What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information

Yeah, but when they get it, they go full bore. They do not have to be sneaky. Trump gave them permission. Fact is hours after Trump's plea, hacking went bigly.

The notion that Russia had the capability to hack Hillary's server but waited for a a request from Trump to actually do the hacking is absolutely preposterous. If foreign intelligence agencies have the capability to gather intelligence from other countries, they simply gather the information. They do not wait for other countries to give permission.

When Trump mocked the left with his tongue in cheek comments, any hacking that was possible would already have been accomplished. Trump's comments could not have given hackers any more capability.
you go on the record and say it's 100% true and I'll get something.

Actually, I don't care about it, it never was much of a player in anything, if you read the actual FISA applications, the primary source, rather than believing everything Hannity shovels you would know the facts and the doasier's minor role
Actually, I don't care about it, it never was much of a player in anything, if you read the actual FISA applications, the primary source, rather than believing everything Hannity shovels you would know the facts and the doasier's minor role

so downplaying it is the approach? ok. that's weak too. carry on.
The notion that Russia had the capability to hack Hillary's server but waited for a a request from Trump to actually do the hacking is absolutely preposterous. If foreign intelligence agencies have the capability to gather intelligence from other countries, they simply gather the information. They do not wait for other countries to give permission.

When Trump mocked the left with his tongue in cheek comments, any hacking that was possible would already have been accomplished. Trump's comments could not have given hackers any more capability.

Got to love the "with his tongue and cheek comments," he was joking, how many times have we heard that defense from the Trumpkins, oh, he "was only joking," beautiful

Even if what you say was accurate and Russia has already had the Emails, Trump invited them in, basically telling them he had no problem if the Russians wanted to get involved in our election, in fact, he told them he welcomed it, giving them the green light.
on political rivals last Wednesday and Trump directly asking Russia to find Clinton's Emails back in 2016?

Actually not much of a difference, except this time Trump is putting the request right out there, sending a public invitation to all his autocratic buddies, openly inviting foreign powers to interfere in our election for his behalf

And why not, Trump cares little for respecting historical institutions, he knows his GOP lackeys don't have the backbone to say anything, he's assured billy Barr ain't going to care, and he has a whole media network that will not only defend him but will quickly portray any effort to expose say North Korea's involvement as a witch hunt

The Democrats ought to immediately pass legislation making it illegal to accept any kind of assistence from any foreign nation in our elections and quickly forward it to Mitch, put the Senate invertebrates on the spot

Of course.....its not like paying 11 million dollars to a foreign agent to collect dirt on a political opponent from a foreign nation. You mean THAT DIFFERENCE? Or the difference of using that paid for foreign information as a basis to spy upon that political opponent? That difference? Or do you mean the actual difference between a baited accusation HYPOTHETICAL situation question that has never actually taken place and the actual situation where HILLARY did pay for dirt from a RUSSIAN SOURCE instead just acting like they did? That difference? :laugh:

Trump "baited" the left wing idiots again in order to expose their PSYCHOLOGICAL PROJECTION to the voters of this nation. They "feign outrage" over some stupid hypothetical yet support the actual situation where foreign information was actually weaponized for political reasons.

Lefty's never seem to be concerned about the 1st law of logic and reason.....THE EXCLUDED MIDDLE, where its impossible for something to be true and false at the same instance. They can't be outraged in one hand and supportive of the actual application on the other hand. AND THE PEOPLE THAT VOTE see this hypocrisy. :seenoevil::hearnoevil::speaknoevil: Just why do you assume Mr. Donald Trump won the election in the first place.....RUSSIAN COLLUSION? :laugh: No......the left has taken advantage of the people for to long, taken them for granted while calling them stupid, smelly, uneducated, that's why THE DON is resting his ass behind the resolute desk at 1600 Pa. Av. as we speak. Turns out the smart ass elites are not the smartest people in every room they walk into....just ask Jim Acosta, Robert Mueller, James Comey, Andy McCabe, yada, yada, yada, Brennan, Clapper, Hillary. :bigthink:
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I love his use of the word "purportedly".

“The U.S. intelligence community purportedly has examined the allegations…”

“The TRUMP operation was both supported and directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Its aim was to sow discord both within the U.S. itself, but more especially within the Transatlantic alliance.”

No shit. It worked, didn't it?

Laughable. He claims the Steele dossier was written by a Russian. Priceless!

Still waiting on proof, limpdick.
I love his use of the word "purportedly".

“The U.S. intelligence community purportedly has examined the allegations…”

“The TRUMP operation was both supported and directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. Its aim was to sow discord both within the U.S. itself, but more especially within the Transatlantic alliance.”

No shit. It worked, didn't it?

Laughable. He claims the Steele dossier was written by a Russian. Priceless!

Still waiting on proof, limpdick.

Perhaps......the information that you request might turn up in the court room when Hillary is subpoenaed and indicted along side of Comey, McCabe. It appears that Mr. Mueller concluded that RUSSIA was involved with the STEELE DOSSIER when he attempted to declare that the agent that contracted some of Trump's campaign team was a RUSSIAN AGENT...when in reality they were working for our own federal agencies.

Your questions will be answered soon enough....the only problem will be THE ANSWERS you will not enjoy. ;) Mr. Durham is working on your questions right now.:laugh: