What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information

Nope, illiterate dumfuck, she wasn't. How in the fuck you morons jump from simple English to your bizarre fantasies is beyond me. Merely your pathetic lack of reading comprehension.

You mean paid a company to do opposition research? Even you can't be that stupid.

Wait. Yes you are.


Paid a company to get Russian assistance
Paid a company to get Russian assistance

Paid a company who subcontracted with an expert in Russian affairs who had great contacts. There's no indication that Clinton knew that Fusion had hired Steele.

But, I'll spell it out for you again, you illiterate fucking moron.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


Let me know which of those simple English words befuddle you and I'll try to take it down to a third grade level.
Amazing isn’t it lol?

They start out attacking Trump for saying *he might* do something and the lefties spend the rest of the week defending what Hillary *actually did*.

Once again for you dense cocksuckers.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


Whether you stupid fucks want to admit it or not, Trump "actually" solicited information on national TV.

11 CFR 300.2

(m)To solicit. For the purposes of part 300, to solicit means to ask, request, or recommend, explicitly or implicitly, that another person make a contribution, donation, transfer of funds, or otherwise provide anything of value. A solicitation is an oral or written communication that, construed as reasonably understood in the context in which it is made, contains a clear message asking, requesting, or recommending that another person make a contribution, donation, transfer of funds, or otherwise provide anything of value. A solicitation may be made directly or indirectly. The context includes the conduct of persons involved in the communication. A solicitation does not include mere statements of political support or mere guidance as to the applicability of a particular law or regulation.
Yeah, publicly gave a shout-out for all the world to see. Same tired old sarcastic cartoon about Trump.
Hey!!! Russia!!!!!!!! Could you please find all those 35,000 Hillary emails please????????? :laugh:

Yes, and while you're at it Russia- And if you are still listening, could you please show us the film of those hookers peeing on Donald Trump?

"The Dems sent an English agent to Russia to find out what it could about Trump and Russian deals." !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Priceless! Thank-you for that admission. :palm:

HA Ha Do you know that he was merely an employee and England is not our foe? Are you actually unable to understand the difference? Russia was working for Russian advantage. What foreign nation got benefit from the Fusion oppo research. Are you really unable to get it? I worry about you/ This is not hard.
on political rivals last Wednesday and Trump directly asking Russia to find Clinton's Emails back in 2016?

Actually not much of a difference, except this time Trump is putting the request right out there, sending a public invitation to all his autocratic buddies, openly inviting foreign powers to interfere in our election for his behalf

And why not, Trump cares little for respecting historical institutions, he knows his GOP lackeys don't have the backbone to say anything, he's assured billy Barr ain't going to care, and he has a whole media network that will not only defend him but will quickly portray any effort to expose say North Korea's involvement as a witch hunt

The Democrats ought to immediately pass legislation making it illegal to accept any kind of assistance from any foreign nation in our elections and quickly forward it to Mitch, put the Senate invertebrates on the spot

The emoluments clause is in the constitution. That is exactly what it does. Trump does not care.
Paid a company who subcontracted with an expert in Russian affairs who had great contacts. There's no indication that Clinton knew that Fusion had hired Steele.

But, I'll spell it out for you again, you illiterate fucking moron.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


Let me know which of those simple English words befuddle you and I'll try to take it down to a third grade level.

So you are saying that Crooked Hillary paid millions to Perkins Coie who then hired Steele who then worked with RUSSIANS? And she didn't know anything about it?

What happened afterward is irrelevant unless you contend that the entire goal of Crooked Hillary was to pay millions to Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS to find information to GIVE to the FBI? Was the entire intent to find information to give to the FBI? Because if it wasn't that Steele did give it to the FBI is irrelevant.

What was the original intent of hiring Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS?

Oh and if it was so above board as you are trying to make it seem, why did Crooked Hillary deny it for soooooo long. You know, why did she LIE about it?

The questions don't get easier. But, I applaud your desperate attempts at spinning this.

As I said in APP, what Trump told Stepphy was brilliant. Set you leftists up big time. You are proving it with every single reply
So you are saying that Crooked Hillary paid millions to Perkins Coie who then hired Steele who then worked with RUSSIANS? And she didn't know anything about it?

What happened afterward is irrelevant unless you contend that the entire goal of Crooked Hillary was to pay millions to Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS to find information to GIVE to the FBI? Was the entire intent to find information to give to the FBI? Because if it wasn't that Steele did give it to the FBI is irrelevant.

What was the original intent of hiring Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS?

Oh and if it was so above board as you are trying to make it seem, why did Crooked Hillary deny it for soooooo long. You know, why did she LIE about it?

The questions don't get easier. But, I applaud your desperate attempts at spinning this.

As I said in APP, what Trump told Stepphy was brilliant. Set you leftists up big time. You are proving it with every single reply

You are off the reservation, get back in line. trump is walking the comment back so you should be too. Try to pay attention.
So you are saying that Crooked Hillary paid millions to Perkins Coie who then hired Steele who then worked with RUSSIANS? And she didn't know anything about it?

What happened afterward is irrelevant unless you contend that the entire goal of Crooked Hillary was to pay millions to Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS to find information to GIVE to the FBI? Was the entire intent to find information to give to the FBI? Because if it wasn't that Steele did give it to the FBI is irrelevant.

What was the original intent of hiring Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS?

Oh and if it was so above board as you are trying to make it seem, why did Crooked Hillary deny it for soooooo long. You know, why did she LIE about it?

The questions don't get easier. But, I applaud your desperate attempts at spinning this.

As I said in APP, what Trump told Stepphy was brilliant. Set you leftists up big time. You are proving it with every single reply

There’s better evidence of collusion between Hillary and Obama’s FBI than there ever was between Trump and Russia.
You are off the reservation, get back in line. trump is walking the comment back so you should be too. Try to pay attention.

I don't walk shit back. Even if Trump is walking it back. Mission accomplished. People are talking about Crooked Hillary conspiring with Russians. Something you leftists don't want to do.

Don't worry, AG Barr will explain it all to you soon enough
So you are saying that Crooked Hillary paid millions to Perkins Coie who then hired Steele who then worked with RUSSIANS? And she didn't know anything about it?

What happened afterward is irrelevant unless you contend that the entire goal of Crooked Hillary was to pay millions to Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS to find information to GIVE to the FBI? Was the entire intent to find information to give to the FBI? Because if it wasn't that Steele did give it to the FBI is irrelevant.

What was the original intent of hiring Perkins Coie to hire Steele to work with RUSSIANS?

Oh and if it was so above board as you are trying to make it seem, why did Crooked Hillary deny it for soooooo long. You know, why did she LIE about it?

The questions don't get easier. But, I applaud your desperate attempts at spinning this.

As I said in APP, what Trump told Stepphy was brilliant. Set you leftists up big time. You are proving it with every single reply

No, illiterate shitstain, I didn't say that. Try to reread what I ACTUALLY said, dumbfuck.

I said nothing of the sort that Hillary hired him to give information the the FBI. How in the fuck to you arrive at that conclusion? Oh, that's right. YOU'RE AN ILLITERATE MORON.

Steele was so alarmed at what he was finding, he took it upon himself to contact the FBI.

What was the original intent? :rofl2: Are you really that stupid. Oh wait, you are.

Tell me, what EXACTLY did she lie about? Be specific and provide proof.

You are the most illiterate dumbfuck on this form. No wonder you are a two time member of the Illiterate Dumfuck club.

Massive idiot. :rofl2:
I don't walk shit back. Even if Trump is walking it back. Mission accomplished. People are talking about Crooked Hillary conspiring with Russians. Something you leftists don't want to do.

Don't worry, AG Barr will explain it all to you soon enough

That's because what Hillary, the DNC, Fusion and Steele did was LEGAL.
