What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information

Perhaps......the information that you request might turn up in the court room when Hillary is subpoenaed and indicted along side of Comey, McCabe. It appears that Mr. Mueller concluded that RUSSIA was involved with the STEELE DOSSIER when he attempted to declare that the agent that contracted some of Trump's campaign team was a RUSSIAN AGENT...when in reality they were working for our own federal agencies.

Your questions will be answered soon enough....the only problem will be THE ANSWERS you will not enjoy. ;) Mr. Durham is working on your questions right now.:laugh:

Indicted for what, shitstain?

You must be referring to Kilimnik. Did Manafort know he was working for the US whn he provided the polling data? Of course not, you fucking moron. Gates testified that it was understood that it would make its way to Deripaska and then to the Kremlin.

Don't hold your breath on those indictments, halfwit. :rofl2:
Hillary's PAC hired the same DOMESTIC company a right wing PAC did ya dumbass

Not an argument. Irrelevant.

But, I understand your need to go there. You can't answer the other questions

Did the right wing pack hire a law firm to hire Fusion GPS to hire Christopher Steele to go to Russia? Did they?

Nice try.

You aren't very good at this
I can't get into the NYT article.

Elias is the Perkins Coie attorney. I notice his name is not Hillary Clinton. But, prove he's lying.

"It's important to note that the question raised at the time was if Marc had a 'dossier' before the election and put together pitches to media outlets on information in it. Neither of those statements were true," the source said. "What was eventually published as the 'dossier' by Buzzfeed wasn't in Marc's possession before the election, and like most people, he read it when it was published. While he was certainly familiar with some, but not all, of the information in it, from the research that was being done, he didn't have and hadn't seen the full document, nor was he involved in pitching it to reporters."


Prove that Brain Fallon was lying. I also notice his name is not Hillary Clinton.

Write Fusion, Perkins Coie, the DNC and the Clinton campaign with your stupid fucking questions as to why. I wasn't part of the campaign, idiot.

As usual, you fail miserably again.

Chronic loser. :rofl2:

I humbly accept your concession. Notice I said the Clinton Campaign. Unless of course you are saying she isn't responsible for what her campaign did? is that what you are saying?
I humbly accept your concession. Notice I said the Clinton Campaign. Unless of course you are saying she isn't responsible for what her campaign did? is that what you are saying?

Notice my response, stupid fuck.

"Write Fusion, Perkins Coie, the DNC and the Clinton campaign with your stupid fucking questions as to why. I wasn't part of the campaign, idiot."

Why did they deny it? Because it wasn't true.

Nope, it sure isn't what I'm saying. What I have been saying dozens of times, cuntwhistle, is this:

"While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


Illiterate loser. :rofl2:
The notion that Russia had the capability to hack Hillary's server but waited for a a request from Trump to actually do the hacking is absolutely preposterous. If foreign intelligence agencies have the capability to gather intelligence from other countries, they simply gather the information. They do not wait for other countries to give permission.

Sure, but it's far too great of a coincidence that they did it five hours after Trump literally invited them too. It's like Brian Kilmeade said, nothing is for free. By Trump asking for their help, he's communicating that if they help him, he'll be their man on the inside.
Got to love the "with his tongue and cheek comments," he was joking, how many times have we heard that defense from the Trumpkins, oh, he "was only joking," beautiful

Even if what you say was accurate and Russia has already had the Emails, Trump invited them in, basically telling them he had no problem if the Russians wanted to get involved in our election, in fact, he told them he welcomed it, giving them the green light.

What was Russia able to do after this "green light" that they were not already able to do?
Not an argument. Irrelevant.

But, I understand your need to go there. You can't answer the other questions

Did the right wing pack hire a law firm to hire Fusion GPS to hire Christopher Steele to go to Russia? Did they?

Nice try.

You aren't very good at this

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”

Indicted for what, shitstain?

