What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information

That's because what Hillary, the DNC, Fusion and Steele did was LEGAL.


If it was legal, then why didn't they disclose it on their FEC forms? Why did they hire Perkins Coie who hired Fusion GPS? Why go to that trouble? Why not just hire Steele directly? Why not disclose on the FEC forms why they were hiring Steele?

The questions don't get easier from here so I understand if you won't answer
If it was legal, then why didn't they disclose it on their FEC forms? Why did they hire Perkins Coie who hired Fusion GPS? Why go to that trouble? Why not just hire Steele directly? Why not disclose on the FEC forms why they were hiring Steele?

The questions don't get easier from here so I understand if you won't answer

Hillary's PAC hired the same DOMESTIC company a right wing PAC did ya dumbass
And five hours after he said that extremely irresponsible "joke," Russia actually hacked Hillary's server.
Now Trump is saying to Russia, if you want to help me win again, I will work with you.
After all this time screaming about how there was "no collusion," Trump is now saying he will collude. Imagine if it was Obama doing this.

The notion that Russia had the capability to hack Hillary's server but waited for a a request from Trump to actually do the hacking is absolutely preposterous. If foreign intelligence agencies have the capability to gather intelligence from other countries, they simply gather the information. They do not wait for other countries to give permission.
The notion that Russia had the capability to hack Hillary's server but waited for a a request from Trump to actually do the hacking is absolutely preposterous. If foreign intelligence agencies have the capability to gather intelligence from other countries, they simply gather the information. They do not wait for other countries to give permission.

Julian assange said he got Hillary's emails from seth rich. this is why assange is fucked.
The notion that Russia had the capability to hack Hillary's server but waited for a a request from Trump to actually do the hacking is absolutely preposterous. If foreign intelligence agencies have the capability to gather intelligence from other countries, they simply gather the information. They do not wait for other countries to give permission.

Yeah, but when they get it, they go full bore. They do not have to be sneaky. Trump gave them permission. Fact is hours after Trump's plea, hacking went bigly.
So Crooked Hillary hired Steele to find Russian dirt and she did it through a cutout.

Tell me if everything she did was so "legal". Then why did the campaign deny it? Why did they go through Perkins Coie who then went through Fusion GPS? Why not hire Steele directly? If it was legal it shouldn't have been a problem.

The questions don't get any easier, so I will understand if you don't want to answer

Oh, you want proof that the Clinton campaign lied about paying for the Steele Dossier? OK bitch. Here is your proof. I hope the source isn't too right wing for you. I even copied and pasted some pull quotes to save you the trouble of having to read it all. I await your spin. I know you won't disappoint me


Earlier this year, Mr. Elias had denied that he had possessed the dossier before the election.


Brian Fallon, who served as a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, on Tuesday wrote on Twitter that he did not know that Mr. Steele had been working on behalf of the Clinton campaign before the election.

I can't get into the NYT article.

Elias is the Perkins Coie attorney. I notice his name is not Hillary Clinton. But, prove he's lying.

"It's important to note that the question raised at the time was if Marc had a 'dossier' before the election and put together pitches to media outlets on information in it. Neither of those statements were true," the source said. "What was eventually published as the 'dossier' by Buzzfeed wasn't in Marc's possession before the election, and like most people, he read it when it was published. While he was certainly familiar with some, but not all, of the information in it, from the research that was being done, he didn't have and hadn't seen the full document, nor was he involved in pitching it to reporters."


Prove that Brain Fallon was lying. I also notice his name is not Hillary Clinton.

Write Fusion, Perkins Coie, the DNC and the Clinton campaign with your stupid fucking questions as to why. I wasn't part of the campaign, idiot.

As usual, you fail miserably again.

Chronic loser. :rofl2: