What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information

We all know why, don’t we?

Mueller said Donnie was to fucking stupid to be able to prove that he knew the law.


But I thought there was collusion lol.

You mean Donnie was unaware that there was collusion? How you could you and the despicable media hacks have gotten it so wrong and so badly, for so long?
on political rivals last Wednesday and Trump directly asking Russia to find Clinton's Emails back in 2016?

Actually not much of a difference, except this time Trump is putting the request right out there, sending a public invitation to all his autocratic buddies, openly inviting foreign powers to interfere in our election for his behalf

And why not, Trump cares little for respecting historical institutions, he knows his GOP lackeys don't have the backbone to say anything, he's assured billy Barr ain't going to care, and he has a whole media network that will not only defend him but will quickly portray any effort to expose say North Korea's involvement as a witch hunt

The Democrats ought to immediately pass legislation making it illegal to accept any kind of assistence from any foreign nation in our elections and quickly forward it to Mitch, put the Senate invertebrates on the spot


The problem you have is in understanding that "of value" is defined, linked to, and it does not include what you want it to include.

Dirt on your opponent has immense value. That's why campaigns aew willing to pay big bucks for it.

Want me to quote the FEC Chair again? She was responding directly to Trump's admission that he would listen to someone offering harmful information.

"Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election," she said in a statement."

Which words are you stumbling on? I'll try to get it to third grade level for you.
But I thought there was collusion lol.

You mean Donnie was unaware that there was collusion? How you could you and the despicable media hacks have gotten it so wrong and so badly, for so long?

hat part of this simple sentence do you fail to understand, dimwit?

Mueller said Donnie was to fucking stupid to be able to prove that he knew the law. ot this one?

Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election," she said in a statement

The words you are stumbling over, I can try to dumb it down for your third grade mentality.
Dirt on your opponent has immense value. That's why campaigns aew willing to pay big bucks for it.

Want me to quote the FEC Chair again? She was responding directly to Trump's admission that he would listen to someone offering harmful information.

"Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a US election," she said in a statement."

Which words are you stumbling on? I'll try to get it to third grade level for you.

Desperately trying to defend the indefensible, I bet you didn't realize you had so much in common with how you perceive your "enemy".

I have given you the definition, you simply apply a crowbar, try to make the square block fit in the round hole and hope everybody is too stupid to realize that your definition is different than the actual law. I've given you links to the definition and your only response is to repeat without even refining. The reality is, your wish doesn't make reality, and your assumption that it is somehow a contribution to hear words is beyond stupid.
Desperately trying to defend the indefensible, I bet you didn't realize you had so much in common with how you perceive your "enemy".

I have given you the definition, you simply apply a crowbar and hope we're too stupid to realize that your definition is different than the actual law. I've given you links to the definition and your only response is to repeat without even refining. The reality is, your wish doesn't make reality.

here ya go dumb fuck

Yet, not a single indictment came out of Meeting Gate lol.

I told you nitwits it was a Nothing Burger.

The only way one could have is if one of the stooges turned on the others, which given the character of the individuals present that wasn't going to happen, lying is more innate to them than honesty or morality
Desperately trying to defend the indefensible, I bet you didn't realize you had so much in common with how you perceive your "enemy".

I have given you the definition, you simply apply a crowbar, try to make the square block fit in the round hole and hope everybody is too stupid to realize that your definition is different than the actual law. I've given you links to the definition and your only response is to repeat without even refining. The reality is, your wish doesn't make reality, and your assumption that it is somehow a contribution to hear words is beyond stupid.

Not my reality, dumbfuck. I’m merely quoting the experts.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“
Not my reality, dumbfuck. I’m merely quoting the experts.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


“Let me make something 100% clear to the American public and anyone running for public office: It is illegal for any person to solicit, accept, or receive anything of value from a foreign national in connection with a U.S. election,“ wrote Ellen Weintraub, chairwoman of the FEC. “This is not a novel concept.“

Repeating what was proven to be wrong when presented with the actual definition in the law doesn't change that it was wrong. You can keep repeating it, but all you have left, even according to your own people in Congress is a hopeful belief that others will think there was "Obstruction", not "collusion". The experts, even those on your own side, disagree with you and this person.
The only way one could have is if one of the stooges turned on the others, which given the character of the individuals present that wasn't going to happen, lying is more innate to them than honesty or morality
how would lying change anything?
the meeting took place. it was under false pretenses ( the Russian lawyer really wanted to change the Maginsky act)
It was walked out on. there were no agreements on anything except "taking the meeting"

Unless you think there was some super secret agreement reached otherwise, the facts stand alone.

