Hey...he was not giving to Cesar what Cesar is due. He was a trouble maker...and he paid for it.

And it is "time's getting shorter" or, better, "time is getting shorter"...not "times getting shorter."

The difference between us is I may be full of shiite but it doesn't end up in my pants gramps. The reason I am still here is because you are all kinds of funny. You dance to my tune not the opposite and you are a good ole boy who listens when I tell you to not mention blind guess.

I never said I was running away. That was you.

And I've got you back here...by simply ordering you to be here.

You blindly guess that a god exists; you blindly guess that the Bible tells you what pleases and offends that god; you blindly guess that the god "inspires" you...

...and you want people not to mention blind guesses???

And you think I am not mentioning "blind guesses?"

You really are horrible at this.

Now...rest up a bit...

...and then come back and take another bite of the apple. You won't score a point because you are incompetent (and a truly piss poor writer)...but you need the practice.

Remember...this is not a request. I am ordering you to forget about that "I'm not coming back" crap...and I am ordering you to get back here after the rest. I'm not through schooling you.