What is the difference between Trump saying he'd accept foreign information

Why ? .... because they paid for it ?

Once again, stupid fucking moron.

"While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”

but the fbi stood behind the known bad intel in front of a fisa judge, that's the illegal part.

overpaying for fiction isn't a crime, but swearing to it's veracity is.

Take it up with the FISA judge, crybaby.

Other than you RW dumbfucks, who is claiming the entire report is fiction?
Once again, stupid fucking moron.

"While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


So .... YES , because they paid for it !

You couldn’t be any more ..... DUMER !
So .... YES , because they paid for it !

You couldn’t be any more ..... DUMER !

Now, you're catching on, stupid shit. I'll quote the FEC Chief Counsel again. Why don't you write him with your illiterate questions? :rofl2:

"While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


Moron. :rofl2:
“Attorney General William Barr has appointed a top Connecticut prosecutor to look into the origins of the Russia probe.

US Attorney John Durham was tapped to determine if the government’s methods of collecting intelligence involving the 2016 Trump campaign were “lawful and appropriate,” the Associated Press reported, citing a source.

This appointment comes about a month after Barr told Congress he believed “spying did occur” against the Trump campaign, without providing details..”

Barr and Durham are a formidable team.
“Attorney General William Barr has appointed a top Connecticut prosecutor to look into the origins of the Russia probe.

US Attorney John Durham was tapped to determine if the government’s methods of collecting intelligence involving the 2016 Trump campaign were “lawful and appropriate,” the Associated Press reported, citing a source.

This appointment comes about a month after Barr told Congress he believed “spying did occur” against the Trump campaign, without providing details..”

Barr and Durham are a formidable team.

so what?
Once again, stupid fucking moron.

"While it is illegal to accept contributions from foreign nationals for political campaigns (as Trump suggested he would do), “paying a foreign national fair market value for opposition research is generally not illegal,” as former chief counsel for the Federal Election Commission Lawrence Noble told The Washington Post. “It is considered a commercial transaction, which is not a contribution.”


this not about campaign finance laws, its about knowingly presenting falsehoods to a judge. doy.
No, illiterate shitstain, I didn't say that. Try to reread what I ACTUALLY said, dumbfuck.

I said nothing of the sort that Hillary hired him to give information the the FBI. How in the fuck to you arrive at that conclusion? Oh, that's right. YOU'RE AN ILLITERATE MORON.

Steele was so alarmed at what he was finding, he took it upon himself to contact the FBI.

What was the original intent? :rofl2: Are you really that stupid. Oh wait, you are.

Tell me, what EXACTLY did she lie about? Be specific and provide proof.

You are the most illiterate dumbfuck on this form. No wonder you are a two time member of the Illiterate Dumfuck club.

Massive idiot. :rofl2:

So Crooked Hillary hired Steele to find Russian dirt and she did it through a cutout.

Tell me if everything she did was so "legal". Then why did the campaign deny it? Why did they go through Perkins Coie who then went through Fusion GPS? Why not hire Steele directly? If it was legal it shouldn't have been a problem.

The questions don't get any easier, so I will understand if you don't want to answer

Oh, you want proof that the Clinton campaign lied about paying for the Steele Dossier? OK bitch. Here is your proof. I hope the source isn't too right wing for you. I even copied and pasted some pull quotes to save you the trouble of having to read it all. I await your spin. I know you won't disappoint me


Earlier this year, Mr. Elias had denied that he had possessed the dossier before the election.


Brian Fallon, who served as a spokesman for the Clinton campaign, on Tuesday wrote on Twitter that he did not know that Mr. Steele had been working on behalf of the Clinton campaign before the election.