You must be referring to Kilimnik. Did Manafort know he was working for the US whn he provided the polling data? Of course not, you fucking moron. Gates testified that it was understood that it would make its way to Deripaska and then to the Kremlin.

Don't hold your breath on those indictments, halfwit. :rofl2:

No psychological projection going on here folks.....clearly AG BARR will find nothing, its all a conspiracy, Hillary did not pay a foreign spy to dig up Russian Dirt from RUSSIA, that information was never weaponized even though it was never verified via anyone in any United States agency, and AG BARR never appointed a Special Prosecutor to investigate the investigators use of that Russian "disinformation" to spy upon the Trump campaign. There was never any SPYING (we know this because of all the truth tellers on the left). Nothing will ever come of the Durham grand jury now seated and ready to hear testimony...its just another dog and pony show. The question is who is going to be subpoenaed and when? Trump? :laugh: www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/joh...ury-in-russia-origins-probe-joe-digenova-says

:bigthink: The difference between the SHOW going on in Congress and the AG investigation? Guess which one actually has the prosecutorial power and authority to INDICT someone on criminal charges? It ain't Congress. ;)
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I love his use of the word "purportedly".

“The U.S. intelligence community purportedly has examined the allegations…”

“The TRUMP operation was both supported and directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Its aim was to sow discord both within the U.S. itself, but more especially within the Transatlantic alliance.”

No shit. It worked, didn't it?

Laughable. He claims the Steele dossier was written by a Russian. Priceless!

Still waiting on proof, limpdick.

wow. he used "purportedly". great critique, ape face.
on political rivals last Wednesday and Trump directly asking Russia to find Clinton's Emails back in 2016?

Actually not much of a difference, except this time Trump is putting the request right out there, sending a public invitation to all his autocratic buddies, openly inviting foreign powers to interfere in our election for his behalf

And why not, Trump cares little for respecting historical institutions, he knows his GOP lackeys don't have the backbone to say anything, he's assured billy Barr ain't going to care, and he has a whole media network that will not only defend him but will quickly portray any effort to expose say North Korea's involvement as a witch hunt

The Democrats ought to immediately pass legislation making it illegal to accept any kind of assistence from any foreign nation in our elections and quickly forward it to Mitch, put the Senate invertebrates on the spot

What is the difference between saying 'I'd listen' and 'hiring a foreign agent to go to Russian agents to dig up oppo research on your opponent, leak said details to the FBI and the Media, start a two year investigation that showed the dossier was bogus, that there was no conspiracy with Russian and the opponents campaign'
I never even actually imagined it was ever possible that the Republican Party would beg the KGB, the Kremlin, and Russian state security services to aid them, to collude with them, and to collaborate in winning an American election.

It would have never dawned on me that it was even remotely possible.

Yeah, the leg humping moron doesn't want to admit that the Clinton campaign and the DNC hired a foreign agent to go to Russian agents to dig up dirt on their opponent and pretend that Russia was 'coordinating' with their opponents campaign. I mean, that never would have dawned on the dishonest moron above either. Right moron?
And five hours after he said that extremely irresponsible "joke," Russia actually hacked Hillary's server.
Now Trump is saying to Russia, if you want to help me win again, I will work with you.
After all this time screaming about how there was "no collusion," Trump is now saying he will collude. Imagine if it was Obama doing this.

LMAO... we don't have to imagine. Obama already did it. Obama said he would be much more flexible once reelected.
Giggle giggle. England is a friendly country. Russia is our long time foe. Steele was English by nationality but was not working for them. He was not working for a foreign nation nor trying to harm America, The Russian hackers worked with and for Trump. They did it to throw America into turmoil and to harm it. That was for Russia's benefit. Russia was hacking and interfering in our election, to further Russian plans.
Are you really that stupid? You really cannot see the difference?

So many lies. Why do you lie? Mueller stated no one in the Trump campaign coordinated or conspired with the Russians, yet you continue to lie... why?