Honestly you have been reading too much Mueller!! there WAS NO COLLUSION ( conspiring )
how would lying change anything?
the meeting took place. it was under false pretenses ( the Russian lawyer really wanted to change the Maginsky act)
It was walked out on. there were no agreements on anything except "taking the meeting"

Unless you think there was some super secret agreement reached otherwise, the facts stand alone.

Honestly you have been reading too much Mueller!! there WAS NO COLLUSION ( conspiring )

It's like watching a little kid and their invisible friend. It's not really there, but they insist it really is. Some of them even set a place at the table for the magical creature.

Even Dems in Congress recognize this and "impeachment" is only based on obstruction, not collusion (conspiracy).
The problem you have is in understanding that "of value" is defined, linked to, and it does not include what you want it to include.
CFR mentions "anything of value" but then goes on to list money or fungible goods and services as a "anything of value"

DOMER has been preaching the same CRAP over and over even when it was explained that simple opposition research
( even paying for it like Hillary did) is not "anything of value" other then tangible goods

I even explained how free speech covers op research.

these people are argumentative without a purpose losers without an ability to digest information
other then the delusion crap they come up with
Fusion hired Steele. He turned in his info to the FBI.

Unlike Donnie, all legal, turdlicker.

“While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


So that was the goal from the get go? Hillary was investigating FOR the FBI?

Seems like odd political behavior.

Do you know of other political campaigns that have dine what Hillary did?
It's like watching a little kid and their invisible friend. It's not really there, but they insist it really is. Some of them even set a place at the table for the magical creature.

Even Dems in Congress recognize this and "impeachment" is only based on obstruction, not collusion (conspiracy).

Well Shifty Schaffer’s claims he has proof of collusion. He hasn’t shown it yet. But he has it
Not really. Post 97? No link, just a quote/paraphrase. I copied the entire text of your quote into Google and it came back with bupkes.

In other words, you have absolutely no proof that the Clinton campaign sought out, paid for, or otherwise solicited adverse info on Trump from a foreign source. None.

BTW, Trump is POTUS, not "Hillary."
good gawd almighty..you are not familiar with how the Steele dossier
was composed by Steele in exchange for money from Fusion GPS after being laundered thru law firm Perkins Coie ?

here is a WAPO article -is this an acceptable source?

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier
what SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED is the fact finding mission Barr authorized for Durham,and the pending IG report.

But no. Comey was a slime bucket who desperately wanted to keep"Russian collusion"alive to cover his butt
and to continue to dog Trump ( insurance policy)

If we had ad a blue ribbon type investigation instead of 4 political investigations
we could have wraped this up a year or more earlier
what SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED is the fact finding mission Barr authorized for Durham,and the pending IG report.

But no. Comey was a slime bucket who desperately wanted to keep"Russian collusion"alive to cover his butt
and to continue to dog Trump ( insurance policy)

If we had ad a blue ribbon type investigation instead of 4 political investigations
we could have wraped this up a year or more earlier

Why would they want that? Impeachment is a political tool, so are "investigations". They get to pretend that Trump didn't give them more access than most Presidents and the more they repeat it the more the troopers believe it regardless of evidence. Then when he's not convicted they'll pretend that it wasn't a political move so they can extend the "boost" they think they'll get.
what SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED is the fact finding mission Barr authorized for Durham,and the pending IG report.

But no. Comey was a slime bucket who desperately wanted to keep"Russian collusion"alive to cover his butt
and to continue to dog Trump ( insurance policy)

If we had ad a blue ribbon type investigation instead of 4 political investigations
we could have wraped this up a year or more earlier

Amen. :good4u:
Why would they want that? Impeachment is a political tool, so are "investigations". They get to pretend that Trump didn't give them more access than most Presidents and the more they repeat it the more the troopers believe it regardless of evidence. Then when he's not convicted they'll pretend that it wasn't a political move so they can extend the "boost" they think they'll get.
ya. in regards to Comey leaking to get the SC appointed; it's clear the entire earlier FBI counterintelligence investigation was bogus from the start.
Hopefully Durham or Horowitz get to the bottom of it.

Given the Russiaphobia ginned up by the Deep State Creeps and politicians like Harry Reid along with the bogus beginning to start with -"Russian collusion"" was in the cards